Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Hold 5 rounds of .22 lr in one hand and 5 rounds of .223 in the other and then get back to me.
Your responses have been interesting over the course of this discussion. Previously you have focused, not on a particular cartridge, but on a platform. The discussions about .22 rimfire vs centerfire cartridges is irrelevant, we all know which is more powerful and more likely to kill. But, like everyone else who wants to ban the AR platform, it is the ultimate quest, the unicorn to get rid of and all our problems melt away. I am not going to point out why, based on some of your statements, you do not seem to have a lot of experience using different weapons. Maybe you have, but it is not germane to what I am about to say.

You have not recognized the problem is the crazy POS that commit these atrocities. That is our problem. Not stomping on the rights of tens of millions of law abiding, responsible gun owners because of nutcases. Get rid of the ARs and they'll switch to something else. And then something else after whatever that was gets banned.
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This thread is disgusting. If you think your right to an assault rifle is more important than child’s life then you are “mentally ill”.
As someone who isn't opposed to common sense laws I feel this must be said.

If you think one would have prevented the other you're just delusional.
How would any of those things prevented this?
I honestly don’t know. Probably wouldn’t have ultimately. I fully believe someone who wants to do harm will do just that. Just feel like it should be somewhat more difficult for said person to own AR style weapons.
I honestly don’t know. Probably wouldn’t have ultimately. I fully believe someone who wants to do harm will do just that. Just feel like it should be somewhat more difficult for said person to own AR style weapons.

I have news for a lot of people out there: 1) You can't restrict firearms (any type) and expect to limit violence. See New York City, Chicago, and Baltimore as examples of this fact. 2) An evil mind will find a way. Fire, large trucks, poison, ect. 3) 3D printing will make most gun control laws unenforceable in the future. 4) Purchasing black market firearms is about as easy as purchasing weed.
This thread is disgusting. If you think your right to an assault rifle is more important than child’s life then you are “mentally ill”.
You do realize that the gun she was seen carrying in the security footage and that she was using to fire at the police was neither an "assault rifle" nor an AR platform, correct?
How is this considered hypocritical?
Suppose your friend died in a car crash. You couldn’t offer condolences to his spouse so long as you continued to drive your car??

Pretzeling again, I see. You know exactly what I mean. Read the article, which obvious you either didn't or intentionally ignored the point of the article. You Republiars and far rightists are hilarious in how you refuse to see what's said as opposed to how you pre-imagine what's said. Carry on.
You do realize that the gun she was seen carrying in the security footage and that she was using to fire at the police was neither an "assault rifle" nor an AR platform, correct?
That is why gun control folks have very little credibility. They have ignorance on the subject that they are so passionate about.
Pretzeling again, I see. You know exactly what I mean. Read the article, which obvious you either didn't or intentionally ignored the point of the article. You Republiars and far rightists are hilarious in how you refuse to see what's said as opposed to how you pre-imagine what's said. Carry on.
I read it and do not see any hypocrisy, whatsoever. Be clear: what solution are you suggesting? What are you in favor of banning that will stop school shootings? All guns? All semi-automatic guns? How exactly do you want to go about collecting 200-400 million firearms from US citizens?
I have news for a lot of people out there: 1) You can't restrict firearms (any type) and expect to limit violence. See New York City, Chicago, and Baltimore as examples of this fact. 2) An evil mind will find a way. Fire, large trucks, poison, ect. 3) 3D printing will make most gun control laws unenforceable in the future. 4) Purchasing black market firearms is about as easy as purchasing weed.
Bad guys, or in this case, bad girls, will always find a way to get guns.. it’s more we do need to more effectively deal with our mentally ill people in this country, because there a lit of them and it will only get worse if they are not dealt with.. we can start by treating gender dysphoria as not being something to celebrate.. and better treatment for autistic people.. a lot of these shooters had a form of autism, we obviously aren’t doing something right
Just come out and say it, the moral decline and lack of a family unit has destroyed this country. Add in legalizing drugs, not prosecuting criminals, zero mental health, and letting kids watch endless hours of violent movies and video games and we've found the nirvana we were looking for.

Except that stats don't support your theory.
I’m probably on the opposite side of this than most of my right leaning friends on this. I’m not sure what the solution is on the gun issue, but I think we need one. Whether that’s stricter background checks, red flag laws, registration or whatever else. Again I don’t know the solution, but I think it’s time to try something.
This **** is getting so old. All I hear is stricter background checks, waiting periods, loopholes, registration, insurance, classes.
Please ask yourself:
1) if someone like this nutjob in going to commit this crime, what, if any of these would have stopped them?
2) if you put these rules in place, who is going to follow them? Do you honestly think that ANYONE bent on committing a crime will actually voluntarily sign up for any of that ****?
3) the ONLY people that will be caught in that broad over reach are law abiding guns owners.

So all the new "do something even if it takes rights away from everyone" BS needs to stop. NO MORE GUN LAW UNTIL YOU CAN ENFORCE WHAT YOU HAVE!

The FBI could start today. Everyone that has shown their picture on social media wearing one of those militant shirts should be rounded up, cavity searched, homes torn apart looking for weapons, personal and work (if they have them) devices searched for any kind of "manifesto" they may have written. Their friends both online and IRL should be interrogated. This is essentially what would happen were I accused of a Red Flag violation. These dumbasses are already out there. Track them down and put an end to their ability to at least purchase or possess a weapon. Make them have to steal one to commit this type of violence.
This thread is disgusting. If you think your right to an assault rifle is more important than child’s life then you are “mentally ill”.
No assault rifles were used. Educate yourself prior to making ignorant statements. If you change your statement to high capacity mean looking black colored weapons, then you are looking to ban a HUGE number of guns from law abiding owners that will never use them except for recreation, hunting or self defense. I am equally for banning any vehicle that will go over 80 mph and requiring yearly tests for driving safety. Also, car liability insurance should triple for each vehicle you have.

Edit: YOU simply don't NEED a car that will go that fast.

You have a right to own firearms that are legally sold, you don't have a right to own a car.
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Except that stats don't support your theory.
The country is less religious, and is below 50 percent as going to Church ever in our history.. that is a verifiable stat. Furthermore, if you are a parent you will know that there is a definite problem with the kids now in terms of mental health.. I want to say about 60 percent of GenZs have mental illness.. also a stat… Anecdotally, go and substitute teach sometime… I did… it is NOT the same world from even 15 years ago.. kids can’t even learn now, and there will be at least two in every class freely walking around the classroom due to various and sundry real or imagined diagnoses.. I’m all for mainstreaming special ed kids, but d@mn you should be able to sit in a chair at least.. or be in a wheelchair..sheesh.. nobody can concentrate to do’s amazing they learn anything at all
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Your responses have been interesting over the course of this discussion. You have focused, not on a particular cartridge, but on a platform. The discussions about .22 rimfire vs centerfire cartridges is irrelevant, we all know which is more powerful and more likely to kill. But, like everyone else who wants to ban the AR platform, it is the ultimate quest, the unicorn to get rid of and all our problems melt away. I am not going to point out why, based on some of your statements, you do not seem to have a lot of experience using different weapons. Maybe you have, but it is not germane to what I am about to say.

You have not recognized the problem is the crazy POS that commit these atrocities. That is our problem. Stomp on the rights of tens of millions of law abiding, responsible gun owners because of nutcases. Get rid of the ARs and they'll switch to something else. And then something else after whatever that was gets banned.
That's the plan Grover. They don't want to fix the problem, they want to band aid it to death and eventually we will resemble Canada or Australia where single shot or pump shotguns are all we have.

By the way, wait till they see the new air rifles you can hunt pigs with. Say goodbye to your BB guns.
This **** is getting so old. All I hear is stricter background checks, waiting periods, loopholes, registration, insurance, classes.
Please ask yourself:
1) if someone like this nutjob in going to commit this crime, what, if any of these would have stopped them?
2) if you put these rules in place, who is going to follow them? Do you honestly think that ANYONE bent on committing a crime will actually voluntarily sign up for any of that ****?
3) the ONLY people that will be caught in that broad over reach are law abiding guns owners.

So all the new "do something even if it takes rights away from everyone" BS needs to stop. NO MORE GUN LAW UNTIL YOU CAN ENFORCE WHAT YOU HAVE!

The FBI could start today. Everyone that has shown their picture on social media wearing one of those militant shirts should be rounded up, cavity searched, homes torn apart looking for weapons, personal and work (if they have them) devices searched for any kind of "manifesto" they may have written. Their friends both online and IRL should be interrogated. This is essentially what would happen were I accused of a Red Flag violation. These dumbasses are already out there. Track them down and put an end to their ability to at least purchase or possess a weapon. Make them have to steal one to commit this type of violence.

Wait. On your 2nd point. Are you suggesting that career criminals and/or people intending to commit a crime are most likely not going to follow the laws in place?

My mind is blown!!!!!!
I read it and do not see any hypocrisy, whatsoever. Be clear: what solution are you suggesting? What are you in favor of banning that will stop school shootings? All guns? All semi-automatic guns? How exactly do you want to go about collecting 200-400 million firearms from US citizens?

No you didn't. Because you completely ignored that: School shooting that left three children and three adults dead brought condolences from conservatives who oppose gun control

killings keep happening while Republiars under the payment of gun lobbyist do nothing except claim hypocritical condolences. But nevermind, it's clear you and your faction can't acknowledge such hypocrisy, nor see it when pointed out to you. Bye now.

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