Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

"Sustained or rapid rate[edit]
Rapid or sustained rate of fire may be considered a weapons absolute maximum firing rate."

I'd rather not have weapons in the general public that have higher 'absolute maximum firing rates'. Though, I know there are all kinds of ways, if a person had knowledge, of getting around limitation.
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I want to find a way that truly helps keep guns out of the hands of people who should not own guns. And yes, there is a line here between privacy and public safety that someone will have to draw.

Where do you think the line should be drawn?
"Sustained or rapid rate[edit]
Rapid or sustained rate of fire may be considered a weapons absolute maximum firing rate."

I'd rather not have weapons in the general public that have higher 'absolute maximum firing rates'. Though, I know there are all kinds of ways, if a person had knowledge, of getting around limitation.

Sounds like a finger issue.
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Where do you think the line should be drawn?
Yea, that's the big Q. They drew the line too broadly in my estimation after 9/11 with the Patriot Act, etc.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Franklin is not wrong.
Then why are gun nuts so adverse to a discussion of reasonable fire limits.

Because that discussion already took place many decades ago. Are you claiming we should ban all semiautomatic weapons or is your claim that an AR is more magical than the others
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I think the most logical assessment is that every single area needs to be looked into and a possible modification to laws is in order.
-School safety - wired lined doors should be required, training of offensive group of competent staff to be able to fight back. She decided to not go to one school because of security in place there.
-the mentally unstable - certain drugs are causing a lot of issues. We need care facilities that specialize in getting people on and off of prescription drugs that cause mind altering states. Not every drug can be used by every person so get people on the right medication and off of the wrong ones for their mental diagnoses. Also, maybe drugs are the problems.
-ease of gun access for the mentally unstable - I feel a database needs to be looked into for the unstable that are on specific drugs. This needs to be a database that allows a seller to look up and see if the person purchasing the gun is on prescription drugs that cause these tendencies.
-limiting social media - this will ruffle a lot of feathers but daily limits of social media within the population will be a very rewarding system. Getting into echo chambers is causing so much divisiveness in the current climate.
-push the extreme left and extreme right out of the political climate - referring to everyone we don't agree with as Nazi's, socialists or evil will lead to more and more of these types of things happening on both sides. We need to let the adults talk and work this out.

Lmfao that’s what we need. The government should tell you how much media and what forms you can and cannot consume
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Lmfao that’s what we need. The government should tell you how much media and what forms you can and cannot consume
Well, that really is up for debate. Those leery of any government actions will chuckle at that immediately. Those that think Government has a role and can address some of the darker sides of Social media may not chuckle. I for one am leery to give government much control in that area. Though clearly, there is a problem.
You are completely ignorant on this subject ( like many others).
So that is why you will not answer???????
You guys are so freakin' transparent.
You've got your little 2A book of canned responses (guns don't kill people, people do) and when those don't work, you shut it down.
"Sustained or rapid rate[edit]
Rapid or sustained rate of fire may be considered a weapons absolute maximum firing rate."

I'd rather not have weapons in the general public that have higher 'absolute maximum firing rates'. Though, I know there are all kinds of ways, if a person had knowledge, of getting around limitation.

You keep avoiding answering the question. Are you under the assumption that an ar fires at a faster rate?
You keep avoiding answering the question. Are you under the assumption that an ar fires at a faster rate?
The AR-15 is the most popular rifle worldwide and it can easily fire as many as 800 – 1200 RPM depending on the version of the gun, caliber, and trigger.

Seems a little excessive to most reasonable people (at least the ones without tiny d**ks)
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You keep avoiding answering the question. Are you under the assumption that an ar fires at a faster rate?

Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.
Again, you are referring to a style of rifle that can be configured in several different calibers. The most common caliber of an AR-15 is .223/5.56 however there are many different style of rifles that will fire that caliber round including semi-automatic.

And the TX Ranger is not giving the whole truth, any high velocity round can and will tumble when it hits a bone. Well, except a .50cal, it just blows through everything.
What's funny is the military doesn't even like the 556 because they have to shoot the enemy 20 times to get them down. They've been wanting a better cartridge for a while now. I think they've finally settled on one.

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