Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I’m pretty sure - though not certain - that they might all show up in these kinds of emergencies, don’t they? Either way, Nashville Fire would have been the first on the scene: Nashville Fire Station 20 is literally at the bottom of the hill leading up to the elementary school.

Highly doubtful they even entered the area until police cleared it.
I’m pretty sure - though not certain - that they might all show up in these kinds of emergencies, don’t they? Either way, Nashville Fire would have been the first on the scene: Nashville Fire Station 20 is literally at the bottom of the hill leading up to the elementary school.
A spokesperson or public information officer though?

I've never seen any of them wearing a vest before.
This. Just do something, anything. If it prevents one shooting, one innocent death it was worth it. Im to the point of f the constitution. People weren't shooting up schools in 1776.

Do you apply this idiotic logic with everything else? Alcohol kills people, so “if it saves just one life” ban it. Movies and music can inspire people to commit violent crimes, so “if it saves just one” let’s ban it.
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are being used to cyber bully, which has resulted in many children committing suicide. “If it saves just one”, ban it. Cell phones have caused the deaths of many people due to use while driving, so “if it saves just one life” we should ban them.
Do you apply this idiotic logic with everything else? Alcohol kills people, so “if it saves just one life” ban it. Movies and music can inspire people to commit violent crimes, so “if it saves just one” let’s ban it.
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are being used to cyber bully, which has resulted in many children committing suicide. “If it saves just one”, ban it. Cell phones have caused the deaths of many people due to use while driving, so “if it saves just one life” we should ban them.

cool story.
Prayers for the families involved. We live in a broken, evil world.
Couple of things: We have a small group of teachers who carry at my school. We train with law enforcement and go through extensive training on firearm control and safety as well. Second: It's being reported that this shooter entered through an unlocked side door. This is preventable and should never happen. Teachers who routinely leave classroom and/or outside access doors unlocked after having been told not to do so need to be fired.
When you have a problem no one can agree on how to fix the problem gets worse, not better.

Maybe we can increase mental health care services (improve effectiveness). I also am for better controls around guns but that's way too Hot of an issue in society.
That’s what I thought, a non response. Fitting.

Well let me catch you up on what you missed. A list of actions were presented. I mentioned if just one of those were implemented and it saved an innocent life, it would be worth doing. Got it?

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