Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I think people should do what makes them happy while also realizing that their teachers that told them they could be anything and do anything they wanted were wrong. There are consequences for choices you make as well as things outside of your control that limit what you can do.

You can be what you want but I’m going to do everything I can to make your life miserable because I don’t like it.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
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Again soft targets....
We can discuss gun culture and laws until we are all gone. Not everyone will follow laws.
Can we start with better security at all schools. An armed officer, public or private is definitely a deterrent.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
It should be free to licensed gun owners.
Mental health is an easy buzzword....... The real issue is kids arent taught how to handle disappointment anymore. When things dont go their way they scream and cry and throw fits instead of manning up and dealing with it. From what ive read this was sparked over the cancellation of drag shows in front of minors, just think of how stupid that is. Because someone else doesnt agree with what the shooter did, they took the lives of several innocent people. If you want to fix "mental health" fix the broke homes kids grow up in, ensure there are two parents in every home, fix the financial strain on families so they dont have to worry where their next meal is coming from. Teach kids the value of life again.
Im sorry, and I know this is going to ruffle feathers, but mental health is a buzzword people use to try and get out of the consequences of their actions.
I agree with some of your points, the nuclear family (father and mother) is vital to children. All studies show it.

Mental health is a major and real issue. If you can break a bone, why can you not have a broken brain? I thought the same until I saw it firsthand in my life. Started when my brother went through suicidal issues, when he was finally successful with his 4th attempt it mentally broke me and led to depression, bad thoughts, anger and violence. It has taken me 15 months to finally get a handle on my mental state. Unless you’ve been through it, it’s hard to understand.

I’ve really been getting into understanding the human brain and things that can go wrong with it. There are many factors and I believe they include but aren’t limited to the following:
-fathers that don’t care
-mothers that are so bad that they railroad good fathers from their kids lives
-Food allergies in processed foods that affect the brain chemical balance. Changing the diet can effect the brain.
-medical prescriptions - too often these are prescribed when exercise and diet will work. These lead to dependency on drugs that are hard to get off of without medical assistance. Then cause lasting effects.
-social media - echo chambers are the worst for taking mentally unstable people to think everyone on the other side is evil.
-the lack of silence - we need silence, rest and recovery. Get out in nature and away from phones and the internet.
Until 2012, Transgender people were diagnosed as having a mental disorder. The American Psychiatric Association caved and changed what had been scientific fact in order to appease the alphabet gang. In order for the murderer to have received the proper care she needed prior to this heinous act, Doctors would have had to correctly identify her mental illness. Telling her she is perfectly normal obviously didn't work. What sad and confusing times we live in.
Until 2012, Transgender people were diagnosed as having a mental disorder. The American Psychiatric Association caved and changed what had been scientific fact in order to appease the alphabet gang. In order for the murderer to have received the proper care she needed prior to this heinous act, Doctors would have had to correctly identify her mental illness. Telling her she is perfectly normal obviously didn't work. What sad and confusing times we live in.

These changes happen via some board/committee vote I would assume. I’d take a wild guess as to the members of said board/committee.
That's a double-edged sword. Simply blaming the "trans movement" ignores that society itself does not accept these people and makes them feel like misfits. It's the ostracizing that drives them to extremism. We live in a world where people ignore the simple idea of "live and let live". People should be allowed to live without ridicule. As long as they are not infringing upon the rights of others, they should be free to live as they choose. It's when the rights of others are infringed that laws are broken.

And they are free to live as they choose but they're not free to insist we call she a he, or a them. They're not free to sexualize and gender mind-fk PK-12 kids through the public school system; it's not a quorum for their nihilistic ideology. Nor free to use government to transition kids in a double-life at school, nor to have government coerce mental and physical transitions in ANY capacity.

It's when they do that laws are broken - or invalid laws created to set aside parents in these matters - that government nullifies it's own validity and ceases to be a body of law.
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Uniquely American issue.

What could be different about us?

A 2nd amendment that states government cannot leave you defenseless against said government or your fellow citizen. You might as well ask why religious persons - or just people with the biological acumen of a first-grader face hate-speech charges in other Western nations for observing scientific fact, while we do not.

What could be different about us? A constitutional republic that protects all rights by protecting those of the individual, perhaps?
I agree with some of your points, the nuclear family (father and mother) is vital to children. All studies show it.

Mental health is a major and real issue. If you can break a bone, why can you not have a broken brain? I thought the same until I saw it firsthand in my life. Started when my brother went through suicidal issues, when he was finally successful with his 4th attempt it mentally broke me and led to depression, bad thoughts, anger and violence. It has taken me 15 months to finally get a handle on my mental state. Unless you’ve been through it, it’s hard to understand.

I’ve really been getting into understanding the human brain and things that can go wrong with it. There are many factors and I believe they include but aren’t limited to the following:
-fathers that don’t care
-mothers that are so bad that they railroad good fathers from their kids lives
-Food allergies in processed foods that affect the brain chemical balance. Changing the diet can effect the brain.
-medical prescriptions - too often these are prescribed when exercise and diet will work. These lead to dependency on drugs that are hard to get off of without medical assistance. Then cause lasting effects.
-social media - echo chambers are the worst for taking mentally unstable people to think everyone on the other side is evil.
-the lack of silence - we need silence, rest and recovery. Get out in nature and away from phones and the internet.
I will agree with your points on the bottom. People in charge dont care about us little people, theyre just looking for the way to make the almighty dollar.
Now it’s coming out that the shooter has ‘high functioning autism’ .. I would assume that is also not something you see everyday, an autistic trans person who shoots up the school they went to as a little kid .. this is just growing more and more bizarre
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That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.

You’re out of your damn mind.
You got it backwards. They make their own life miserable by trying to force everyone else to participate in their delusions.

Yes, because it’s so hard and inconvenient for you to ignore them and not be an *******.
On that we agree. But I think in the meantime we should protect these obvious targets far more
And I agree with that, but not arming teachers. Top reasons why...
Where will the gun be kept? On the teacher? A group of HS kids could easily jump a teacher. In a safe in a separate room? What if the teacher can't leave the room to get to it? What if a kid breaks into the safe and steals it? It just doesn't make sense. Reason 3 is any teacher trying to kill a school shooter is likely going to be shot by the police because of said gun. These school shootings scenarios are shoot first, ask later. If you have a gun and you're not in a LEO uniform, you're likely getting shot in an active shooter situation. My last point is we are already trusting teachers with our kids education. Are we really willing to trust them with their lives? And education? For 45k a year? Teachers already deserve a raise. A teacher qualified to protect my child's life at all cost is worth at least 100k, no?

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