Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

The police properly did their job properly but it took 14 minutes for them to get there. If there are actively trained teachers or staff inside of the building the shooter is probably killed earlier or she doesn’t do it at all because of the possibility of her not being able to take anyone out in the school.

I think that goes to the priority placed upon school safety. Instead of calls for prohibition and fighting a constitutional right that requires constitutional convention and 2/3rds majority to kill that constitutional right, why hasn't one 'easy solution' prohibitionist called for the single thing that will reduce shootings and save lives: harden the ***** schools with armed guards. That's it. Nothing else is going to make a dent.

More gun control? We might as well pass a law prohibiting murder, but we already did.
I think most people already do ignore them in most instances. When it comes dudes competing with girls, mutilating kids, or tranny hour at the library I probably lean towards the actual rational side.

You’re confusing rationality with bigotry.
Several posters have pointed this out recently. Trump got the best of LG. It’s sad to watch his cognitive decay as his TDS worsens.

A psych exam every 3 years is necessary to exercise a constitutional right? Dude has lost it brother.
That'd take 2/3rds of all democrats out of the voting booth.

You know... He may be onto something.
You got it backwards. They make their own life miserable by trying to force everyone else to participate in their delusions.
This.. you can’t make people like you, you can’t change people’s religious beliefs (or lack there of) if they are not amenable.. the sooner that people don’t care what other people think, the sooner they would be much happier in general.. as my Dad told me ‘not everyone has to like you in life, and that’s okay’.. just live your life and don’t worry about the people who aren’t like you.. isn’t that what they tell all of the rest of us to do?
Absolutely true. But what happens after that? Every time this happens, people move on till the next time it happens. Then it’s more thoughts and prayers and nothing gets done. I can’t speak for anybody else but I am tired of all the excuses and wasted talk.

Thoughts and prayers are empathy for victims of tragedy, not a talisman that anyone waves to ward off tragedy; it's a vacuous talking point no one is making.
You can wait for a constitutional convention of 2/3rds of states to purge the 2ndA - and have this continue to happen - or you can become an advocate for hardening schools. That's the choice; anything else is excuses and wasted prohibitionist talk. You want to see who's serious? - people having that conversation.
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I think that goes to the priority placed upon school safety. Instead of calls for prohibition and fighting a constitutional right that requires constitutional convention and 2/3rds majority to kill that constitutional right, why hasn't one 'easy solution' prohibitionist called for the single thing that will reduce shootings and save lives: harden the ***** schools with armed guards. That's it. Nothing else is going to make a dent.

More gun control? We might as well pass a law prohibiting murder, but we already did.

Armed guards at every entrance. To every school. Public and private. Every grade level. In the entire country.

And I agree with that, but not arming teachers. Top reasons why...
Where will the gun be kept? On the teacher? A group of HS kids could easily jump a teacher. In a safe in a separate room? What if the teacher can't leave the room to get to it? What if a kid breaks into the safe and steals it? It just doesn't make sense. Reason 3 is any teacher trying to kill a school shooter is likely going to be shot by the police because of said gun. These school shootings scenarios are shoot first, ask later. If you have a gun and you're not in a LEO uniform, you're likely getting shot in an active shooter situation. My last point is we are already trusting teachers with our kids education. Are we really willing to trust them with their lives? And education? For 45k a year? Teachers already deserve a raise. A teacher qualified to protect my child's life at all cost is worth at least 100k, no?

How often do a group of high school kids jump a teacher? Seems you’re making up highly unlikely scenarios. High school kids are around armed people every day of their lives and I’ve never heard of one being jumped.

Breaks into a safe? Idk what kind of safe you’re buying, does the dollar store sell them?

Teachers have identification methods (school specific vests) so the “they’ll think the teacher is the shooter is another make believe scenario like your oceans 11 kids cracking a safe example.

If it were worth 100k, they’d make 100k. Teachers are well paid for their 9 months of work. But if schools wanted to pay the teachers who decided to carry more money, I’d be fine with that
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Several posters have pointed this out recently. Trump got the best of LG. It’s sad to watch his cognitive decay as his TDS worsens.

A psych exam every 3 years is necessary to exercise a constitutional right? Dude has lost it brother.
All free speech is protected, even the stupid speech 😂.. to quote my lawyer neighbor ‘I do not like or believe what you are saying, but I will fight with my last breath your right to say it’
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Armed guards at every entrance. To every school. Public and private. Every grade level. In the entire country.


You're proposing a totally unrealistic government program that would somehow enforce a psychiatric evaluation requirement for over 100 million gun owners (good luck identifying all of them). You definitely should not have the confidence to outright discount anybody else's proposed solutions.
Armed guards at every entrance. To every school. Public and private. Every grade level. In the entire country.


Okay, so there's one vote to pine for a 2/3rds constitutional convention while school shootings continue unabated. And a very selective and hyperbolic interpretation of 'hardening schools' to boot. Nice job!

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