Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School


Dr. Michael Dieckhaus is seen holding his baby daughters, named Eleanor and Evelyn. Evelyn Dieckhaus, who was nine, was one of six people shot and killed at Covenant School in Nashville

Nashville shooting victim's sister sobs at vigil | Daily Mail Online
It's really not all that important.

To summarize I asked you if you thought a higher rate of metal illness might also mean a higher rate of erratic and violent behavior.

This was around the time when prohibitions for firearms, "red flag " stops were being discussed.

I just found your response odd. It could be that there were multiple discussions going on. That and framing my argument, again possibly from crossing other discussions/responses.
Well one of the victims families from a mass shooting thinks it’ll accomplish educating people on what those guns do.

But if being enraged is a motivating favor to make changes then absolutely.
There are lot of dead people throughout history thanks to enraged ignorance.
To summarize I asked you if you thought a higher rate of metal illness might also mean a higher rate of erratic and violent behavior.

I think it depends largely on your definition of mental illness. There are people here who would define homosexuality or transgender identity as in and of themselves mental illnesses. Or as character flaws, not consistent with natural sexual impulses. They seem to believe that people make a choice to be gay or transgender.

I happen to be in the camp that believes that the World has always had homosexuals and transgender-oriented people and that the main reason people on the far right are seeing it as a choice now is because more of that community are willing to acknowledge their sexuality these days.

And so it only appears that people are making the choice to be gay or transgender when in reality what they are choosing is to publicly acknowledge it.

Its hard to have a subsidiary debate with people about gun violence and how we stop it when we cannot agree on this precursor issue.
There are 5 EU countries with homicide rates far above the rest of the bloc that skew the numbers, and Canada has gun laws that are closer to ours than they are to, say, Germany’s. Nice red herring with bringing race into it, though.
Canada's gun laws are no where near what laws are here. We are the only country in the world with something remotely resembling a 2A.
So many on the left blame crime on poverty. Yet I’ve not seen anyone of them say we should cut business regulations like Sweden to improve national economics. Maybe they don’t believe their own nonsense

Probably because Sweden's income inequality got significantly worse after they did that, but yes that'll end poverty
I'd like to see a draft of a red flag law that doesn't have the potential to impact innocent people who get "flagged" by their Karen neighbor for her feelings getting hurt.

Judges can do pretty much what they want. I have an employee going through a nasty divorce. The ex told a judge he'd threatened her. Presented no evidence. Judge granted a protective order. He had to give up his guns. The ex was just being vindictive.
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So it’s your belief a mass shooter can do just as much damage with a handgun as they can with an AR?

Let’s say someone breaks into your kids school and starts shooting. You want them to have an AR or a handgun?

Would rather it be a rimfire in the hands of an idiot that knows as much about guns as most leftists do.

But in the end, that does not matter. A .22 rimfire will kill just as effectively; dead is dead. What I want is someone near the entry point when that idiot opened fire with the wherewithal to drop them dead as a freaking door nail with two to the torso and one to the head and then a coup de grace when they're down. Ought to be up to the discretion of the defender as to whether a perp survives the encounter or not.
Probably because Sweden's income inequality got significantly worse after they did that, but yes that'll end poverty

As people become wealthier the difference between people who do nothing and those who work increases. Thus “income inequality”. “Income inequality” just means “not poor”. The left tries to champion countries like cuba for their lack of income inequality. If everyone earns nothing we are all equal

Sweden has one of the freest economies in the world. I thought the Nordic states were the peak example of left wing utopia?
That’s why we are looking at per capita numbers instead of total. To adjust for the population differences. So I’ll ask again. New Hampshire has half the homicide rate of Canada, about 8x the population density of canada, and far more permissive gun laws.

If the problem is guns, how do you explain that disparity?
It’s not just a size difference that can be accounted for by reducing things to a percentage. Proportionally it’s like comparing Blount County to the state of Utah. You cannot capture the differences between the two with references to density alone. New Hampshire has no major cities. Canada has Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and others. It has a lower density because New Hampshire is a very small state and Canada is the 2nd largest country on earth by land area. You cannot reasonably compare a rural state to an entire country that is a mixture of urban, rural, and large swathes of wilderness.

I’m assuming you’re just trying to win the argument and are doubling down even though you surely see what a ridiculous comparison this is. If so, try harder.
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Sister of 9-year-old Nashville shooting victim: ‘I don’t want to be an only child’

Nashville Christian school shooting victim Evelyn Dieckhaus’ older sister broke down in sobs as she mourned the 9-year-old on Monday, crying out that she doesn’t “want to be an only child.”

Evelyn’s sister, Eleanor, survived the rampage that killed her younger sibling and five others at the Covenant School, The Missourian reported.

Woodmont Christian Church senior minister Clay Stauffer emotionally recalled the fifth-graders heartbreak over her new reality at a vigil on Monday evening.

“‘I don’t want to be an only child,'” he quoted Eleanor as saying, according to The Tennessean.

“She and her older sister would stage plays in the backyard. She was just an absolute delight,” said the friend, who spoke to The Missourian but asked not to be named


A family friend remembered slain 9-year-old Evelyn Dieckhaus as “very creative.”

Sister of 9-year-old Nashville shooting victim: 'I don't want to be an only child'
It’s not just a size difference that can be accounted for by reducing things to a percentage. Proportionally it’s like comparing Blount County to the state of Utah. You cannot capture the differences between the two with references to density alone. New Hampshire has no major cities. Canada has Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and others. It has a lower density because New Hampshire is a very small state and Canada is the 2nd largest country on earth by land area. You cannot reasonably compare a rural state to an entire country that is a mixture of urban, rural, and large swathes of wilderness.

I’m assuming you’re just trying to win the argument and are doubling down even though you surely see what a ridiculous comparison this is. If so, try harder.

Then why would you compare England 56m to the US 331m?

Land doesn’t kill people. The fact that Canada has so much land is even more reason why New Hampshire shouldn’t have a lower homicide rate. Because canada has a muncher lower population density due to all that land.

What in your mind would be the fair comparison?
Sister of 9-year-old Nashville shooting victim: ‘I don’t want to be an only child’

Nashville Christian school shooting victim Evelyn Dieckhaus’ older sister broke down in sobs as she mourned the 9-year-old on Monday, crying out that she doesn’t “want to be an only child.”

Evelyn’s sister, Eleanor, survived the rampage that killed her younger sibling and five others at the Covenant School, The Missourian reported.

Woodmont Christian Church senior minister Clay Stauffer emotionally recalled the fifth-graders heartbreak over her new reality at a vigil on Monday evening.

“‘I don’t want to be an only child,'” he quoted Eleanor as saying, according to The Tennessean.

“She and her older sister would stage plays in the backyard. She was just an absolute delight,” said the friend, who spoke to The Missourian but asked not to be named


A family friend remembered slain 9-year-old Evelyn Dieckhaus as “very creative.”

Sister of 9-year-old Nashville shooting victim: 'I don't want to be an only child'
Absolutely gut wrenching. No family should have to experience this.
NBC freelance Reporter ripped for Linking Nashville shooting to Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire

A freelancer for NBC News was blasted over a since-deleted tweet in which he appears to link the mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville with the conservative media outlet the Daily Wire and its star commentators Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh.

Benjamin Ryan, a health and science reporter whose bylines also have appeared in the New York Times, Reuters, the Washington Post and other outlets, posted a tweet on Monday in the aftermath of the shooting that left six people dead, among them three children, at the Covenant School in Nashville.

The shooter, who was identified as transgender woman Audrey Elizabeth Hale, was killed by responding officers.

Ryan appears to imply in his tweet that Hale, a Nashville resident, was motivated to carry out the mass shooting due to the fact that the city is also where the Daily Wire is headquartered.

Ryan continued: “Nashville is home to the Daily Wire, a hub of anti-trans activity by @MattWalshBlog, @BenShapiro and @MichaelJKnowles.”

NBC reporter ripped for linking Nashville shooting to Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire
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Then why would you compare England 56m to the US 331m?

Land doesn’t kill people. The fact that Canada has so much land is even more reason why New Hampshire shouldn’t have a lower homicide rate. Because canada has a muncher lower population density due to all that land.

What in your mind would be the fair comparison?
Good lord man, you’re acting as if population density means they’re spread evenly across an area. There are people in highly dense areas (Toronto, Calgary, etc.) balanced out by large areas with few or no people. I can’t believe I have to explain this. And the UK to US comparison is more valid because it’s a roughly 5:1 ratio as opposed to a roughly THIRTY TO ONE ratio.
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