Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I have had multiple pistols and rifles chambered in .22LR along with a couple .22 magnum. It is my favorite caliber weapon in both pistol and rifle, the .22 is the ultimate survival weapon. If I still owned any firearms I would have both accessible along with a .20gu pump shotgun for home defense.
I remember those floods.
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I feel you’re defaulting to “perception” because you realize you’ve lost the argument on reality.

Do we agree people in this decade are better off than 50 years ago?

Just an interesting article on 'perceptions'. Whether we are better off? I don't give you that. Complex topic. I believe in many ways we were better off when one person could go to work and support the family as opposed to 'two income families today'. I believe we were better off when higher education was affordable, and on and on. I believe we are better off today largely due to technological advances.
I so wish it were that simple. There are quite a few issues to address (including issues with Gun laws). Can you still buy a weapon at a gun show without a background check? Can a relative still give someone a gun without a background check? How easy is it for me to get an 'assault rifle' if I want one (say in Tn.)?

Why are you arguing for more restrictions on guns when you don't even know the current laws?
I agree, despite the fact I can't and won't claim to be an exception. When I first ventured in the Politics Forum, I did so with the intent to engage in real discussions on topics. After just being repeatedly mocked, insulted, being detoured into irrelevant areas, and so on, I gave up. And opted to be as notorious and annoying as my detractors, and here I am. They taught me so well, that shamefully, I find myself enjoying giving them what they gave me.
Well, though we probably come at things from different angles, I can kind of see that
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Just an interesting article on 'perceptions'. Whether we are better off? I don't give you that. Complex topic. I believe in many ways we were better off when one person could go to work and support the family as opposed to 'two income families today'. I believe we were better off when higher education was affordable, and on and on. I believe we are better off today largely due to technological advances.

I’m not talking about families. I’m talking about the income of one person then vs today. Do we agree when you adjust for inflation the average person in all income brackets is better off today?
No, the shooting down part, being able to have any type of accuracy
Oh, I gotcha. I’m not sure what the school looks like, but it wouldn’t be hard to hit a car from 50 yards or so out. A moving target is one thing, but a car going 30 mph or less likely wouldn’t be that hard to hit.
I posted my opinion on solutions actually. But go on about “muh rights”
Your posts are typically too intelligent to do the "muh rights" nonsense post. If the last few years and all historical evidence don't show you Americans need to be armed, I don't know what to tell you.

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