Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Someone walks in a school/place of worship/what have you with a 10/22 and aftermarket mag. You could have 10 or 20 people wounded, possibly more if the shooter can manage to switch mags. Of those wounded, a large number are going to survive. Same person walks in with a Remington 870, they’re going to do terrible damage to 8 people. A large proportion of those will be lethal. Same person walks in with a Bushmaster and two mags taped together and they could kill 20 or 30, maybe more. It’s just a different level of devastation from most other platforms. Possibly a mini-14 could do similar but I don’t know of a case where that’s happened.
7.62--Las Vegas 67 dead if I remember correctly. The min 14 or Ak rounds are more lethal and sometimes will go on thru and get two people. Or you could just use a can of gasoline like in 1990 New York 87 dead or a bomb --Oklahoma City 168 dead or camp stove fluid--San Juan 97 dead. The point is all the politicians want to squawk about the headline grabbers and vote grabbing. It is not about the HOW BUT THE WHY. DO something sensible and make mental health care available to all and launch a constant campaign to get rid of the stigmatism of mental health issues. IT is like a broken bone--it needs attention.
It's not up for interpretation. The 2A is pretty dang clear.

If only it were so: "The debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment has focused
primarily on a first-order question: does the amendment protect an individual
right to bear arms or a collective right of states to maintain militias free from
federal interference? At least since the 1939 Supreme Court decision in United
States v. Miller, the federal courts have tended to read the Second Amendment
in accordance with the collective rights approach.2 In recent years, however,
the individual rights view—which claims that the amendment guarantees
individuals the “right to possess firearms for personal self-defense and the
defense of others”3—has gained considerable support among academics and
courts alike. While far from fully displacing the collective rights view, the
individual rights approach to the Second Am..."

Does the second amendment give individuals the right to bear 'any arms' without regulations? Questions such as these are continuously debated.
Which, of course, is up for interpretation. With the Current Supreme Court, you may be right. "Meaning of the right to bear arms..."
Look at what the people who created the constitution said at the time. If you do, then there is zero doubt, that they intended on the general population being able to arm themselves. And that right shall not be infringed. Their intent is pretty obvious. Realizing times change, but simple majority rule is dangerous as hell, they provided a mechanism to change everything they wrote. Pretty smart!
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Red Flag every last one of these fuggers that post pictures and demands and scrub their homes, businesses and social media like there is no tomorrow.
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7.62--Las Vegas 67 dead if I remember correctly. The min 14 or Ak rounds are more lethal and sometimes will go on thru and get two people. Or you could just use a can of gasoline like in 1990 New York 87 dead or a bomb --Oklahoma City 168 dead or camp stove fluid--San Juan 97 dead. The point is all the politicians want to squawk about the headline grabbers and vote grabbing. It is not about the HOW BUT THE WHY. DO something sensible and make mental health care available to all and launch a constant campaign to get rid of the stigmatism of mental health issues. IT is like a broken bone--it needs attention.
Didn’t know 7.62 was used in Vegas. What kind of rifle did he have chambered in that? And don’t Mini-14’s use .223/5.56?

As far as bombs go, there must be some reason these people are opting for guns instead.
If only it were so: "The debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment has focused
primarily on a first-order question: does the amendment protect an individual
right to bear arms or a collective right of states to maintain militias free from
federal interference? At least since the 1939 Supreme Court decision in United
States v. Miller, the federal courts have tended to read the Second Amendment
in accordance with the collective rights approach.2 In recent years, however,
the individual rights view—which claims that the amendment guarantees
individuals the “right to possess firearms for personal self-defense and the
defense of others”3—has gained considerable support among academics and
courts alike. While far from fully displacing the collective rights view, the
individual rights approach to the Second Am..."

Does the second amendment give individuals the right to bear 'any arms' without regulations? Questions such as these are continuously debated.

SCOTUS has gotten plenty wrong through the years but the 2 A is absolutely clear and concise. It clearly states that having a well regulated militia and the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. Comas are important.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
So your interpretation is that 'shall not be infringed' means there will be no regulations? No limits to the type and lethality of weapon? Search up scholarly articles on the topic and you won't find that so clear cut.

Let me guess, you believe that they only meant hunting rifles and for home defense? Not arms that the military would use?

If you have to wear skimasks in 80 degree weather to cover up every square inch of your hide your identity...then whatever the Hell you're doing is clearly reprehensible. I dont care which side of this garbage 2 party system you fall on.

If you are too ashamed to show your damn face when doing something....then you SHOULD NOT BE DOING THAT.

It really is that simple. Clan meeting? Garbage. Antifa domestic terrorism? Garbage. Bank robbers? Garbage. Embedded FBI agents, antifa losers etc that encouraged AND participated in the very few violent acts which took place on jan6th??? Garbage. Far right losers who wear masks etc because they know their hateful words and actions would DESTROY their lives and reputations if their identity was known??? Garbage.

Its waaay past time to take out the trash, too. I wholeheartedly
support the right to bear arms legally as laid out in the Constitution and honed in each individual state.

Do i believe we should have the right to assemble as a militia in public armed to the teeth and completely disguised from head to toe in an attempt to remain anonymous OR to avoid prosecution and arrest for ones crimes committed while in disguise???

Hell no I do not.
So your interpretation is that 'shall not be infringed' means there will be no regulations? No limits to the type and lethality of weapon? Search up scholarly articles on the topic and you won't find that so clear cut.
You’re right. If it were the case that those rights couldn’t be curtailed at all, full auto weapons wouldn’t be restricted.
Didn’t know 7.62 was used in Vegas. What kind of rifle did he have chambered in that? And don’t Mini-14’s use .223/5.56?

As far as bombs go, there must be some reason these people are opting for guns instead.

AR style weapons can be chambered in numerous different calibers including 7.62. IDK what rifle he used.
...only at Costco these days.
I do enjoy the occasional home cooked rotisserie chicken as well as a beer can chicken from the smoker. Individual birds are still fairly cheap, but yeah they are still more than almost any store bought bird, especially Costco.
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Didn’t know 7.62 was used in Vegas. What kind of rifle did he have chambered in that? And don’t Mini-14’s use .223/5.56?

As far as bombs go, there must be some reason these people are opting for guns instead.
Didn’t know 7.62 was used in Vegas. What kind of rifle did he have chambered in that? And don’t Mini-14’s use .223/5.56?

As far as bombs go, there must be some reason these people are opting for guns instead.
Mini-14 comes in different calibers, you can also buy an AR-15 style weapon in 7.62. Silhouettes do not determine caliber. People need to focus on the why--the how can happen in too many different ways. AR-15 rifles have been available to the general public since the late 60's. The mass killings did not really start getting cranked up till the 90's. You need to ask yourself what the hell happened to society in that time frame. The answer is too unpopular for a politician to dive into it.
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