Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

That’s general procedure. They have to presume that while yes, they killed the active shooter, there’s still some chance of a second shooter or accomplice until a certain point. (Though I presume in this case, there’s most likely not).
For Nashville Fire though? If so I've never noticed.
Extensive background checks + firearms safety course and test before being allowed to own a gun + raise age of purchase to 21 + registration of all firearms would be a good place to start.

This. Just do something, anything. If it prevents one shooting, one innocent death it was worth it. Im to the point of f the constitution. People weren't shooting up schools in 1776.
What is the issue with it? You own a gun and somebody uses it to maim or murder because you were careless with its storage then that should be on you.
Cool, we'll go there. How about restrictions on voting. Start with ID laws, in person voting only unless deployed military and no net zero tax payers get to vote in Federal elections.
This. Just do something, anything. If it prevents one shooting, one innocent death it was worth it. Im to the point of f the constitution. People weren't shooting up schools in 1776.
This is why we are where we are. Why don't you start with tobacco and alcohol use. Kills more kids under 18 than any gun.
you don't have the right to be so careless with your firearms as to allow your child or others to use them to kill third parties. There is some culpability there. Gun liability insurance is fairly inexpensive, as well.
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you don't have the right to be so careless with your firearms as to allow your child or others to use them to kill third parties. There is some culpability there. Gun liability insurance is fairly inexpensive, as well.
Voting ID, in person voting and no net zero tax voters is closer to free and doesn't target specific people.

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