Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Trans activists slam 'radical religious schools' in response to Nashville mass shooting in which three 9-year-olds were killed

  • Eli Erlick said without evidence: 'It's clear the Nashville Covenant School is a right-wing institution in which Audrey Hale and many others were abused'
Two trans activists are demanding the end of the conservative 'love affair' with 'radical religious schools' in a response to the Nashville mass shooting, in which they appear to shift the blame away from twisted killer, Audrey Hale, 28.

Eli Erlick, who recently boasted about providing cross-sex hormones to children, posted a tweet with screen grabs to a story about false accusations of abuse at the Covenant Presbyterian Church of Nashville in 2013.

Erlick described the school, at which three nine-year-olds and three adults were gunned down by Hale, as 'a right-wing institution' - claiming without any evidence that the killer had 'been abused' with 'many others.'

Veronica 'Nikatine' Ripley, another trans activist, reposted the tweet and slammed 'conservatives love affair' with those institutions.

Trans activists slam 'radical religious schools' in response to Nashville mass shooting | Daily Mail Online
No, I do not think that former SEALS/etc are doing these killings. I was referring to anyone who basically knows more than the average person arguing for gun control. A Ruger 10/22 with thirty round mags and plenty of people are probably going to die. My point was the .22 will kill and dead is dead. And it has been pointed out that .22 rimfires kill more people than any other cartridge. I believe I had already said a centerfire cartridge will deliver far more energy than a rimfire, so yes, we know the wounds will highly likely be more serious.

Certainly do not agree with your assertions about using a shotgun or .308. Exactly how much skill is required to use a shotgun outside of bird hunting at point-blank range? Seen plenty of kids, by the way, use various gauge shotguns and centerfire rifles (mostly .30-30 when I grew up) without "falling flat on their face."

Sorry, but you are still coming across as the being against the AR boogeyman, while ignoring the fact that if those were magically removed from the face of the planet tomorrow, the sickos committing these crimes will switch to something else. The problem is the folks committing the crimes. I've even considered what happens if we do start guarding the schools and shooting these mad dogs at the entrance point? Do they change behavior? Shift to .30-06 or .270 Winchester in bolt action and taking 200 yard shots, scoot and run? Like the DC area shooter a couple of decades back? The problem is the people. Would you feel better if the moron got hold of 10lbs of Methyl Parathion and poisoned 200 at a time? Well thank God they weren't shot with an AR!
Someone walks in a school/place of worship/what have you with a 10/22 and aftermarket mag. You could have 10 or 20 people wounded, possibly more if the shooter can manage to switch mags. Of those wounded, a large number are going to survive. Same person walks in with a Remington 870, they’re going to do terrible damage to 8 people. A large proportion of those will be lethal. Same person walks in with a Bushmaster and two mags taped together and they could kill 20 or 30, maybe more. It’s just a different level of devastation from most other platforms. Possibly a mini-14 could do similar but I don’t know of a case where that’s happened.
I've had duck cooked several different ways and just can't develop a taste for it.
Even in wine? My husband smothers in garlic, onions, green peppers, wine.. I like the mineral-y taste lol.. the little teal are my fave.. just don’t bite down on buck shot 😂
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Someone walks in a school/place of worship/what have you with a 10/22 and aftermarket mag. You could have 10 or 20 people wounded, possibly more if the shooter can manage to switch mags. Of those wounded, a large number are going to survive. Same person walks in with a Remington 870, they’re going to do terrible damage to 8 people. A large proportion of those will be lethal. Same person walks in with a Bushmaster and two mags taped together and they could kill 20 or 30, maybe more. It’s just a different level of devastation from most other platforms. Possibly a mini-14 could do similar but I don’t know of a case where that’s happened.

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I believe

I believe you are underestimating the stringency of our gun laws when purchasing weapons.
What we know about Tennessee's gun laws after Nashville shooting

Of the weapons the shooter legally purchased (seven), did any of them have a capacity to fire at a rapid rate (high capacity ammo)? I still say we can both protect our constitutional right to own firearms while addressing loopholes and having better background checks, etc. No reason every time these things happen to say: 'nope, guns are off the table for conversation'.
Change the constitution. That's the way. Good luck.
As far as the top 1% improving the most, that’s always how it’s going to work because the bottom 10% is going to be over represented with those in and out of jail, drug addicts, bipolar, etc. but any level of gain means even those people are better today
Sorry to stray off the course of this particular thread, but that isn't the real reason that the 1% improved the most. The 1% will ALWAYS improve the most because they are investing almost all of their accumulated wealth. Therefore, they earn a financial return on almost all of their accumulated wealth. The bottom 10% has no wealth to be invested. They're just struggling to get by.
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Do you have to fill out a 4473 when purchasing from an individual or at a gun show?

People reselling items including guns are now going to have the IRS breathing down their necks. Can the rest of the feds be far behind? Wonder how the IRS is going to keep up with a guy selling a gun from the back of a car, and even more interesting is the issue of how the "reseller" got his hands on the gun in the first place ... to establish profit of course.

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