Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Black folks comprise 13.7% of the US population...and thats the legal folks that take the census. Probably closer to 10% in actuality...once the millions of hispanic illegals are factored in.

Black males aged 16 to 34 make up only 4 % (FOUR PERCENT) of the US population but commit over half the violent crimes to include murder, rape, armed robbery etc...I have seen 52% and 54% from the DOJ statistics etc. This is the inconvenient truth. Black folks who immigrate from sub saharan Africa commit almost ZERO violent crimes, and outperform whites, US blacks, even Indians and Asians in many cases when it comes to % who attain college degrees, per capita income, and staying out of the criminal justice system. Nigerian immigrants for example put white folks to shame in all the above metrics from what i have read.

Its clear that ones skintone has nothing to due with their success in life in the US...the black community just has a serious culture problem that involves glorifying "gangsta" rappers, drug dealers, and sadly has 70% of US black children raised in fatherless homes. The Dimwits have succeeded in completely destroying the black community and are well on their way to destroying everyone elses lives too. Yall keep voting Dimwit though...I am tired of this crap and ready for it to all come crashing down. Praying for tidal waves...

Part of the problem with this though is that these days, the idiots have determined that anybody who has any kind of learning disability, mental issues, etc is " on the autism spectrum." Its a garbage catch-all "Loother Continuum Special " writ large that somehow the medical and educational communities came up with. If you hit your head and get a concussion they will label you " on the spectrum"....dyslexic? "On the spectrum" actually autistic, with real challenges from an intellectual or behavioral standpoint? "On the autism spectrum"... it works about as well as Loothers Continuums do. Which is to say not at all...calling every kid that has any type of challenge "autistic" hurts the kids who actually ARE autistic in the same way that emo teenage girls claiming they are " OCD" just because something gets on their nerves hurts the perception of mentally ill folks who actually ARE OCD.

This world is so screwed. Every single day i read things that are so undeniably dead azz backwards and counterintuitive that it leaves me just shaking my head. The inmates are running this huge asylum....and these liberals are so far removed from reality and good sense that theres no path back to honesty, decency, or true compassion. We are screwed.
I think we all no longer talk to one another, we talk at each other, and that’s one of the main problems
Yes, that is why I said I'd rather it be .22 rimfire in the hands of someone as ignorant of guns and ammunition as most anti-gunners are. No, .22 LR/L/S do not deliver anywhere near the energy of a centerfire cartridge, but at the range of being in school in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, it is just as effective. Lot of folks been killed with .22 rimfires and they actually be one of the top cartridges in terms in murders, but I am pulling that off the top of my head and could be completely wrong.

As someone else said, the problem is gun control nuts are so completely ignorant on the subject, their opposition just turns off listening to them. And you have been posting (to paraphrase) ARs! ARs! ARs! Like their some kind of magic death dealing talisman. Pistols kill more people every year. BY FAR! Blount objects typically kill more people than rifles annually which includes the class of weapons labeled as ARs. Why are the AR special to the gun control freaks?

The problem is we have a society that is in trouble. I happen to believe that reporting mass shooting begets more mass shooting because of copycats. But no one is willing to stomp on the 1A when hey, "if it just saved one innocent life." FTR, I am against stomping on the 1A as well. Blood is a price we pay for the freedoms we have.
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.
You are dodging my question.

Are homosexuality or gender identity themselves mental illnesses?

Since a homosexual variant in heterosexually propagating species cannot sustain the species, they're a biological aberration and some form of psychological aberration.
People who think they're born in the wrong body are a psychological aberration.
People that want to have sex with pans are both.

(This science moment brought to you by NCFIsher.)
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I so wish it were that simple. There are quite a few issues to address (including issues with Gun laws). Can you still buy a weapon at a gun show without a background check? Can a relative still give someone a gun without a background check? How easy is it for me to get an 'assault rifle' if I want one (say in Tn.)?
Nearly impossible ($$$ tax stamp and very extensive/long background check/approval + pics and fingerprints)
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.

I have not grown up with guns my whole life but I'd like to learn more (go to the gun range). With that said, would it at least make sense to have a whole other level of stringent requirements if one were to want an Assault Rifle?
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.
Do you even know what “AR” means?

I’ll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with “assault.”
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.
That’s what my husband said she was a bad shot and probably just sprayed bullets everywhere like a dumba$$ and they just happened to hit people after she shot twenty times.. but they were also just saying on the radio that she was shooting from the second story window at the cops and their cars as they we’re entering and she got out of the way of the windows.. wouldn’t that take some training to be able to do that?
When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.

My brother has a home defense shotgun that has a (I think) 12 round magazine and he can buy a 30 round magazine for it. It might weigh 25 pounds with a 30 round magazine hanging off of it, but you can do a lot of damage with 30 rounds of 00 buckshot.
Do you even know what “AR” means?

I’ll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with “assault.”
That’s what my husband said she was a bad shot and probably just sprayed bullets everywhere like a dumba$$ and they just happened to hit people after she shot twenty times.. but they were also just saying on the radio that she was shooting from the second story window at the cops and their cars as they we’re entering and she got out of the way of the windows.. wouldn’t that take some training to be able to do that?
Ducking behind a window seems like common sense to me but who knows.
I have not grown up with guns my whole life but I'd like to learn more (go to the gun range). With that said, would it at least make sense to have a whole other level of stringent requirements if one were to want an Assault Rifle?
Guns that go pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew have had stringent requirements for decades.
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.

Your recollection is inaccurate.
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Interesting surveys on 'perceptions' about whether people in the world believe they are better off than 50 years ago.

In our country, Republicans are more likely to say 'better off'. And, I suppose that depends. I'm definitely better of in many ways due to access of computers/cell phones, etc. Thought, that clearly can go both ways. Social media can be a menace.

I feel you’re defaulting to “perception” because you realize you’ve lost the argument on reality.

Do we agree people in this decade are better off than 50 years ago?
I think we all no longer talk to one another, we talk at each other, and that’s one of the main problems

I agree, despite the fact I can't and won't claim to be an exception. When I first ventured in the Politics Forum, I did so with the intent to engage in real discussions on topics. After just being repeatedly mocked, insulted, being detoured into irrelevant areas, and so on, I gave up. And opted to be as notorious and annoying as my detractors, and here I am. They taught me so well, that shamefully, I find myself enjoying giving them what they gave me.

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