Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

No you didn't. Because you completely ignored that: School shooting that left three children and three adults dead brought condolences from conservatives who oppose gun control

killings keep happening while Republiars under the payment of gun lobbyist do nothing except claim hypocritical condolences. But nevermind, it's clear you and your faction can't acknowledge such hypocrisy, nor see it when pointed out to you. Bye now.
So, your answer is to call people stupid names and lump everyone together into a "faction?" I clearly asked for your suggestion and how to accomplish it. Care to provide a coherent answer?
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Apparently you believe beta males to be more alpha then. The beta males schtick is funny. Any time a male uses that term he just identifies himself as a self aggrandizing prick.

Substantively, we need to take less of the reporting off teachers. Wasting time on endless lesson plans is counter productive. We need to segregate more by abilities and needs. Some of the special needs students do not belong in the normal classrooms. They require special teaching techniques that should not bog down the rest of the students. Likewise gifted students shouldn't be bogged down in regular classrooms. And this does not mean a total segregation because a student gifted in math may struggle severely in English. Just my .02.
I'm sorry that's a term that my sister uses for the new administrators that don't actually teach the students but make believe they are teaching the teachers all about how to handle the kids. It's mostly the inclusion diversity BS. However, if you are offended by that term, maybe you should do a self check and leave the name calling at the door.

Your ideas in the last part of your post are spot on. However, I think that certain teachers are cut out for the difficult or learning disabled students while some teachers are cut out to teach the accelerated classes. Unfortunately where my sister taught (AL) and my SIL taught (TN) they make them take some of both classes or even mix the kids into one class. My sister has about 8 weeks to go and she is free. SIL quit several years ago simply because the students no longer were required to learn. If they showed up, they were passed. The administrations are the issue, from city to county to state to Fed. It needs to be wiped and restarted fresh. Liberals are producing kids that they want now. Uneducated, social media addicted and isolated. Soon to be fully government dependent. Both of the school systems that I mentioned were at one time some of the mostly highly accredited systems in their states. No longer.
I will repeat slowly, you have a right to own anything not prohibited by law.
What gives you that "right"? Is it an inalienable right or one granted by the Constitution or is it something that we call a right but is simply a privilege that we think is a right? Do you have a right to drive on a public street? Is a right something that can be suspended at any whim by local law enforcement?

P.S. Saying it slower simply makes you look slow. Explain the statement......if you can.
****..glad NBC could clarify our confusion. "Assigned" cannot make this **** up. This is mentally ill

Trans men are assigned female at birth and identify as men, while trans women are assigned male at birth and identify as women.
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So breast reductions are a result of mental illness?

Hot take!
I had a reduction due to my back pain, they take out the tissue and biopsy it to see if any malignant tissue..and even though I don’t really have the back pain, I do have regrets that I did it.. as I’m sure all of these people will also.. the lives are nit nit going to magically change because they have a surgery, and I think that is why they end up having so many mental issues (on top of what they already had)
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"The rifle fires very small bullets at very fast speeds. The projectiles don’t move straight and smooth through human targets like those from a traditional handgun. Their velocity turns them unstable upon penetration, so that they tumble through flesh and vital organs. This so-called blast effect literally tears people apart. A trauma surgeon notes, “you don’t see the muscle … just bone and skin and missing parts.” Another mentions tissue that “crumbled into your hands.”

A Texas Ranger speaks of bullets that “disintegrated” a toddler’s skull."


Again, you are referring to a style of rifle that can be configured in several different calibers. The most common caliber of an AR-15 is .223/5.56 however there are many different style of rifles that will fire that caliber round including semi-automatic.

And the TX Ranger is not giving the whole truth, any high velocity round can and will tumble when it hits a bone. Well, except a .50cal, it just blows through everything.
No, I don't believe it's an 'illness'. And yes, I don't believe you can rule out anything about guns such as weapons of war. Silly after a mass shooting to say 'nope, not going to consider anything about guns.
Which one of those weapons would you outlaw and why? I'm honestly curious. Also, please include how outlawing it/them would have prevented what happened.
Why? She's a grown ass woman.
She lived with them. They knew of her mental health issues and they knew of her buying weapons. Of she was mentally stable I get I, but she had issues and they were aware they should've raised red flags to someone about her buying guns.
Agreed. I'm more curious about 'how' she got those weapons with documented mental health issues.

Didn’t know the person had documented mental health issues but I could’ve guessed based on their trans identity.

Does anyone know the specifics of the mental history here?
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She lived with them. They knew of her mental health issues and they knew of her buying weapons. Of she was mentally stable I get I, but she had issues and they were aware they should've raised red flags to someone about her buying guns.

Depends on what the exact issues were. Can you give me more detail or point me somewhere
She lied and mental health is covered under HIPPA so it's not reported to NICS. Although I think involuntary commitments are supposed to be reported to NICS.
She lied about them on the form.
Which us where anyone who is under the treatment of a mental health professional should HAVE to get reported. Especially anyone taking any sort of medication that changes the chemical imbalance in the brain.

People want laws, but what I posted above are the easy steps.
Any politician who comes out to speak who doesn’t start with a joke about being a husband/wife (insert name) and then transition to deserts before talking about kids killed is a good place to start.

If you believe any politician cares you are severely mentally ill. The government ain't looking out for you. People look after themselves first and foremost.
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If you believe any politician cares you are severely mentally ill. The government ain't looking out for you. People look after themselves first and foremost.

Then why do you support increasing government power/control if we agree the psychopaths in charge do not care about you nor will they

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