Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

You're clearly correct. We don't tell a anorexic girl she's a tub of lard, but liberals are quick to encourage a little boy to permanently disfigure and maim himself.

Therein lies another sickness from folks on the left—it’s not good enough for them that this should be an adult’s decision, but they WANT TO ENCOURAGE/PUSH children to mutilate their bodies—oftentimes without parental consent! They’re effin’ sick and again, I couldn’t care less what they think of me for saying it.
😂 I just don’t remember everyone being so confused when I was growing up.. sure there were some gay guys who came out high school college years, but that was about it.. nothing more extra than that 😂 non binary, pansexual cats or parakeets.. Now it’s like almost trendy.. about half of the kids at my kids high school they that they are somehow different or strange..statistics wise it’s just not likely.. it’s the cool thing to do

I'd done some reading on the militant LGBTQXYZ movement infiltrating schools along with their BLM/CRT/DEI partners; it's the same anti-American/Western, Marxist groups over and over again. It's aim is to make it trendy and focus on kids showing any weaknesses including autistic or reduced capacity children, and form a peer-pressure point enforced by admin and leftist politicians. It is hardcore, disciplined recruitment and they mean to possess your children in mind and body.

They are being wildly successful and it is a national disgrace. I don't know how long decent people can remain peaceful.
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EXCLUSIVE: Nashville mass school shooter Audrey Hale was rejected by her Christian parents who 'couldn't accept' she was gay and trans - as cops reveal she also planned to shoot relatives

Twisted school shooter Audrey Hale was at odds with her devout Christian parents because they 'couldn't accept' she was gay and transgender, can exclusively reveal.

Church coordinator Norma, 61, and her husband Ronald, 64, refused to let Hale - who had recently adopted the name Aiden and used he/him pronouns - dress as a man in their home.

The 28-year-old loner would instead wait until she left their $700,000 Nashville property to change outfits, according to a well-placed source.

'You only see what you want to see. Their religion does not allow them to accept homosexuality,' the source told

'She was Audrey at home but when she left the house she changed clothes. They did know about it, they just didn't accept it.'

Police now say Hale planned to carry out more attacks - including against her own family.

There is still little known about how Hale transformed from a the 'sweet' girl described by neighbors, to a murderous shooter with two rifles and a handgun, who penned a killing manifesto and even drew a cartoon about how she planned to attack.


Pictured: Community members from the Brookdale Senior Living home lay flowers at the front entrance to Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale's parents 'couldn't accept' she was gay and trans | Daily Mail Online
😂 I just don’t remember everyone being so confused when I was growing up.. sure there were some gay guys who came out high school college years, but that was about it.. nothing more extra than that 😂 non binary, pansexual cats or parakeets.. Now it’s like almost trendy.. about half of the kids at my kids high school they that they are somehow different or strange..statistics wise it’s just not likely.. it’s the cool thing to do
This. Its an unintended consequence of participation trophy culture and how someone can "out special" another.
So I still don't know..was this a chick who that they were a guy? Or a guy who thought they were a girl? Is this an actual male lesbian?
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If they are driving there they could pay a special tax and get a chip that would increase the speed of the vehicle for 1 year. Would need to take a driving test to show safe driving at 80 mph.
Supplemental insurance + provide proof they have never exceeded 80 mph
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The way some members of the media (ABC for example) are attempting to blame republicans and Christian’s for their laws and rhetoric about trans is one of the grosser things I’ve seen.

Imagine if every time a white supremacist killed someone in this country we blamed hate crime laws and the media for their anti whites supremacist rhetoric
I’ve grown up around guns my whole life. They are not the mysterious, scary thing to me they are for many people. The reason I’ve harped on ARs so much is simple. The majority of mass shootings that I recall have been carried out with an AR variant. VA Tech is the notable exception.

It’s not hard to see how the AR is particularly well-suited to the purpose of these mass killers. High mag capacity, lightweight, relatively small, and very good stopping power for the size of the round. And again, no .22 lr is not “just as effective.” Not at any range. But to your point of “someone who knows what they’re doing,” who do you think is carrying out these shootings? Former SEALs? former LEOs? Guys who practice at the range every weekend? No, these are clowns who roll off the couch and go buy a bunch of guns. Someone like that who had to use a shotgun or a .308 rifle, even a semi-auto, would likely fall flat on their face. At the very least there would be fewer fatalities in a case like this. When you can put out 20 or 30 rounds (or even more) without reloading, it lowers the skill level necessary to do terrible damage considerably.

No, I do not think that former SEALS/etc are doing these killings. I was referring to anyone who basically knows more than the average person arguing for gun control. A Ruger 10/22 with thirty round mags and plenty of people are probably going to die. My point was the .22 will kill and dead is dead. And it has been pointed out that .22 rimfires kill more people than any other cartridge. I believe I had already said a centerfire cartridge will deliver far more energy than a rimfire, so yes, we know the wounds will highly likely be more serious.

Certainly do not agree with your assertions about using a shotgun or .308. Exactly how much skill is required to use a shotgun outside of bird hunting at point-blank range? Seen plenty of kids, by the way, use various gauge shotguns and centerfire rifles (mostly .30-30 when I grew up) without "falling flat on their face."

Sorry, but you are still coming across as the being against the AR boogeyman, while ignoring the fact that if those were magically removed from the face of the planet tomorrow, the sickos committing these crimes will switch to something else. The problem is the folks committing the crimes. I've even considered what happens if we do start guarding the schools and shooting these mad dogs at the entrance point? Do they change behavior? Shift to .30-06 or .270 Winchester in bolt action and taking 200 yard shots, scoot and run? Like the DC area shooter a couple of decades back? The problem is the people. Would you feel better if the moron got hold of 10lbs of Methyl Parathion and poisoned 200 at a time? Well thank God they weren't shot with an AR!
PICTURED: Hero schoolgirl, 9, who died trying to pull fire alarm to stop trans shooter opening fire on her friends - as family say they are 'completely broken' by her death

A schoolgirl who was shot and killed while trying to pull the fire alarm to stop a transgender shooter from opening fire on her classmates has been pictured for the first time.

Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, was one of the victims shot by Audrey Hale, 28, after she opened fire at the private Christian school on Monday.

Her family has described her as a 'shining light' and said that they are 'completely broken' by her death.

They added that she had been desperately trying to pull the fire alarm to get help when the shooting unfolded on Monday.


Tributes have flooded in for a second victim, Will Kinney, (pictured) who was shot and killed along with Hallie Scruggs, both 9, in the massacre


After shooting her dead, the officers approached Hale. Her weapons are clearly shown, along with what appears to be an armored vest


A police car which Audrey Hale fired upon from a second story window once she had blasted her way into The Covenant School in Nashville on Monday

PICTURED: Hero schoolgirl, 9, who died trying to pull fire alarm to stop trans shooter Audrey Hale | Daily Mail Online
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Stagnated isn’t the right word. They’ve increased. Is the increase massive? Not since 2002 but that’s not a massive time span either that their measuring. And any increase in real wages since their inflation adjusted means people are better off.

As far as the top 1% improving the most, that’s always how it’s going to work because the bottom 10% is going to be over represented with those in and out of jail, drug addicts, bipolar, etc. but any level of gain means even those people are better today

I will concede only one thing. You are on VOLNATION and thus you're a swell person in my book. And, I appreciate the rationale convo.

Now, "Millennials with a bachelor’s degree or more and a full-time job had median annual earnings valued at $56,000 in 2018, roughly equal to those of college-educated Generation X workers in 2001. But for Millennials with some college or less, annual earnings were lower than their counterparts in prior generations."

It's a complicated picture. I'll use a subjective analysis. I believe my father was better of in his generation than mine. Housing was more affordable, education was more affordable, healthcare was more affordable, and at least starting in the 70s, society was at least more stable here. This genertion? 9/11, COVID, Largest war in Europe since WWII, etc. Of course, glad I wasn't living in the 30's.
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This attack also shows the problem with hate crime data. It seems obvious this was a hate crime targeting Christians. Does anyone think we will see this attack in hate crime statistics?
If true, it should be included.
I'd done some reading on the militant LGBTQXYZ movement infiltrating schools along with their BLM/CRT/DEI partners; it's the same anti-American/Western, Marxist groups over and over again. It's aim is to make it trendy and focus on kids showing any weaknesses including autistic or reduced capacity children, and form a peer-pressure point enforced by admin and leftist politicians. It is hardcore, disciplined recruitment and they mean to possess your children in mind and body.

They are being wildly successful and it is a national disgrace. I don't know how long decent people can remain peaceful.
Well, my kids have their original parents together and no identity crises going on that I am aware of, I’m sure they are boring by today’s standards 😂
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I will concede only one thing. You are on VOLNATION and thus you're a swell person in my book. And, I appreciate the rationale convo.

Now, "Millennials with a bachelor’s degree or more and a full-time job had median annual earnings valued at $56,000 in 2018, roughly equal to those of college-educated Generation X workers in 2001. But for Millennials with some college or less, annual earnings were lower than their counterparts in prior generations."

It's a complicated picture. I'll use a subjective analysis. I believe my father was better of in his generation than mine. Housing was more affordable, education was more affordable, healthcare was more affordable, and at least starting in the 70s, society was at least more stable here. This genertion? 9/11, COVID, Largest war in Europe since WWII, etc. Of course, glad I wasn't living in the 30's.

Yes, more jobs require degrees. That’s not a shock and still doesn’t prove your point.

Society is more stable today than 1970. Homicide rates are far lower, we live longer, have access to better medicine, safer cars, earn more money, live in larger homes, etc. We are far, far better off

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