Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

No you didn't. Because you completely ignored that: School shooting that left three children and three adults dead brought condolences from conservatives who oppose gun control

killings keep happening while Republiars under the payment of gun lobbyist do nothing except claim hypocritical condolences. But nevermind, it's clear you and your faction can't acknowledge such hypocrisy, nor see it when pointed out to you. Bye now.
Karen, you seriously need to look in the mirror and fix your own issues.
The country is less religious, and is below 50 percent as going to Church ever in our history.. that is a verifiable stat. Furthermore, if you are a parent you will know that there is a definite problem with the kids now in terms of mental health.. I want to say about 60 percent of GenZs have mental illness.. also a stat… Anecdotally, go and substitute teach sometime… I did… it is NOT the same world from even 15 years ago.. kids can’t even learn now, and there will be at least two in every class freely walking around the classroom due to various and sundry real or imagined diagnoses.. I’m all for mainstreaming special ed kids, but d@mn you should be able to sit in a chair at least.. or be in a wheelchair..sheesh

Mental health issues are more diagnosed now. We have a better understanding of varying conditions now. People are now recognized as being on the spectrum now whereas they would have simply been branded as "retards" or stupid in past years. Depression is more recognized now that in times past.

Overall crime has declined in the US with the moral decay of the country. So, perhaps your "link" between religion and your definite problems is not quite what you believe it to be.
No assault rifles were used. Educate yourself prior to making ignorant statements. If you change your statement to high capacity mean looking black colored weapons, then you are looking to ban a HUGE number of guns from law abiding owners that will never use them except for recreation, hunting or self defense. I am equally for banning any vehicle that will go over 80 mph and requiring yearly tests for driving safety. Also, car liability insurance should triple for each vehicle you have.

Edit: YOU simply don't NEED a car that will go that fast.

You have a right to own firearms that are legally sold, you don't have a right to own a car.
You forgot alcohol. Alcohol is responsible for many more deaths than firearms. I'd venture to guess alcohol is responsible for a significant portion of firearm deaths, even suicide deaths from firearms. Outlaw all forms of alcohol and we solve a lot of problems. Sure we have millions of responsible drinkers but it's a small sacrifice to make.
A declaration of War has been issued by the trans he/she group ... be safe y'all.

While I think bans on drag shows are stupid their anger is misplaced. Progressives brought this on. Had progressives not decided taking children to drag shows was a good idea there would have been no knee jerk reaction to ban them. Let adults do what they will, you can't legislate morality or impose your morals on others.

If those that participate in and put on drag shows think that men acting out as hyper sexualized women in front of children is a good idea then they are also part of the problem.
I’m probably on the opposite side of this than most of my right leaning friends on this. I’m not sure what the solution is on the gun issue, but I think we need one. Whether that’s stricter background checks, red flag laws, registration or whatever else. Again I don’t know the solution, but I think it’s time to try something.
It’s interesting that those in Washington only go after these shootings. Tragic no matter political affiliation. But they never seem to make it a focus or have the same sympathy to clean up gun violence in metropolitan cities.
While I think bans on drag shows are stupid their anger is misplaced. Progressives brought this on. Had progressives not decided taking children to drag shows was a good idea there would have been no knee jerk reaction to ban them. Let adults do what they will, you can't legislate morality or impose your morals on others.

If those that participate in and put on drag shows think that men acting out as hyper sexualized women in front of children is a good idea then they are also part of the problem.
Adults ruin it for everyone
If guns are the problem but not the people then let’s round up all the pit bulls, destroy them, and ban their ownership
No assault rifles were used. Educate yourself prior to making ignorant statements. If you change your statement to high capacity mean looking black colored weapons, then you are looking to ban a HUGE number of guns from law abiding owners that will never use them except for recreation, hunting or self defense. I am equally for banning any vehicle that will go over 80 mph and requiring yearly tests for driving safety. Also, car liability insurance should triple for each vehicle you have.

Edit: YOU simply don't NEED a car that will go that fast.

You have a right to own firearms that are legally sold, you don't have a right to own a car.

You have a right to own anything not prohibited by law.
Mental health issues are more diagnosed now. We have a better understanding of varying conditions now. People are now recognized as being on the spectrum now whereas they would have simply been branded as "retards" or stupid in past years. Depression is more recognized now that in times past.

Overall crime has declined in the US with the moral decay of the country. So, perhaps your "link" between religion and your definite problems is not quite what you believe it to be.
Yes, just load em up on meds and send them on their way. Mentally challenged individuals DO NOT belong in the classroom with kids that actually can and want to learn. Two teachers in my immediate family. I know of that which I speak. Both are leaving because between the dumbass females and beta males (yes I said it and I mean it) that run the systems now, very little teaching is done. We can administrate the hell out of school though.
You have a right to own anything not prohibited by law.
I'm sorry, I missed the part of the Constitution that says you can own a car. Please help me all knowing one. You are allowed to own a car, you are allowed to drive it on public roads. You can be denied that ability at anytime and it isn't a violation of ANY right that I know of.
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You forgot alcohol. Alcohol is responsible for many more deaths than firearms. I'd venture to guess alcohol is responsible for a significant portion of firearm deaths, even suicide deaths from firearms. Outlaw all forms of alcohol and we solve a lot of problems. Sure we have millions of responsible drinkers but it's a small sacrifice to make.
"Checking Constitution on right to drink. Will get back to you when I find it."
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I've mentioned in here twice now that the FBI should begin rounding the the Trannie Terrorist and begin eliminating their ability to own or possess firearms. Not a single bleeding heart has agreed with me or even mentioned it yet that I have seen.
Yes, just load em up on meds and send them on their way. Mentally challenged individuals DO NOT belong in the classroom with kids that actually can and want to learn. Two teachers in my immediate family. I know of that which I speak. Both are leaving because between the dumbass females and beta males (yes I said it and I mean it) that run the systems now, very little teaching is done. We can administrate the hell out of school though.

Apparently you believe beta males to be more alpha then. The beta males schtick is funny. Any time a male uses that term he just identifies himself as a self aggrandizing prick.

Substantively, we need to take less of the reporting off teachers. Wasting time on endless lesson plans is counter productive. We need to segregate more by abilities and needs. Some of the special needs students do not belong in the normal classrooms. They require special teaching techniques that should not bog down the rest of the students. Likewise gifted students shouldn't be bogged down in regular classrooms. And this does not mean a total segregation because a student gifted in math may struggle severely in English. Just my .02.
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Mental health issues are more diagnosed now. We have a better understanding of varying conditions now. People are now recognized as being on the spectrum now whereas they would have simply been branded as "retards" or stupid in past years. Depression is more recognized now that in times past.

Overall crime has declined in the US with the moral decay of the country. So, perhaps your "link" between religion and your definite problems is not quite what you believe it to be.
I am aware of all of this lol.. but on top of that, I think there are legitimately a lot more messed up kids and the pandemic did not was very jarring for me to see kids walking the entire time around the class, humming and hitting desks lol.. my daughter had an IEP, but she could sit quietly and wanted to learn.. it is infuriating as a mom
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I'm sorry, I missed the part of the Constitution that says you can own a car. Please help me all knowing one. You are allowed to own a car, you are allowed to drive it on public roads. You can be denied that ability at anytime and it isn't a violation of ANY right that I know of.

I will repeat slowly, you have a right to own anything not prohibited by law.
Just so everyone is aware. Joe Bidens opening comments on the Nashville shooting started with jokes about ice cream.

And if you think it's edited, here's a longer video where it starts at the 6:50 minute mark.

I watched the police body cam videos and I think they did a great job. They didn’t hesitate and went in and took care of business.
No fear! Those officers put their lives on the line with no hesitation while politicians want to campaign on giving them less.
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Apparently you believe beta males to be more alpha then. The beta males schtick is funny. Any time a male uses that term he just identifies himself as a self aggrandizing prick.

Substantively, we need to take less of the reporting off teachers. Wasting time on endless lesson plans is counter productive. We need to segregate more by abilities and needs. Some of the special needs students do not belong in the normal classrooms. They require special teaching techniques that should not bog down the rest of the students. Likewise gifted students shouldn't be bogged down in regular classrooms. And this does not mean a total segregation because a student gifted in math may struggle severely in English. Just my .02.
I'll take that a step further. We should also be identifying career paths for students by grade 10. Preparing a fewer number of students for college rigor, and a greater number of students for trade and technical schools.

Quit setting young people up to fail with useless degrees and train our youth for great paying manufacturing and industrial jobs and bolster American production again. Give them purpose and the means to provide. I know a kid who just completed 9 month trade school course and was immediately hired into a nice job, on slate to pull in around 120k this year at 19 and left that course with zero debt.
Yes, just load em up on meds and send them on their way. Mentally challenged individuals DO NOT belong in the classroom with kids that actually can and want to learn. Two teachers in my immediate family. I know of that which I speak. Both are leaving because between the dumbass females and beta males (yes I said it and I mean it) that run the systems now, very little teaching is done. We can administrate the hell out of school though.
That’s what I’m saying.. being able able to sit in a chair and not disturb others is very low bar to have, but that isn’t even there.. my daughter has a reading disability and an IEP and she has told me many time that she cannot concentrate because ‘people are being crazy’.. sigh.. when they went to online learning, she got all A’s.. thank God she graduates in five weeks.. it’s only getting worse.. it’s the same old song and dance, putting the rights of a few above the rights of the many.. how did we become so effed up as a country?
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