Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Except there just aren't that many people with that problem. It's amazing how they can find the money to buy cigarettes, booze, pay the cell phone and cable bill but not feed or house their kids. That my friend is poor by choice.
And get tats all over. I don't mean a couple, I mean dozens. Each tat is a months rent here in W KY.

While Antifa members don’t fit a single category, they say many are millennials and many live on society’s fringes: undocumented immigrants, transgender people, low-wage workers, those who don’t conform to the traditional 9-to-5.

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Poor souls...pushed to the fringes of humanity, right where they want to be.
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She did not

I believe
Stringent requirements to own an assault riffle are already in place.

I believe you are underestimating the stringency of our gun laws when purchasing weapons.
What we know about Tennessee's gun laws after Nashville shooting

Of the weapons the shooter legally purchased (seven), did any of them have a capacity to fire at a rapid rate (high capacity ammo)? I still say we can both protect our constitutional right to own firearms while addressing loopholes and having better background checks, etc. No reason every time these things happen to say: 'nope, guns are off the table for conversation'.
Since a homosexual variant in heterosexually propagating species cannot sustain the species, they're a biological aberration and some form of psychological aberration.
People who think they're born in the wrong body are a psychological aberration.
People that want to have sex with pans are both.

(This science moment brought to you by NCFIsher.)
😂 I just don’t remember everyone being so confused when I was growing up.. sure there were some gay guys who came out high school college years, but that was about it.. nothing more extra than that 😂 non binary, pansexual cats or parakeets.. Now it’s like almost trendy.. about half of the kids at my kids high school they that they are somehow different or strange..statistics wise it’s just not likely.. it’s the cool thing to do
Homosexuality is a same sex attraction. That attraction may be acted upon with homosexual actions. Neither is a mental illness per se but homosexual acts are certainly a sin according to Christianity (and for that matter, a number of other religions as well).

As we are in the context of trying to restrict access to firearms to people with certain characteristics, I don't think once's religious beliefs is a valid basis to include or exclude.

Transgenderism is believing you are another gender than you were born with. That IS a mental disorder.

Its not that you are a different gender, its that you identify with the opposite gender. Its far more complicated than, as you said below, I am Henry the VIII.

To expand on that, Gays aren't crazy. I don't think a gun in the hand of a gay person is really any different than a hetrosexual person. However, a trans person is by definition mentally unstable and IMO unfit to carry a weapon.

The people that went into the Capitol on 1/6 showed a propensity to either actual violence, or to tolerate violence for a political cause. When they did that, IMO they showed far more we should be worried about than this inchoate fear of people who prefer to be the opposite sex. If anyone should not be allowed ot have guns, its the people that went into the Capitol or have posted things in support of Trump calling for death and destruction if he is indicted.

Those are a far better proxy for propensity to violence and should be disarmed first and foremost.

If I went around saying I am Henry the Eighth, King of England and you must call me, your Royal Highness - people would rightly want me to get help from a psychiatric institution. Its because I am denying what is clear reality - and trying to drag you into that false reality by calling me by a title that is not accurate.

The trans folks say that its not a false reality -- that they identify in another direction. I'm not saying they are right or wrong. I'm just not sure its a mental illness or that it means they might be violent.

If I were to go around saying that I, a man, am attracted to other men, I would be a homosexual. If I acted upon it, I would be committing sinful acts. If, however, I said I was a 15 year old girl, I would simply be crazy.

The Bible and what you consider under it a "sinful act" is no basis for deciding who should, or should not, have guns.
I believe

I believe you are underestimating the stringency of our gun laws when purchasing weapons.
What we know about Tennessee's gun laws after Nashville shooting

Of the weapons the shooter legally purchased (seven), did any of them have a capacity to fire at a rapid rate (high capacity ammo)? I still say we can both protect our constitutional right to own firearms while addressing loopholes and having better background checks, etc. No reason every time these things happen to say: 'nope, guns are off the table for conversation'.
At this point one has to ask WTF are you talking about?
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I’m not talking about families. I’m talking about the income of one person then vs today. Do we agree when you adjust for inflation the average person in all income brackets is better off today?
I do not seed that playing field, good sir.

"But despite the strong labor market, wage growth has lagged economists’ expectations. In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers."

For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades

My biggest issue is that while most have largely stagnated (real dollars), one group has done amazingly well. Only one group truly benefitted from our large productivity gains.
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I believe

I believe you are underestimating the stringency of our gun laws when purchasing weapons.
What we know about Tennessee's gun laws after Nashville shooting

Of the weapons the shooter legally purchased (seven), did any of them have a capacity to fire at a rapid rate (high capacity ammo)? I still say we can both protect our constitutional right to own firearms while addressing loopholes and having better background checks, etc. No reason every time these things happen to say: 'nope, guns are off the table for conversation'.

She purchased semi-automatic weapons. They were not assault rifles.

Educate yourself on the subject.
I do not seed that playing field, good sir.

"But despite the strong labor market, wage growth has lagged economists’ expectations. In fact, despite some ups and downs over the past several decades, today’s real average wage (that is, the wage after accounting for inflation) has about the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers."

For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades

My biggest issue is that while most have largely stagnated (real dollars), one group has done amazingly well. Only one group truly benefitted from our large productivity gains.

Stagnated isn’t the right word. They’ve increased. Is the increase massive? Not since 2002 but that’s not a massive time span either that their measuring. And any increase in real wages since their inflation adjusted means people are better off.

As far as the top 1% improving the most, that’s always how it’s going to work because the bottom 10% is going to be over represented with those in and out of jail, drug addicts, bipolar, etc. but any level of gain means even those people are better today
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I guess you forgot about the Republican congressional members that were shot a few years ago practicing for the annual congressional baseball game fundraiser?

Yeah, I forgot. I also think the NRA and other lobbyists bought Republiars probably need to experience the same types of attacks we are and with the same level of frequency before they even think about taking meaningful action.
Collin Rugg
This little girl tried saving her friends by pulling a fire alarm when she heard the Nashville shooter coming.

She was shot and killed.

Her name was Evelyn Dieckhaus.



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