Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

so am I reading this thread correctly - the shooter used 9mm carbine weapons along with a handgun rather than an AR platform (.223/5.56)?
I think if you look at a post on page 76 and at the photos, one of the weapons was a rifle round pistol. Looked like it was a .223/5.56 mag in the gun.
Yea, I'm very against a broad definition of "receiving mental care". Too vague and potentially some all encompassing term gun grabbers want to lump anyone into who's ever talked to a psychologist or taken an anti-depressant.

Or had ADHD, or had bad parents who got them misdiagnosed with adhd because they didn’t want to be parents
To my knowledge she didn't have one. But to your point, she lied on her 4473 (the BGC form).

And yes you need to bone up on the subject.
Is that when they ask if you if you have a mental illness? Of course you’re going to say no.. they took my license, ran it, took about 15 minutes.. then you answer the questions on the kiosk.. There probably does need to be a better system for people with a history of psychiatric holds to be flagged.. I don’t think the info makes itself from the psych hospital to the gun store (HIPAA).. but maybe that needs to change.. or maybe even tied to the DMV and your driver’s license somehow? I don’t think people will go for that, though
Here’s my problem. You’re taking a very broad statement “she had mental health issues”. Okay. And you’re attempting to paint a false picture with that.

It would be like someone saying you shouldn’t have a gun because “you have a criminal record”. To answer if you should be able to have a gun, we need to know more than that phrase. Is your criminal history a parking ticket and a seatbelt violation or did you stalk your ex and assault her new man.
Nope, once they are cleared they regain their rights, but that clearance needs to come from whatever doctor is prescribing their medication or whatever therapist they are seeing clears them. Then file paperwork that removes them from said list.
Nope, once they are cleared they regain their rights, but that clearance needs to come from whatever doctor is prescribing their medication or whatever therapist they are seeing clears them. Then file paperwork that removes them from said list.

Who are we putting on a list and why?
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Nah, but apparently the source where I read that should now be embarrassed (along with the quoted Texas Ranger and Surgeon).
The quote from the Ranger appears to have been parsed from a broader statement and is missing context. But hey, have heard many "experts," quoted by anti-gunners, whose knowledge about guns seems to be entirely determined from what they have been told by someone else who doesn't know squat.
Why? She didn't do anything illegal (up until the shooting obviously). Maybe if TN had red flag laws a person with a diagnosed emotional disorder and under psychiatrist care wouldn't be able to legally purchase 7 guns in a short amount of time.

She lied on form 4473 so yeah, she did something illegal.
Who are we putting on a list and why?
Anybody seeing a therapist and or seeing a doctor who is prescribing medication that will change the chemical makeup of the brain.
The doctor or therapist should be given the ability to file paperwork and have you removed when they see fit.
Which us where anyone who is under the treatment of a mental health professional should HAVE to get reported. Especially anyone taking any sort of medication that changes the chemical imbalance in the brain.

People want laws, but what I posted above are the easy steps.

I don't want to go down that route at all but I do find it comical that the anti-gunners won't entertain violating the rights of the mentally ill but think nothing about violating the rights of sane law abiding citizens.
Yea, I'm very against a broad definition of "receiving mental care". Too vague and potentially some all encompassing term gun grabbers want to lump anyone into who's ever talked to a psychologist or taken an anti-depressant.
I think a good qualifier would be a psychiatric hold with homicidal/suicidal ideation diagnosis.. because you clearly desire to hurt yourself or others.. duh.. and it can come off your record after say, 10 years, which would be adequate time to get your sh!t together
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You think these radical leaders care about criminal victims?

US attorney declined to prosecute 67% of arrests in DC as nation's capital suffers crime spike

U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, who was appointed by President Biden, declined to prosecute 67% of those arrested in the city in 2021. While critics argue Graves is leaving criminals on the street, he states that the majority of the declinations are for nonviolent crimes, like gun possession, drug possession and burglaries.
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The top one sure looks like an AR round. The bottom looks like a pistol caliber.
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Numerous schools in western PA are being evacuated today because of reports of active shooter. So far, all have been hoaxes. New normal?
I think if you look at a post on page 76 and at the photos, one of the weapons was a rifle round pistol. Looked like it was a .223/5.56 mag in the gun.
Could still be 9mm. Mags can have an insert converting from .223/5.56 to 9mm. Not saying it isn't a rifle round, just pointing out the magazine is not an exact indicator.
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