Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Does Gen Z have more mental health issues?


The younger generation has powered through a lot of upheaval in their short lives but it's taken a toll on their mental health. A new survey finds that an astounding 42 percent of those born between 1990 and 2010 – Gen Z – have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.Nov 9, 2022

I have to wonder how much big pharma has promoted mental illnesses? I wonder if there is a correlation between this and when pharmaceuticals were allowed to promote their products on TV.
That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
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That's why I'm open to a combo approach: more resources spent on monitoring social media to identify threats, promote people reporting when they have concerns someone is potentially violent, and place some burden on people to demonstrate they would be a responsible gun owner.

This last one I would personally like to see gun owners every 3 years having to meet with a psych professional for just even a cursory thing. Maybe it costs the gun owner $100 every three years. If it stopped just one of these it would easily be worth it.

How to enforce it I don't know. But I don't think it reasonable to put the onus on everyone else to have to spot violent people or to bear the consequences. Make the gun owner prove in some minimal way that they are not a concern.
$100 every 4 years to vote should be acceptable too.
Lmfao you’re just a troll at this point. Annual psych evaluation?

Riddle me this Batman, if it’s such an issue that all gun owners should have mental evals annually, why is the white homicide rate on par with the overall rates in Canada and Europe given we have far, far greater access to guns

Edit: sorry, I’m doing 3 things at once here. To be fair you didn’t say annual, but still provided an absurd standard
He can't get it through his head that people possessing illegal weapons won't bother with the laws.
There's quite a few posters in this thread I hope didn't see the 6:00 news on wsmv channel 4 Nashville (they wouldve been really triggered). The female anchor on site of the incident said "it was great to hear and see so many people offering thoughts, prayers and support". It's really sad and pathetic that people offering prayers are ridiculed by non-believers. There's nothing wrong or offensive by prayer unless you just want to be offended by something. I'm praying for all involved and affected by this tragic and senseless act🙏🏻.
Is that Ozempic?
It’s similar, I want to say different drug companies.. both sub q injections to improve glycemic levels I believe.. NP says should go down in price around Dec this year.. something expires on patent… it’s sort of the lazy way and also the expensive way, plus if you aren’t diabetic…. 😂
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BREAKING NEWS: Trans Nashville shooter is Seen firing through door of private Christian school before stalking corridors with rifle as she prepared to kill three kids and three school workers

  • Cops said Hale, born female, was transgender, although they didn't specify details, and 'resentment at having to attend the school' was a factor
Nashville police have released footage showing the moment a transgender 28-year-old shot down the door of a Christian school she attended as a child and began stalking the corridors, assault rifle in hand.

Hale can be seen arriving at the school and then shooting through the locked glass door, which shatters.

Wearing a red baseball cap worn backwards, a white t-shirt covered in a tactical vest, and combat trousers, Hale is caught on camera stalking the corridors. Her victims were killed at random, police said.


Audrey Hale can be seen stalking the corridors in footage released by Nashville police


Trans Nashville shooter is seen firing through door of private Christian school | Daily Mail Online
Did that rant make you feel better? It really had nothing to do with what I said. I made clear that no one can infringe upon the rights of another. That includes a trans person infringing upon the rights of others. And it has nothing to do with preferred pronouns or any of that other nonsense. You don't have to agree with a person, or their choices, to show them a modicum of respect. And when it becomes too much, just walk away. Nothing is gained by us constantly attacking each other. Be it in public or on message boards, when conversations become shouting matches, nothing is solved.

It's hardly a rant to point out your "live/let live...just walk away...modicum of respect" condensation of the militant movement within the trans community, is clueless.

It has nothing to do with ostracizing them or making them feel like misfits; they are misfits by their tiny aberrant population %. Even indulgent pretense will not change that; they will always know they are not what they psychologically wish to be. The modern trans movement - the militant, nihilistic contingent - seeks to impose their psychological abnormality upon society as normal, force us to lie about basic biology and rationale, and impose a Newspeak form of language control upon everyone else. It is force. If they are a minority of that community, then the damned majority had better start speaking up lest they get soiled with it.

These are not people you "walk away" from while they attempt to pillage the minds and bodies of your children, and force speech upon you, fascistically partnering with government to do it. Parent and non-parent alike are fighting against THAT, the leftist indoctrination and sexualization of their children, and twisting their undeveloped minds. That you don't seem to understand what the fight is about is the nonsense.
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“Chief Drake added that while there was no known history of mental illness, it was a lead that was being investigated.

He also said Hale had been considering targeting another location – which was not identified – but had apparently decided not to because of the level of security around it.”


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