Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

As people become wealthier the difference between people who do nothing and those who work increases. Thus “income inequality”. “Income inequality” just means “not poor”. The left tries to champion countries like cuba for their lack of income inequality. If everyone earns nothing we are all equal

Sweden has one of the freest economies in the world. I thought the Nordic states were the peak example of left wing utopia?

The poverty rate was lower in the late 80s/early 90s before that deregulation than it is now. Making rich people richer isn't a solution to poverty which should be obvious.

Cuba has enormous income inequality, you're trying to mansplain the term to me but you're completely wrong about it
Would rather it be a rimfire in the hands of an idiot that knows as much about guns as most leftists do.

But in the end, that does not matter. A .22 rimfire will kill just as effectively; dead is dead. What I want is someone near the entry point when that idiot opened fire with the wherewithal to drop them dead as a freaking door nail with two to the torso and one to the head and then a coup de grace when they're down. Ought to be up to the discretion of the defender as to whether a perp survives the encounter or not.
Even a child of 9 or 10 could (as horrible as this is to contemplate) probably sustain multiple wounds from .22 lr rounds and survive as long as no vital organs were affected. Saying .22 rimfire will kill just as effectively is, well, wrong. Bullets aren’t magic that kill everything they touch.
Good lord man, you’re acting as if population density means they’re spread evenly across an area. There are people in highly dense areas (Toronto, Calgary, etc.) balanced out by large areas with few or no people. I can’t believe I have to explain this. And the UK to US comparison is more valid because it’s a roughly 5:1 ratio as opposed to a roughly THIRTY TO ONE ratio.

5x56 does not equal 331. A lot closer to 6:1. Meanwhile the entire EU has a 447m population, far closer to that of the US if we were actually trying to compare apples to apples. But you called that cherry picking earlier
5x56 does not equal 331. A lot closer to 6:1. Meanwhile the entire EU has a 447m population, far closer to that of the US if we were actually trying to compare apples to apples. But you called that cherry picking earlier
The UK is England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, not just England. And no I called “let’s take out our most violent demographic because if ifs and buts were candy and nuts…” cherry picking.
I’m all ears, wise one. What’s your solution?

End the war on drugs.
Find out what the trigger/root cause behind mass killings. It shouldn't be that hard to find what if anything the perpetrators have in common. Then work to fix that.

We don't have a gun problem, access was much easier 50 years, hell 30-40 years ago than it is today yet mass killings were almost unheard of so that means we have a people problem and not a gun problem.
I think it depends largely on your definition of mental illness. There are people here who would define homosexuality or transgender identity as in and of themselves mental illnesses. Or as character flaws, not consistent with natural sexual impulses. They seem to believe that people make a choice to be gay or transgender.

I happen to be in the camp that believes that the World has always had homosexuals and transgender-oriented people and that the main reason people on the far right are seeing it as a choice now is because more of that community are willing to acknowledge their sexuality these days.

And so it only appears that people are making the choice to be gay or transgender when in reality what they are choosing is to publicly acknowledge it.

Its hard to have a subsidiary debate with people about gun violence and how we stop it when we cannot agree on this precursor issue.
Mental illness as in the appropriate medical professionals definition and what their studies reflect.

Is it yes or no?

I suspect that many if not most of people who identify as trans have some degree of psychological identity issue. Some of those would likely qualify as mentally ill to varying degrees. The data backs this up.

I don't think being gay is a choice although for at least some portion I know it is, albeit a very small portion I'm told.

Using the argument there were always gay people isn't a exactly proud positive that it is or isn't psychological to some degree. It could just as easily be argued that there was always mental illness. I think you are correct that people are more comfortable than ever before. I also believe there are some very confused people who don't fit in anywhere who seek acceptance from other marginalized people. I think there are all kinds of catalysts and also sometimes things are just the way they are.
LIBBY EMMONS: The 'Trans Vengeance' Movement has led to a Series of Assaults and Now the Murder of Christian Children


A shooting at the Christian Covenant School in Nashville on Monday was carried out by a woman who identified as transgender. Dressed in a backward ball cap, camo pants, and a vest, Audrey Hale shot out the doors of the school and wandered around seemingly aimlessly looking for people to kill as the alarms blared.

A group called the Trans Resistance Network has taken some claim to the crime, saying that while they "do not claim to know the individual or have access to their inner thoughts and feelings," they "do know that life for transgender people is very difficult, and made more difficult in the preceding months by a virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation, and public callouts by Right Wing personalities and political figures for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society."

A Trans Day of Vengeance has been scheduled by Antifa and trans activists for April 1 at the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. The vengeance is being organized by Our Rights DC, which is part of the Antifa group Antifascist Action in partnership with the Trans Radical Action Network. Their goal is "stop trans genocide," despite the fact that there is no trans genocide.

LIBBY EMMONS: The ‘Trans Vengeance’ movement has led to a series of assaults and now the murder of Christian children
Even a child of 9 or 10 could (as horrible as this is to contemplate) probably sustain multiple wounds from .22 lr rounds and survive as long as no vital organs were affected. Saying .22 rimfire will kill just as effectively is, well, wrong. Bullets aren’t magic that kill everything they touch.

More people have been murdered with a .22 than any other caliber weapon.
The UK is England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, not just England. And no I called “let’s take out our most violent demographic because if ifs and buts were candy and nuts…” cherry picking.

Obviously if one demographic represents a massively disproportionate % of the problem we should remove that when trying to discuss guns. Especially if that demographic owns less guns.

If 54% of US homicides were by illegal immigrants would you say we have a gun problem or would you say we have a border control problem?
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Shouldn't this put to rest that these people are mentally ill?

Don't know. But I think mentally ill thing is mostly fake. Just like flopping in soccer and basketball. Yeah, there may be a few exceptions. However, shooters in general know what they're doing. They proceed to a site with a specific plan, then implement it. Then they, often the parents, the NRA & Co., and Republiars, and other enablers start citing mental illness.
The bottom line is, the folks referred to in the above, don't really want the killing to stop. Their creed is:
Holy State or Holy King--
Or wholly the People's Will--
Have no truck with the senseless thing.

Just Order the guns and kill!
Are you sure? Benelli is known for their shotguns. Didn't know they made deer rifles.
Yep, it’s what my husband uses to shoot ducks and deer lol.. that’s what he says it is.. his grandfather shoots gators believe it or not.. not sure what he uses.. my husband did bow hunt deer before we met, and I have to admit I found it pretty sexy lol
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And this is part of the problem with the looseness with which people are describing this:

1) Some people on the board are saying that transgender status is itself a mental illness (I am willing to wager these same people would say that homosexuality is, as well);

2) You just phrased it as a "high rate of mental illness associated with those that identified as LBTQ."

So is it merely the status of being gay or transgender that is mental illness, or is it "correlated" to that? I'm not even sure what you mean by "correlated." But in any event, you see the point, I think you should commit to your position, one way or another. Are you saying that homosexuality or transgender identity is itself a mental illness?

I find such desires or identities odd and cannot relate to them in any way. But I also don't know why people actually like seafood. I don't consider that a mental illness just because seafood makes my skin crawl.

Next, you make the leap of logic that if these folks are "mentally ill" in the form of sexual preference or identity, that has some bearing on their being violent. There is no basis for that. You just want it to be true.

And that last statement is because your comment that you don't want to demonize a group of people is a flat out lie by you. You absolutely DO want to demonize them. You aren't fooling anyone by claiming you don't.

Homosexuality is a same sex attraction. That attraction may be acted upon with homosexual actions. Neither is a mental illness per se but homosexual acts are certainly a sin according to Christianity (and for that matter, a number of other religions as well).

Transgenderism is believing you are another gender than you were born with. That IS a mental disorder.

To expand on that, Gays aren't crazy. I don't think a gun in the hand of a gay person is really any different than a hetrosexual person. However, a trans person is by definition mentally unstable and IMO unfit to carry a weapon.

If I went around saying I am Henry the Eighth, King of England and you must call me, your Royal Highness - people would rightly want me to get help from a psychiatric institution. Its because I am denying what is clear reality - and trying to drag you into that false reality by calling me by a title that is not accurate.

If I were to go around saying that I, a man, am attracted to other men, I would be a homosexual. If I acted upon it, I would be committing sinful acts. If, however, I said I was a 15 year old girl, I would simply be crazy.
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LIBBY EMMONS: The 'Trans Vengeance' Movement has led to a Series of Assaults and Now the Murder of Christian Children


A shooting at the Christian Covenant School in Nashville on Monday was carried out by a woman who identified as transgender. Dressed in a backward ball cap, camo pants, and a vest, Audrey Hale shot out the doors of the school and wandered around seemingly aimlessly looking for people to kill as the alarms blared.

A group called the Trans Resistance Network has taken some claim to the crime, saying that while they "do not claim to know the individual or have access to their inner thoughts and feelings," they "do know that life for transgender people is very difficult, and made more difficult in the preceding months by a virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation, and public callouts by Right Wing personalities and political figures for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society."

A Trans Day of Vengeance has been scheduled by Antifa and trans activists for April 1 at the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. The vengeance is being organized by Our Rights DC, which is part of the Antifa group Antifascist Action in partnership with the Trans Radical Action Network. Their goal is "stop trans genocide," despite the fact that there is no trans genocide.

LIBBY EMMONS: The ‘Trans Vengeance’ movement has led to a series of assaults and now the murder of Christian children

I posted an article on the association of transgender movement and Antifa years ago. It was an insight. I will see if I can find it.
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Every single time we have these shootings with weapons such as an AR, a group rises up and says 'just about everything is on the table' except for guns. For me, that doesn't even make sense. I'd like a solution that includes better controls while also ensuring that law abiding citizens without red flags (after passing a background check) are able to obtain guns (but not just any gun). And, I realize that is just one piece of a possible solution. Way better mental health care, and access to said care, could be even more important along with so many other issues. So now, can our country (and politicians) do anything that will be effective. We've had way more mass shootings in the last three years than in the last 10 or so years.
Homosexuality is a same sex attraction. That attraction may be acted upon with homosexual actions. Neither is a mental illness per se but certainly is a sin according to Christianity (and for that matter, a number of other religions as well).

Transgenderism is believing you are another gender than you were born with. That IS a mental disorder.

If I went around saying I am Henry the Eighth, King of England and you must call me, your Royal Highness - people would rightly want me to get help from a psychiatric institution. Its because I am denying what is clear reality.

If I were to go around saying that I, a man, am attracted to other men, I would be a homosexual. If I acted upon it, I would be committing sinful acts. If, however, I said I was a 15 year old girl, I would simply be crazy.
True. I noticed in some research how the Psychiatric orgs changed it from mental illness to a mental disorder. Not sure what differentiates the two.
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Even a child of 9 or 10 could (as horrible as this is to contemplate) probably sustain multiple wounds from .22 lr rounds and survive as long as no vital organs were affected. Saying .22 rimfire will kill just as effectively is, well, wrong. Bullets aren’t magic that kill everything they touch.
Yes, that is why I said I'd rather it be .22 rimfire in the hands of someone as ignorant of guns and ammunition as most anti-gunners are. No, .22 LR/L/S do not deliver anywhere near the energy of a centerfire cartridge, but at the range of being in school in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, it is just as effective. Lot of folks been killed with .22 rimfires and they actually be one of the top cartridges in terms in murders, but I am pulling that off the top of my head and could be completely wrong.

As someone else said, the problem is gun control nuts are so completely ignorant on the subject, their opposition just turns off listening to them. And you have been posting (to paraphrase) ARs! ARs! ARs! Like they're some kind of magic death dealing talisman. Pistols kill more people every year. BY FAR! Blount objects typically kill more people than rifles annually which includes the class of weapons labeled as ARs. Why is the AR special to the gun control freaks?

The problem is we have a society that is in trouble. I happen to believe that reporting mass shooting begets more mass shooting because of copycats. But no one is willing to stomp on the 1A when hey, "if it just saved one innocent life." FTR, I am against stomping on the 1A as well. Blood is a price we pay for the freedoms we have.
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Sweden Poverty Rate 1967-2023.

1987: 0.7%
1992: 1%
2018: 1.4%
2019: 0.9%

Sweden - At Risk of Poverty rate - 2023 Data 2024 Forecast 2005-2021 Historical

Record high for the "at risk of poverty" rate was in December 2019

Poverty Rate by Country 2023

Sweden 17% while Norway/Finland around 12%

You realize it was in the 90s when they had those economic reforms right? Not 1987 which you seem to be cherry picking. Also if you look at that trend line you’ll notice the rate is basically the same from the 80s to today with no major shifts other than the year to year slight changes that any data will show.

So your cherry picked .7 vs .9 in 2019 isn’t very impressive

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