Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I don't want to go down that route at all but I do find it comical that the anti-gunners won't entertain violating the rights of the mentally ill but think nothing about violating the rights of sane law abiding citizens.
It's insane to me as well. They want more government until they don't. Only when they think it benefits them.
Numerous schools in western PA are being evacuated today because of reports of active shooter. So far, all have been hoaxes. New normal?
There was one near where I live as well. Not evacuated but a hard lockdown. They were turning students who were late away.
The top one sure looks like an AR round. The bottom looks like a pistol caliber.

Wonder what those stickers represent
Is that when they ask if you if you have a mental illness? Of course you’re going to say no.. they took my license, ran it, took about 15 minutes.. then you answer the questions on the kiosk.. There probably does need to be a better system for people with a history of psychiatric holds to be flagged.. I don’t think the info makes itself from the psych hospital to the gun store (HIPAA).. but maybe that needs to change.. or maybe even tied to the DMV and your driver’s license somehow? I don’t think people will go for that, though

These 2 questions need to be revised and a yes answer should trigger a deeper dive.

g. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized
for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

h. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

G. Should strike the "unlawful" prior to user
H. "are you currently under psychiatric care or have you been within the last 12 months" inserted at the beginning.

A yes to either shouldn't be an automatic disqualification but a deeper look into if we're going to have BGCs. But I've made it clear BGCs are pretty useless and should be done away with.
The quote from the Ranger appears to have been parsed from a broader statement and is missing context. But hey, have heard many "experts," quoted by anti-gunners, whose knowledge about guns seems to be entirely determined from what they have been told by someone else who doesn't know squat.

Plus the guy is a Texan, they're dumb.
These 2 questions need to be revised and a yes answer should trigger a deeper dive.

G. Should strike the "unlawful" prior to user
H. "are you currently under psychiatric care or have you been within the last 12 months" inserted at the beginning.

A yes to either shouldn't be an automatic disqualification but a deeper look into if we're going to have BGCs. But I've made it clear BGCs are pretty useless and should be done away with.
I can see how someone who is dishonest would fill out the form, and psych patients are not known for being honest or rule followers, generally speaking lol.. I think we may have to modify HIPAA a little nad creat an external triggering system.. just my opinion.. /duck/
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What didn't you like about it?
I have a little .22 pistol as well but that stays at home
Took it to the range and just uncomfortable to shoot. I shoot long arms left-handed, so I was getting a lot of powder and occasional shell casing on the right side of my head. I have to be careful to make sure a semi-auto ejects more out than at a back angle.
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Took it to the range and just uncomfortable to shoot. I shoot long arms left-handed, so I was getting a lot of powder and occasional shell casing on the right side of my head. I have to be careful to make sure a semi-auto ejects more out than at a back angle.
I can understand how that would be a problem
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Your responses have been interesting over the course of this discussion. Previously you have focused, not on a particular cartridge, but on a platform. The discussions about .22 rimfire vs centerfire cartridges is irrelevant, we all know which is more powerful and more likely to kill. But, like everyone else who wants to ban the AR platform, it is the ultimate quest, the unicorn to get rid of and all our problems melt away. I am not going to point out why, based on some of your statements, you do not seem to have a lot of experience using different weapons. Maybe you have, but it is not germane to what I am about to say.

You have not recognized the problem is the crazy POS that commit these atrocities. That is our problem. Not stomping on the rights of tens of millions of law abiding, responsible gun owners because of nutcases. Get rid of the ARs and they'll switch to something else. And then something else after whatever that was gets banned.

Not directed at you but using the comment to make a point that is virtually never made. This is a sober assessment of the futility of weapon bans.

A healthy nine year old will average about 49-55 inches in height and will weigh about 50-85lbs. A bullet of any caliber will cause exponentially more harm to a child due to their physical stature, rendering caliber practically unimportant.

Handguns are already the most used weapon of mass shooters. Consider schools are possibly the softest target imaginable. Defenseless children and teachers trying to hide behind or under whatever is available...they're sitting ducks. A shooter using a revolver could have literally gone into this school and killed 3 kids and 3 adults just as quickly. With moon clips or speed loader and the barest of practice, a revolver of 6-7 round capacity can be reloaded in 1-2 seconds. Or just go in with two revolvers and avoid reloading. Some kid or teacher is going come from under cover in that time and take them out with bare hands? Of course not; they're going to remain cowering glad the last person shot wasn't them and hoping the next isn't.

A semiauto pistol can easily be reloaded in 1-2 seconds and on average carry 10-21 rounds; same for a semiauto rifle with mags typically from 10-30 rounds. The reload time is insignificant when people literally have no avenue of escape in a contained environment, and are incapable of defending themselves OR isolating the killer from them.

All the killer need do is breach the facility and go to work until killed by someone who is armed. Until that armed person or persons kill the killer, the lack of security has literally condemned the kids and teachers to death. Guns aren't going away and even if banned in entirety tomorrow, the vast pool of guns in circulation ensures a person bent on such destruction will be able to do so.

This is why feckless, emotional, agenda-driving people like @lawgator1 and the people he/she votes for must be excluded from the conversation; they are too ignorant, too callous - or both - to have a place at the table. Their way is a hand-written, refillable prescription for more school shootings. Their "we can't possibly harden schools" lunacy guarantees it, unabated.

Until schools are secured, there is no impediment to people who would kill children. When @lawgator1 make the argument we can't even have barred exterior doors so the glass can't be broken and the door simply walked through, you're hearing a person who just wants a gun ban and really doesn't care about the carnage until that happens.
I think as others have pointed out it really depends on ones definition of mentally ill.

Is someone considered emotionally unstable mentally ill by definition?

I don't consider all transgender, gay, lesbian or queer people mentally ill. I do however think many are, most have emotional issues to some extent. One very telling source of this for me is the need for others to accept them. Emotionally stable people don't seek absolute validation from others, I believe many simply don't feel comfortable with themselves for whatever reason and seek that missing internal validation from others.

I think this is where mental health and other medical experts are failing them. They have to accept and validate themselves first. I feel like transition therapy and surgeries are done with the hopes that everything will fall into place once completed. And initial results are often promising but long term studies, which there are a limited amount, don't appear as promising. Certainly more long term study is needed.

I am a Christian. I have a troubled background and am about as far from perfect as they came.

If transition surgery helps troubled people I want them to live happy lives, I don't want to deny them. But I'm afraid as we often do in the country we build and allow harmful industries to grow and they often cause more harm and destruction than they did good.

Happiness and validation comes from within....... If you seek it from any external source you will be seeking forever.
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Not directed at you but using the comment to make a point that is virtually never made. This is a sober assessment of the futility of weapon bans.

A healthy nine year old will average about 49-55 inches in height and will weigh about 50-85lbs. A bullet of any caliber will cause exponentially more harm to a child due to their physical stature.

Handguns are already the most used weapon of mass shooters. Consider schools are possibly the softest target imaginable. Defenseless children and teachers trying to hide behind or under whatever is available...they're sitting ducks. A shooter using a revolver could have literally gone into this school and killed 3 kids and 3 adults just as quickly. With moon clips or speed loader and the barest of practice, a revolver of 6-7 round capacity can be reloaded in 1-2 seconds. Or just go in with two revolvers and avoid reloading. Some kid or teacher is going come from under cover in that time and take them out with bare hands? Of course not; they're going to remain cowering glad the last person shot wasn't them and hoping the next isn't.

A semiauto pistol can easily be reloaded in 1-2 seconds and on average carry 10-21 rounds; same for a semiauto rifle with mags typically from 10-30 rounds. The reload time is insignificant when people literally have no avenue of escape in a contained environment, and are incapable of defending themselves OR isolating the killer from them.

All the killer need do is breach the facility and go to work until killed by someone who is armed. Until that armed person or persons kill the killer, the lack of security has literally condemned the kids and teachers to death. Guns aren't going away and even if banned in entirety tomorrow, the vast pool of guns in circulation ensures a person bent on such destruction will be able to do so.

This is why feckless, emotional, agenda-driving people like @lawgator1 and the people he/she votes for must be excluded from the conversation; they are too ignorant, too callous - or both - to have a place at the table. Their way is a hand-written, refillable prescription for more school shootings. Their "we can't possibly harden schools" lunacy guarantees it, unabated.

Until schools are secured, there is no impediment to people who would kill children. When @lawgator1 make the argument we can't even have barred exterior doors so the glass can't be broken and the door simply walked through, you're hearing a person who just wants a gun ban and really doesn't care about the carnage until that happens.

You must need a serious nap after all that tortured reasoning. The notion that a person armed with a hand gun is JUST AS dangerous in this scenario as one armed with an assault rifle style weapon is just ridiculous.

For ine thing, the damage done by a shot from the latter is SUBSTANTIALLY more severe and deadly than the former. Equating the two as just as deadly is beyond stupid.
You must need a serious nap after all that tortured reasoning. The notion that a person armed with a hand gun is JUST AS dangerous in this scenario as one armed with an assault rifle style weapon is just ridiculous.

For ine thing, the damage done by a shot from the latter is SUBSTANTIALLY more severe and deadly than the former. Equating the two as just as deadly is beyond stupid.

Oh geez.
I think as others have pointed out it really depends on ones definition of mentally ill.

Is someone considered emotionally unstable mentally ill by definition?

I don't consider all transgender, gay, lesbian or queer people mentally ill. I do however think many are, most have emotional issues to some extent. One very telling source of this for me is the need for others to accept them. Emotionally stable people don't seek absolute validation from others, I believe many simply don't feel comfortable with themselves for whatever reason and seek that missing internal validation from others.

I think this is where mental health and other medical experts are failing them. They have to accept and validate themselves first. I feel like transition therapy and surgeries are done with the hopes that everything will fall into place once completed. And initial results are often promising but long term studies, which there are a limited amount, don't appear as promising. Certainly more long term study is needed.

I am a Christian. I have a troubled background and am about as far from perfect as they came.

If transition surgery helps troubled people I want them to live happy lives, I don't want to deny them. But I'm afraid as we often do in the country we build and allow harmful industries to grow and they often cause more harm and destruction than they did good.

Happiness and validation comes from within....... If you seek it from any external source you will be seeking forever.
No it’s more a matter of do you have the ideation of hurting yourself or others? If so, you are dangerous.. and you really don’t need easy access to a gun.. it probably catches a lot if transgenders in the baking of the cake.. but oh well, get help and get your stuff together
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No it’s more a matter of do you have the ideation of hurting yourself or others? If so, you are dangerous.. and you really don’t need easy access to a gun.. it probably catches a lot if transgenders in the baking of the cake.. but oh well, get help and get your stuff together
I don't completely disagree with you. But ideations of self harm or harming others are often in flux and emotionally unstable people are prime candidates for these emotions given stressors or other triggers.

And my concern is with the help that is offered..... If we are doing the best we can to help them.
You must need a serious nap after all that tortured reasoning. The notion that a person armed with a hand gun is JUST AS dangerous in this scenario as one armed with an assault rifle style weapon is just ridiculous.

For ine thing, the damage done by a shot from the latter is SUBSTANTIALLY more severe and deadly than the former. Equating the two as just as deadly is beyond stupid.
giphy - 2020-03-16T085300.042.gif

@hog88 this your friend?
The quote from the Ranger appears to have been parsed from a broader statement and is missing context. But hey, have heard many "experts," quoted by anti-gunners, whose knowledge about guns seems to be entirely determined from what they have been told by someone else who doesn't know squat.

That's completely fair. And, I defer to others (or research) on the topic of guns and their capabilities. It's not been a big interest of mine though I really do want to go to a gun range.
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