Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I agree with you partially here: there are folks born that way. My readings on the subject indicated that a 10% number was thrown out for years, primarily by the gay/lesbian community. However, a summary of a study I read indicated the consensus was that among mammals including humans, the rate is really less than 5%.

Then last year a study comes out that almost 17% of teenage girls identify as lesbian (they're not, just identifying that way). If that is true, and frankly based on what I see and read I would not be surprised at all by that number, what exactly would you classify as a small portion? And how would you explain that, suddenly in a decade or so, have we started producing almost 1 in 6 lesbian females in the United States?

Fatherless homes would be a good contributor. Kids without a mom and dad present can easily get confused.
So you haven't noticed one group doing exceptionally well in the last 4 or so decades while the vast majority either had very modest gains or merely treaded water? As expenses have gone up exponentially? The country was the strongest when we had a broad, thriving middle class. If we end up with a country more on the lines of a few haves and a lot of have nots, that's not a good formula for a thriving country.

Our "poor" are the wealthiest and with the best standard of living of any poor people on earth.
I agree with you partially here: there are folks born that way. My readings on the subject indicated that a 10% number was thrown out for years, primarily by the gay/lesbian community. However, a summary of a study I read indicated the consensus was that among mammals including humans, the rate is really less than 5%.

Then last year a study comes out that almost 17% of teenage girls identify as lesbian (they're not, just identifying that way). If that is true, and frankly based on what I see and read I would not be surprised at all by that number, what exactly would you classify as a small portion? And how would you explain that, suddenly in a decade or so, have we started producing almost 1 in 6 lesbian females in the United States?
I'm really not sure as far as numbers. I think there is a lot of confusion here among people to be honest. Not for all but for some, (sorry to be vague again). I think we have over sexualized our young people and they have access to so much information and influence from disingenuous people monetizing their public persona and influence over young people. I think that's a large portion..... It's hip and cool.
Fatherless homes would be a good contributor. Kids without a mom and dad present can easily get confused.
Very good point. And along with that, access to affordable, quality childcare would likely be one helpful factor.
I said 1987 was before that deregulation. Your argument is that the rate is "basically the same" and so therefore these measures will get rid of poverty

It’s a problem of how it’s measured. Your own data you supplied earlier showed all income groups are better off today, did it not?
Would you use a pistol or rifle chambered in .22 lr as your primary home defense? Yes or no and why.

I have had multiple pistols and rifles chambered in .22LR along with a couple .22 magnum. It is my favorite caliber weapon in both pistol and rifle, the .22 is the ultimate survival weapon. If I still owned any firearms I would have both accessible along with a .20gu pump shotgun for home defense.
So you haven't noticed one group doing exceptionally well in the last 4 or so decades while the vast majority either had very modest gains or merely treaded water? As expenses have gone up exponentially? The country was the strongest when we had a broad, thriving middle class. If we end up with a country more on the lines of a few haves and a lot of have nots, that's not a good formula for a thriving country.

All income levels are better off today.
Would hope income is up since the early 90s when the U.S. minimum wage was around $4. Don't think that means people are "less poor" in a practical sense

I have a feeling those are inflation adjusted numbers ? If so any rise over time is huge and means peoples lives have improved
Very good point. And along with that, access to affordable, quality childcare would likely be one helpful factor.

I know it isn’t really feasible, but it is so nice if kids can stay at home at early ages and get raised by mom. I don’t criticize people that aren’t able to do this because I understand it is really difficult to make this work out for many people.
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