Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It is also worth determining if certain medical treatments could increase the probability of psychotic behavior or violence (say, androgenic hormones...) We have to ask questions to find solutions. Contrary to the past 3 years' suggestion, that's how science works.

Freaking Prednisone makes my wife a 400lb gorilla itching for a fight...and she weighs 120lbs worth of Sundayschool teacher under normal circumstances. As you know, Prednisone is just a super mild Anti-inflammatory steroid with no "masculine " muscle building properties.

If this chick was taking testosterone etc trying to become a poor substitute for a man...she would definitely be more aggressive and violent natured than she was without those hormones. FWIW I take testosterone injections myself every 2 weeks. Not enough to gain muscle mass and have to deal with crap like gynecomastia etc...just enough to replace the % that my body does not produce anymore due to my age. The literature I have read says men produce about 1% less testosterone every year starting at age 30. Even in small amounts, i have to make a conscious effort to not get frustrated or angry easily as opposed to when i was not taking test... I cannot imagine going from my body running on estrogen/progesterone? Etc...female hormones...then suddenly start taking male hormones that my body isnt used to, because honestly they simply do not belong in a females body. Got to make these girls way that it doesnt.

Who knew when you start trying to take a female with XX chromosomes and all the female biology to support that...and use drugs which are alien to their female bodies to try and turn them into males, that there would be serious side effects and problems? Never woulda seen that coming?
You realize it was in the 90s when they had those economic reforms right? Not 1987 which you seem to be cherry picking. Also if you look at that trend line you’ll notice the rate is basically the same from the 80s to today with no major shifts other than the year to year slight changes that any data will show.

So your cherry picked .7 vs .9 in 2019 isn’t very impressive

I said 1987 was before that deregulation. Your argument is that the rate is "basically the same" and so therefore these measures will get rid of poverty
And yet even those lines are up. Is your argument that it’s better if they were all equally poor? If every income level is up isn’t that good?

So you haven't noticed one group doing exceptionally well in the last 4 or so decades while the vast majority either had very modest gains or merely treaded water? As expenses have gone up exponentially? The country was the strongest when we had a broad, thriving middle class. If we end up with a country more on the lines of a few haves and a lot of have nots, that's not a good formula for a thriving country.
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And yet even those lines are up. Is your argument that it’s better if they were all equally poor? If every income level is up isn’t that good?

Would hope income is up since the early 90s when the U.S. minimum wage was around $4. Don't think that means people are "less poor" in a practical sense
Mental illness as in the appropriate medical professionals definition and what their studies reflect.

Is it yes or no?

I suspect that many if not most of people who identify as trans have some degree of psychological identity issue. Some of those would likely qualify as mentally ill to varying degrees. The data backs this up.

I don't think being gay is a choice although for at least some portion I know it is, albeit a very small portion I'm told.

Using the argument there were always gay people isn't a exactly proud positive that it is or isn't psychological to some degree. It could just as easily be argued that there was always mental illness. I think you are correct that people are more comfortable than ever before. I also believe there are some very confused people who don't fit in anywhere who seek acceptance from other marginalized people. I think there are all kinds of catalysts and also sometimes things are just the way they are.

I agree with you partially here: there are folks born that way. My readings on the subject indicated that a 10% number was thrown out for years, primarily by the gay/lesbian community. However, a summary of a study I read indicated the consensus was that among mammals including humans, the rate is really less than 5%.

Then last year a study comes out that almost 17% of teenage girls identify as lesbian (they're not, just identifying that way). If that is true, and frankly based on what I see and read I would not be surprised at all by that number, what exactly would you classify as a small portion? And how would you explain that, suddenly in a decade or so, have we started producing almost 1 in 6 lesbian females in the United States?

We are merely spewing opinions that won’t actually lead to any real political reform?

Well dang. That’s 14 years of my life I won’t get back. Y’all have a good one. It’s been fun.

Dude said I had a motive. Besides engaging in conversation and sharing my opinions, no motive on this message board
Obviously if one demographic represents a massively disproportionate % of the problem we should remove that when trying to discuss guns. Especially if that demographic owns less guns.

If 54% of US homicides were by illegal immigrants would you say we have a gun problem or would you say we have a border control problem?

It's easy to blame guns, but the root of the problem is a spiritual one. The anger and Hate that this Society has is due to a rejection of God and a postmodern philosophy that truth is relative
Dude said I had a motive. Besides engaging in conversation and sharing my opinions, no motive on this message board
That’s fair.

The village idiot admitted the other day that he intentionally posted here as a means to agitate everyone. Maybe the poster had you confused with his type.
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Yep, it’s what my husband uses to shoot ducks and deer lol.. that’s what he says it is.. his grandfather shoots gators believe it or not.. not sure what he uses.. my husband did bow hunt deer before we met, and I have to admit I found it pretty sexy lol

I have to say, I've never heard of anyone hunt ducks with a deer rifle before, but I suppose if you're a world record holding shooter, I suppose it's possible.
That’s fair.

The village idiot admitted the other day that he intentionally posted here as a means to agitate everyone. Maybe the poster had you confused with his type.

That's what we call a 'troll'. I detest them.
Which means we have a people problem and not a "style" of weapons problem. Fix the people.
I so wish it were that simple. There are quite a few issues to address (including issues with Gun laws). Can you still buy a weapon at a gun show without a background check? Can a relative still give someone a gun without a background check? How easy is it for me to get an 'assault rifle' if I want one (say in Tn.)?

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