Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Armed guards at every entrance. To every school. Public and private. Every grade level. In the entire country.


Not sure why they have to just stand at the entrance, but yes, I agree. Every school, like every home, should have firearms present
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You can’t force people to like or approve of things.. it’s just how it is

No, you’re not wrong. But decrying someone as having a mental illness because they live a lifestyle you disagree with and then voting in favor of policies to restrict their freedom over imaginary slights while at the same time talking about how the government should remain out of people’s lives is the height of irony.
Several posters have pointed this out recently. Trump got the best of LG. It’s sad to watch his cognitive decay as his TDS worsens.

A psych exam every 3 years is necessary to exercise a constitutional right? Dude has lost it brother.
Leave it to a liberal self-proclaimed attorney to advocate completely ignoring the Constitution. Lawgator must be trying to angle for a Biden appointment to the Supreme Court.
No, you’re not wrong. But decrying someone as having a mental illness because they live a lifestyle you disagree with and then voting in favor of policies to restrict their freedom over imaginary slights while at the same time talking about how the government should remain out of people’s lives is the height of irony.
I think you are reaching 😂 I like that the states get to decide these things.. that way if the general mores and values of the state are not appealing to you, then you can go someplace where they will be shared by others
The premise of your question is that transgender people are mentally ill and thereby more inclined to shoot up a school.

I can count on one finger the number of transgender people who shot up a school, a mall, or some other mass gathering. But its what, hundreds of straight people? -- who have shot up schools or malls or nightclubs, or what have you in just the last few years.
They’ve all been mentally ill….. statistically speaking there aren’t that many trannies
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.

Sort of a Biden's Youth, Biden's Blackshirts, or Biden's Red Guard.
I think the Marxist BLM and trans contingent is already on it.
We could levy a $100 speech tax on people like you and use proceeds to harden schools.
My theory is the shim specifically targeted two of the victims.
Ex-Officio Members
Katherine Koonce, Head of School
Chad Scruggs, Senior Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church (one of the little girls was his daughter)
You're proposing a totally unrealistic government program that would somehow enforce a psychiatric evaluation requirement for over 100 million gun owners (good luck identifying all of them). You definitely should not have the confidence to outright discount anybody else's proposed solutions.
Roughly 33 million psych evaluations per year.
Roughly 250 working days in a year for government employees. (Because you just know the only approved professionals for something like this will be government employees).

That’s only 132,000 evaluations each day. Add in the paperwork. The request for 2nd opinions and appeals etc. Expedited request. The list goes on.

A total sh*t show!!!
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Typically they just hold the gun to their own head. “Tell me I’m beautiful and brave, or I’ll kill myself!”

Although it’s not what’s literally said it’s what people are 100% implying when they falsely present to parents the idea that they can either “have a trans kid or a dead kid”
Right there. And the evil wretches will destroy any number of children necessary to fill the ranks, knowing most will overwhelmingly grow out of childhood insecurities if allowed to do so. That's the thing they can't allow.

I think that's the answer to a couple posters question earlier "gee, what's unique about this American problem?"

A: Trying to see around the answer while it's slapping you in the face, for an answer you prefer.
And they are free to live as they choose but they're not free to insist we call she a he, or a them. They're not free to sexualize and gender mind-fk PK-12 kids through the public school system; it's not a quorum for their nihilistic ideology. Nor free to use government to transition kids in a double-life at school, nor to have government coerce mental and physical transitions in ANY capacity.

It's when they do that laws are broken - or invalid laws created to set aside parents in these matters - that government nullifies it's own validity and ceases to be a body of law.
Did that rant make you feel better? It really had nothing to do with what I said. I made clear that no one can infringe upon the rights of another. That includes a trans person infringing upon the rights of others. And it has nothing to do with preferred pronouns or any of that other nonsense. You don't have to agree with a person, or their choices, to show them a modicum of respect. And when it becomes too much, just walk away. Nothing is gained by us constantly attacking each other. Be it in public or on message boards, when conversations become shouting matches, nothing is solved.
Nothing excuses what this person did. Nothing. But we need to identify these people and stop them before they get this far. We need to stop blaming guns and properly blaming the real cause, mental illness. And one of the truths in all of this is that most, if not all, of the perpetrators feel like outsiders that don't belong in society. They've been ostracized and bullied for one reason or another. It's an identifier to help us locate these people and provide them counsel before they snap.

I'm positive Garland is already working with church groups and national school boards to set up a domestic counter-terrorist operation to combat violent transupremacists.
I can hear Milley now "As a privileged, involuntary white supremacist who is spineless and might not actually be a man, I want to understand trans rage".

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