Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

You must need a serious nap after all that tortured reasoning. The notion that a person armed with a hand gun is JUST AS dangerous in this scenario as one armed with an assault rifle style weapon is just ridiculous.

For ine thing, the damage done by a shot from the latter is SUBSTANTIALLY more severe and deadly than the former. Equating the two as just as deadly is beyond stupid.
Again, conflating platform vs the cartridge. To illustrate, getting being hit by a vehicle at 58 mph has a 90% chance of being fatal. Doesn't matter much if it is an F150 or a Peterbilt. While a Peterbilt delivers far more energy at 58 mph than an F150 and may be marginally more lethal, it really doesn't matter. They're in the same class with regards to lethality.
That's completely fair. And, I defer to others (or research) on the topic of guns and their capabilities. It's not been a big interest of mine though I really do want to go to a gun range.
Go to a gun range. If you were in Jax, I'd go with you. I've never met a person that works at a range that is condensending to someone wanting to learn.
Yea, I don't drop to my knees for those but for the most part, I do have a 'to each their own' attitude as long as your stuff isn't interfering with my stuff.

I agree and take exception when someone say.... shoots up a school for their personal day of trans rage.
Those advocating for a mental health hold triggered by medications: what do you think the response would be from the Left and the Trans community if prescription "gender-affirming" hormone therapy disqualified a person from purchasing a firearm?
That's completely fair. And, I defer to others (or research) on the topic of guns and their capabilities. It's not been a big interest of mine though I really do want to go to a gun range.
Well, I'll pass this along: when you get told something, do some research. I don't know what your area(s) of expertise are, but you probably know when someone says something that doesn't ring true. There are some pretty knowledgeable guys on here, but no one knows everything. Good luck, be safe and enjoy it.
Those advocating for a mental health hold triggered by medications: what do you think the response would be from the Left and the Trans community if prescription "gender-affirming" hormone therapy disqualified a person from purchasing a firearm?
But they eventually don't have to take medications correct? Or at least it's at such a low dose their brain chemistry is more stable. At that time once a doc signs off that they are at that point they should get their rights back.
The top one sure looks like an AR round. The bottom looks like a pistol caliber.
The PCC (lower left) is what she is holding in the security stillshots I've seen and what was being shot against the cops, which was kicked from her hand and can be seen on the ground in the bodycam footage.
Those advocating for a mental health hold triggered by medications: what do you think the response would be from the Left and the Trans community if prescription "gender-affirming" hormone therapy disqualified a person from purchasing a firearm?
Honestly, if we are categorizing qualifications of mental health, the medications that they take would certainly be on the banned list if given a blind review. Would you agree?
But they eventually don't have to take medications correct? Or at least it's at such a low dose their brain chemistry is more stable. At that time once a doc signs off that they are at that point they should get their rights back.
Can you even imagine the liability if a doctor had to sign clearance for someone to buy a gun? No way in hell is that going to happen.
Those advocating for a mental health hold triggered by medications: what do you think the response would be from the Left and the Trans community if prescription "gender-affirming" hormone therapy disqualified a person from purchasing a firearm?
The left don't want firearms purchased anyway, so they should be fine with it. Right?
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Can you even imagine the liability if a doctor had to sign clearance for someone to buy a gun? No way in hell is that going to happen.

I doubt many would.

The purpose of my posts on the subject is to point out the complete hypocrisy of the gun control crowd. They screech about needing gun control to keep the guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and unstable but boy they go silent when you bring up disclosing mental health records or defining a mental illness. IMO BGCs are like the TSA, just window dressing to make the public "feel" safe and to keep a shadow registry but otherwise completely useless.
Is that when they ask if you if you have a mental illness? Of course you’re going to say no.. they took my license, ran it, took about 15 minutes.. then you answer the questions on the kiosk.. There probably does need to be a better system for people with a history of psychiatric holds to be flagged.. I don’t think the info makes itself from the psych hospital to the gun store (HIPAA).. but maybe that needs to change.. or maybe even tied to the DMV and your driver’s license somehow? I don’t think people will go for that, though
As hard line as I am, I am for having the information on your drivers license. You would put all pertinent info on your DL, mental illness, felony status, etc. that would keep you or allow you to purchase a firearm. Go in the store, scan you license at the door and get a green slip with a random number on it. You present that at the counter when buying firearms. No numbers are recorded other than you scanned your license when you walked in. You take the slip with you.
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Those advocating for a mental health hold triggered by medications: what do you think the response would be from the Left and the Trans community if prescription "gender-affirming" hormone therapy disqualified a person from purchasing a firearm?

Would you do that for anyone receiving test or only women?

Would it be test only or spironolactone and other medications also?

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