Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

They knew she was mentally unstable, they knew she was buying guns. The last 15 years this situation has happened way too often and these things come up time and time again.

Receiving mental health care is a broad term that doesn’t imply “mentally unstable.” That’s why I said we need more information.
I like to pile on Joe as much as the next guy, but this seems like he was there to address a group of people who were scheduled to visit the White House. I don't think that was intended to be a press briefing about the shooting. Somebody on Biden's staff dropped the ball when they informed the press that he would be "giving a statement" about the shooting.
Definitely. Someone expecting Joe to react to a change in plan should know better. I didn't think it was going to be a full briefing. but I didn't realize it was a group of visitors for some other planned event.

I think it's another example of his mental degradation. Had this been Bush, Obama, or even Trump I think they would have been aware enough to make a standalone statement at the start if that's what was asked. Or they would have said, no, let me get through this scheduled group and we'll do a statement proper right afterward.
Why? She didn't do anything illegal (up until the shooting obviously). Maybe if TN had red flag laws a person with a diagnosed emotional disorder and under psychiatrist care wouldn't be able to legally purchase 7 guns in a short amount of time.
If she was being treated for a mental illness she lied on the forms. i.e., a felony.
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Then why do you support increasing government power/control if we agree the psychopaths in charge do not care about you nor will they

I am not for banning guns. I am for enforcement of existing laws, getting guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and increasing treatment for the mentally ill.
They are going to want owners to have to complete a psychiatric evaluation. The slippery slope

Democratic bill would force all gun owners to go through 'psychological evaluations' along with family members

I could imagine what questions would be asked. Our own DOJ and FBI has been politically compromised.
The Hell with them. You want to change the law..submit an Amendment.
They knew she was mentally unstable, they knew she was buying guns. The last 15 years this situation has happened way too often and these things come up time and time again.
I agree, but she was an adult and purchased the guns on her own. They could be named in a civil suit though and basically wiped out. LG would at least clean them out and then some.
Receiving mental health care is a broad term that doesn’t imply “mentally unstable.” That’s why I said we need more information.
Yea, I'm very against a broad definition of "receiving mental care". Too vague and potentially some all encompassing term gun grabbers want to lump anyone into who's ever talked to a psychologist or taken an anti-depressant.
Yea, I'm very against a broad definition of "receiving mental care". Too vague and potentially some all encompassing term gun grabbers want to lump anyone into who's ever talked to a psychologist or taken an anti-depressant.
Before both of my knee replacements and my hip replacement I was proscribed an anti-psychotic to help with nervousness. I actually accepted the script the first time and then had them note in my files that I refused the script the other two.
Changing the chemical imbalance in her brain taking hormones, should alone be enough to disqualify her from purchasing a gun. Not forever but long enough to prove she is mentally stable.

Here’s my problem. You’re taking a very broad statement “she had mental health issues”. Okay. And you’re attempting to paint a false picture with that.

It would be like someone saying you shouldn’t have a gun because “you have a criminal record”. To answer if you should be able to have a gun, we need to know more than that phrase. Is your criminal history a parking ticket and a seatbelt violation or did you stalk your ex and assault her new man.
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