Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

What is the issue with it? You own a gun and somebody uses it to maim or murder because you were careless with its storage then that should be on you.
If someone breaks into your home and steals your car and uses it to mow people down you aren't held responsible nor should you be. You think if someone breaks into your home and steals a gun then uses it you should be held responsible?

Talk about victimizing a victim.
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Which I realize is unconstitutional. But you asked my opinion of what we should do. Obviously will never happen
But the gun violence situation we find ourselves in rises to the level of overlooking the unconstitutional aspect of the proposal. That’s your opinion? Ok.
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This. Just do something, anything. If it prevents one shooting, one innocent death it was worth it. Im to the point of f the constitution. People weren't shooting up schools in 1776.

Hey, yeah f the constitution. Let’s revisit the 1st and the 4th while we’re at it, those are outdated too. They weren’t sending tweeting in 1776!
I know not the time for the debates but its actually everyone throwing their thoughts and prayers at all of it instead of trying to fix the problem. Prayers ain't it. Action is. If its your God punishing children for our "rejection" than its up to us to make it better.

Bring the asylums back.
Not again. Close the doors

There’s been some stories talking about schools magnetically sealing a building’s outer doors during the school day. My only concerns are what comes of that during a situation where the shooter is already insider…or god forbid a malfunction during a fire.
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