Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Sure I do. We’ve seen plenty of mass shootings and children dying. Somehow I think that’s worse than a “bad thing” but that’s just me. We are just going to have to wait and see what the details are about how she got the weapons. They may or may not have done a good background check. Don’t know that yet but I suspect it will be a hot topic. I mean either she was mentally ill and someone should have caught it before selling her a gun or there was nothing in her background to stop the sale. Or they didn’t look deep enough and that’s maybe a function of the law not being comprehensive enough. My last comment on the subject because it’s just too raw for me right now. It is too easy for people to get this type of weapon and something needs to be done on several fronts. Until it does, people ( and children) will keep dying needlessly. What that is, I don’t know.

What do you mean by "good background check?" When it comes to buying a gun everybody goes through the same background check. The gun dealer doesn't decide on what kind of background check is run.
This seems a sincere post and please do not take this response as an attack, it is not meant to be, but to engage with a realistic response.

With regards to Mental Health first, one side perceives the other as absolutely refusing to have an honest discussion about it. I will use myself as an example: in my opinion, the current fascination with gender identity being flexible, or whatever, and the drive by adults to push kids into "transitioning" and being butchered (yes, my very strong opinion is they are butchering young humans to satisfy some social whimsy). Someone who absolutely believes this is the way and not mental issues (possibly encouraged by media of all types) is going to be difficult to have an honest conversation with because they think the same thing about my belief! It is simply not a debatable topic from either side.

Those defending the 2A are absolutely dead-set on not giving any ground to people who think that way because ultimately the arbiter of who is mentally competent is going to be the government, which as a group votes overwhelmingly to the left, has a vested interest in being in control and has proven, through the covid experience, when government interest conflicts with common sense, government interest wins out (see: natural immunity, mask debacle, possibly Fauci's post-retirement stock portfolio). The defenders believe, and I think rightfully so, that a mental illness would necessarily be created that practically defines anyone who wants to own a gun as mentally ill, thus resulting in the elimination of guns and the ultimate control over the population. They just have to make sure the military and police will support the central government's edicts, which they are well on their way with the military with all this DEI horsesh*t and defund the police policies (yes, that was to send a message and in a generation, one will not recognize urban police forces as compared to five years ago I believe).

I agree there is a mental health problem. We as a society created it. But throw out removal of Judeo-Christian values from the schools as a possible factor and watch the attack. Say the Great Society programs pretty much destroyed black families and watch the defense of government programs. Both sides thought it was a good idea to make divorce easy, and as one who has, depending on mood, benefited from it, I freely admit I do not believe it should have been. It seems:

"Nous sommes dans un pot de chambre, et nous y serons emmerdés. " General Auguste-Alexandre Decrot, at the Battle of Sedan, 1870 (if one does not know, look it up, but suspect many on this board are familiar with the saying; it has to do with being in a chamber pot)
You aren’t wrong. There needs to be discussions between people that are level headed and willing to listen to the other side to get together and get the super ingrained politicians out.

There needs to be honest discussion about term limits for all politicians and prosecution for those taking money and bribes for votes.

Good post!
As is every school shooter. Which is why we shouldn't be focused on genitals so much as how to prevent psychopaths from legally buying firearms.

The problem is how do you identify psychopaths and even if someone is a psychopath how do you know they commit an evil act instead of just becoming a politician
Bullying? You mean like dudes that pretend to be chics that can’t accept they shouldn’t play women’s sports.

You must really think that’s common. I’ve taught many trans kids over the years and not a single one ever played a sport. One thing they had in common? Douchebags ragging on them constantly. The same douchebags that grow up complaining they’re being victimized because they can’t be douchebags anymore.
The problem is how do you identify psychopaths and even if someone is a psychopath how do you know they commit an evil act instead of just becoming a politician

That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
No shot in hell im paying. $100 to meet with some dork shrink. Id lose my guns in a boating accident between now and then.
Today is a sad day in the great state of Tennessee. The senseless loss of 3 children and 3 adults at Covenant in Nashville. I see a lot of posts trying to lay the blame on one side or another, maybe, just maybe, we need to have discussions from many different angles and try to come to a sensible solution that actually helps the dire situation we find ourselves in at this time. Here are things that I see that truly need to be addressed.

Mental Health - we have a crisis going on with mental health in this country. There needs to be an honest discussion within the medical industry to determine the root cause to this. Is it over medication? Is it what we watch and allow into our minds? How can it get better? With every new medicine handed out it seems that the mental state of humans is getting worse.

Gun Rights - the ease of access to weapons that cause maximized harm in the hands of the deranged really needs to be looked at. Honestly, I am a very pro- 2nd amendment person but we have to be willing to look at what is happening to our citizens and really fight to protect everyone no matter which side of the isle they are on.

Violence - We've seen a huge uptick in violence against race, religion, political affiliation, etc. We have to stop this onslaught and teach ourselves self control and genuine love for our fellow man. Much of this divisiveness is coming from...

Social Media - We as a human race are spending too much time on social media, we get into our echo chamber and allow hate for our fellow man to take us over. While there are certain aspects of social media that are decent and good, much of it thrives on destruction of self and of others. Each of the items listed above are AMPLIFIED AND ENCOURAGED by staying on social media too long. Social media has made our society a worse, more evil place, void of forgiveness, empathy (unless they believe exactly as you do) and concern for our fellow humans. We must disconnect ourselves from the digital world and connect to the earthly world, get out in nature, in order right our course for future generations. There is middle ground that we must achieve and it isn't coming from these platforms.

I am saying this as a Christian, husband, father son and brother, I want a great country for my children. My prayers go out to the families of those that have been murdered or harmed in this senseless tragedy. We need to understand that neither side is 100% right and that both sides have been wrong.

Great post.
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That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.

Lmfao you’re just a troll at this point. Annual psych evaluation?

Riddle me this Batman, if it’s such an issue that all gun owners should have mental evals annually, why is the white homicide rate on par with the overall rates in Canada and Europe given we have far, far greater access to guns

Edit: sorry, I’m doing 3 things at once here. To be fair you didn’t say annual, but still provided an absurd standard
Today is a sad day in the great state of Tennessee. The senseless loss of 3 children and 3 adults at Covenant in Nashville. I see a lot of posts trying to lay the blame on one side or another, maybe, just maybe, we need to have discussions from many different angles and try to come to a sensible solution that actually helps the dire situation we find ourselves in at this time. Here are things that I see that truly need to be addressed.

Mental Health - we have a crisis going on with mental health in this country. There needs to be an honest discussion within the medical industry to determine the root cause to this. Is it over medication? Is it what we watch and allow into our minds? How can it get better? With every new medicine handed out it seems that the mental state of humans is getting worse.

Gun Rights - the ease of access to weapons that cause maximized harm in the hands of the deranged really needs to be looked at. Honestly, I am a very pro- 2nd amendment person but we have to be willing to look at what is happening to our citizens and really fight to protect everyone no matter which side of the isle they are on.

Violence - We've seen a huge uptick in violence against race, religion, political affiliation, etc. We have to stop this onslaught and teach ourselves self control and genuine love for our fellow man. Much of this divisiveness is coming from...

Social Media - We as a human race are spending too much time on social media, we get into our echo chamber and allow hate for our fellow man to take us over. While there are certain aspects of social media that are decent and good, much of it thrives on destruction of self and of others. Each of the items listed above are AMPLIFIED AND ENCOURAGED by staying on social media too long. Social media has made our society a worse, more evil place, void of forgiveness, empathy (unless they believe exactly as you do) and concern for our fellow humans. We must disconnect ourselves from the digital world and connect to the earthly world, get out in nature, in order right our course for future generations. There is middle ground that we must achieve and it isn't coming from these platforms.

I am saying this as a Christian, husband, father son and brother, I want a great country for my children. My prayers go out to the families of those that have been murdered or harmed in this senseless tragedy. We need to understand that neither side is 100% right and that both sides have been wrong.
Mental health is an easy buzzword....... The real issue is kids arent taught how to handle disappointment anymore. When things dont go their way they scream and cry and throw fits instead of manning up and dealing with it. From what ive read this was sparked over the cancellation of drag shows in front of minors, just think of how stupid that is. Because someone else doesnt agree with what the shooter did, they took the lives of several innocent people. If you want to fix "mental health" fix the broke homes kids grow up in, ensure there are two parents in every home, fix the financial strain on families so they dont have to worry where their next meal is coming from. Teach kids the value of life again.
Im sorry, and I know this is going to ruffle feathers, but mental health is a buzzword people use to try and get out of the consequences of their actions.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.

You’re problem is that you see the problem as one of “gun owners”.
This is the answer in my opinion. Mass murderers almost always attack soft targets. They don't go attacking an armed target because their objective is far less likely to succeed.

Agree. That is why politicians have armed security and also why the politicians that do not support the 2A do not have "Gun Free Zone" signs in their front yard.
You must really think that’s common. I’ve taught many trans kids over the years and not a single one ever played a sport. One thing they had in common? Douchebags ragging on them constantly. The same douchebags that grow up complaining they’re being victimized because they can’t be douchebags anymore.

I think people should do what makes them happy while also realizing that their teachers that told them they could be anything and do anything they wanted were wrong. There are consequences for choices you make as well as things outside of your control that limit what you can do.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
You want law abiding gun owners compelled to sit down for cursory psych evals.
And in an environment where we are “monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting”.

Anything else?

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