Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I so wish it were that simple. There are quite a few issues to address (including issues with Gun laws). Can you still buy a weapon at a gun show without a background check? Can a relative still give someone a gun without a background check? How easy is it for me to get an 'assault rifle' if I want one (say in Tn.)?

Yes, if you are buying from an individual and not a dealer and more and more gun shows are prohibiting individual sales. You never could buy a firearm from a dealer at a gun-show without a BGC.
You would need to fill out ATF form 4 and pay the $200 tax to purchase an assault rifle in TN.
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I have no idea, he took it last hunting trip and came back with ducks.. that’s all I know 😂
Great duck gun. There are better options for deer.

Also a side note. Does your husband know you are taking pictures of his gun and putting them on a message board.

I lost all my guns in a boating accident btw.
All income levels are better off today.
While most have seen modest gains, that doesn't take in to account large price increases (i.e. cost of a house in 1980 compared to today). In reality, in terms of available capital, most had more spending power in 1950.


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And yet even those lines are up. Is your argument that it’s better if they were all equally poor? If every income level is up isn’t that good?
I think there’s a good Margaret Thatcher vid on that. But I doubt he ascribes to the position.
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When you have cell phones and cable TV you are not poor.
That is he argument by certain groups that I note comes up again and again. When your not sure how your going to feed the family throughout the month or can't afford an apartment, your poor.
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While most have seen modest gains, that doesn't take in to account large price increases (i.e. cost of a house in 1980 compared to today). In reality, in terms of available capital, most had more spending power in 1950.

It does actually. When you look at data like this it’s adjusted for inflation. So any gain above baseline is really impressive. It means on average everything is cheaper for every economic group you just listed
That is he argument by certain groups that I note comes up again and again. When your not sure how your going to feed the family throughout the month or can't afford an apartment, your poor.

Except there just aren't that many people with that problem. It's amazing how they can find the money to buy cigarettes, booze, pay the cell phone and cable bill but not feed or house their kids. That my friend is poor by choice.
Do you think it’s reasonable to compare the state of New Hampshire, population 1.3 million, to the United Kingdom, population 67 million?

That's why sincere examination of violence first involves per capita rates of incidence, then societal factors and enforcement & judicial factors, and not just selectively gun laws or prevalence. One can't insist the latter is the overriding factor but then punt to population as a determinant when examples don't fit the narrative. Clearly population centers in any country have not just more aggregate violence, but higher rates as well.

Perhaps a more palatable comparison is Chicago where prohibitionists claim gun coming from 'outside' states are defeating restrictions. That's simply untrue; most Chicago crime guns originate in IL. So why aren't the adjacent states or even adjacent IL counties with higher gun availability and ownership, as violent? Clearly, the other factors I mention are the difference, and we could expect similarly disparate rates in Nashua vs small NH cities, suburbs and rural areas and that pattern repeated in the UK and most nations.

The U.S. experiences more violence than other Western nations generally, gun crime or not, and some regions more than others. That's the "why?" nut of the matter.
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It does actually. When you look at data like this it’s adjusted for inflation. So any gain above baseline is really impressive. It means on average everything is cheaper for every economic group you just listed
You and I live in different worlds. I'm doing fairly well but I've lived through quite a few decades and spending power is certainly down. Many charts will also show you that productivity had boomed in this country but the 'average worker' did not share in that boom.
You and I live in different worlds. I'm doing fairly well but I've lived through quite a few decades and spending power is certainly down. Many charts will also show you that productivity had boomed in this country but the 'average worker' did not share in that boom.

The average worker and lower income workers are all up over the long haul when adjusted for inflation. I can provide examples if you need but it’s a pretty well known fact that people live better today than in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s etc
How’s that cherry picking? If for example 54% of US homicides were illegal immigrants I wouldn’t say we have a homicide problem but a border control problem. We don’t have a homicide problem, we have a specific issue within black communities. That’s obvious right?

Black folks comprise 13.7% of the US population...and thats the legal folks that take the census. Probably closer to 10% in actuality...once the millions of hispanic illegals are factored in.

Black males aged 16 to 34 make up only 4 % (FOUR PERCENT) of the US population but commit over half the violent crimes to include murder, rape, armed robbery etc...I have seen 52% and 54% from the DOJ statistics etc. This is the inconvenient truth. Black folks who immigrate from sub saharan Africa commit almost ZERO violent crimes, and outperform whites, US blacks, even Indians and Asians in many cases when it comes to % who attain college degrees, per capita income, and staying out of the criminal justice system. Nigerian immigrants for example put white folks to shame in all the above metrics from what i have read.

Its clear that ones skintone has nothing to due with their success in life in the US...the black community just has a serious culture problem that involves glorifying "gangsta" rappers, drug dealers, and sadly has 70% of US black children raised in fatherless homes. The Dimwits have succeeded in completely destroying the black community and are well on their way to destroying everyone elses lives too. Yall keep voting Dimwit though...I am tired of this crap and ready for it to all come crashing down. Praying for tidal waves...

When the Newtown shootings happened (eerily similar minus the trans angle).. they called all the parents to come pick up the kids (Louisiana) because of fear of copycats.. and then the little kids (mine were in third grade) did drills where they hid under desks, and the teachers told them it was in case of ‘hunters’.. I think they were trying not to scare them as much.. that dude in the Newtown shootings was autistic as well? And the Aurora movie theater, and the Lafayette movie theater.. all soft targets, all people with autism

Part of the problem with this though is that these days, the idiots have determined that anybody who has any kind of learning disability, mental issues, etc is " on the autism spectrum." Its a garbage catch-all "Loother Continuum Special " writ large that somehow the medical and educational communities came up with. If you hit your head and get a concussion they will label you " on the spectrum"....dyslexic? "On the spectrum" actually autistic, with real challenges from an intellectual or behavioral standpoint? "On the autism spectrum"... it works about as well as Loothers Continuums do. Which is to say not at all...calling every kid that has any type of challenge "autistic" hurts the kids who actually ARE autistic in the same way that emo teenage girls claiming they are " OCD" just because something gets on their nerves hurts the perception of mentally ill folks who actually ARE OCD.

This world is so screwed. Every single day i read things that are so undeniably dead azz backwards and counterintuitive that it leaves me just shaking my head. The inmates are running this huge asylum....and these liberals are so far removed from reality and good sense that theres no path back to honesty, decency, or true compassion. We are screwed.
You mean my opinion? I have no motive to persuade anyone on a message board to enact change
You posted that to flame the situation. You have no solutions but infringe on my God given rights guaranteed in the constitution of the United Sates of America. I refuse to have a discussion with people that are 100% simple minded and ignorant. Also, enjoy that freedom of having and expressing that opinion. The 2nd amendment is what is protecting that right.
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Yep, it’s what my husband uses to shoot ducks and deer lol.. that’s what he says it is.. his grandfather shoots gators believe it or not.. not sure what he uses.. my husband did bow hunt deer before we met, and I have to admit I found it pretty sexy lol
If he shoots ducks and deer with it, it would not be a rifle. It's a shotgun and a dang good one at that.
You posted that to flame the situation. You have no solutions but infringe on my God given rights guaranteed in the constitution of the United Sates of America. I refuse to have a discussion with people that are 100% simple minded and ignorant. Also, enjoy that freedom of having and expressing that opinion. The 2nd amendment is what is protecting that right.

I posted my opinion on solutions actually. But go on about “muh rights”
The average worker and lower income workers are all up over the long haul when adjusted for inflation. I can provide examples if you need but it’s a pretty well known fact that people live better today than in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s etc

Interesting surveys on 'perceptions' about whether people in the world believe they are better off than 50 years ago.

In our country, Republicans are more likely to say 'better off'. And, I suppose that depends. I'm definitely better of in many ways due to access of computers/cell phones, etc. Thought, that clearly can go both ways. Social media can be a menace.

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