Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.
How many do you think a shooter can get off with a handgun? Make a gun with your fingers, set a timer for a minute and see how many times you can pull the trigger
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Well, that really is up for debate. Those leery of any government actions will chuckle at that immediately. Those that think Government has a role and can address some of the darker sides of Social media may not chuckle. I for one am leery to give government much control in that area. Though clearly, there is a problem.

Once you give them some power you’ve established a precedence that over time will only lead to more power.

Government is not your babysitter nor should it be. You should limit your time on social media. You should limit your kids time on social media. Donald Trump and Joe Biden aren’t mentally competent enough to run their own social media (although trump still does) let alone the social media of every person in this country
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The AR-15 is the most popular rifle worldwide and it can easily fire as many as 800 – 1200 RPM depending on the version of the gun, caliber, and trigger.

Seems a little excessive to most reasonable people (at least the ones without tiny d**ks)
The AR-15 is the most popular rifle worldwide and it can easily fire as many as 800 – 1200 RPM depending on the version of the gun, caliber, and trigger.

Seems a little excessive to most reasonable people (at least the ones without tiny d**ks)

Can you find me a video of someone firing an AR 1200x within one minute? I would love to see that.

It’s popular not due to lethality (many places won’t allow it for deer hunting because of its lack of lethality) but rather because of how customizable it is. It’s an accessory bracelet for men
It's called compromise. I just asked...... What do you view a reasonable fire limit to be? Your turn....
I realize what you want it to be - a compromise like the silly discussion of “X weeks” in another famous disagreement.

Here’s the big (and perhaps only) difference - 2A is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.

Damn that’s slow. Where did you get that from?
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No, no implying they are full auto? Were fully automatic weapons banned? What I'm saying is that I want to keep a certain level of lethality off the street. Bullets that can do massive damage, weapons that are able to fire at a certain rate, etc. I'd rather not have a school shoot with the ability to fire off numerous rounds within a minute. Why do so many of this mass shooting situations involve AR's?

He wants a return to muskets only apparently. Good luck with that.
so am I reading this thread correctly - the shooter used 9mm carbine weapons along with a handgun rather than an AR platform (.223/5.56)?
The pic showed 3 weapons, an AR (presumably 556) in pistol configuration, a keltec sub 2000 (available in many calibers but mostly found in 9mm), and a 9mm handgun. I've not seen which of these she used or if she used them all at some point.
No, no implying they are full auto? Were fully automatic weapons banned? What I'm saying is that I want to keep a certain level of lethality off the street. Bullets that can do massive damage, weapons that are able to fire at a certain rate, etc. I'd rather not have a school shoot with the ability to fire off numerous rounds within a minute. Why do so many of this mass shooting situations involve AR's?
Because it's a popular weapon. Ban it and something equally lethal will be used in it's place. Virtually every firearm on the market does what you laid out above.

It fires as fast as you pull the trigger........ As does every other firearm on the market. It fires no faster or slower.
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Can you find me a video of someone firing an AR 1200x within one minute? I would love to see that.

It’s popular not due to lethality (many places won’t allow it for deer hunting because of its lack of lethality) but rather because of how customizable it is. It’s an accessory bracelet for men
No, please let him continue. I need some good laughs today.
The AR-15 is the most popular rifle worldwide and it can easily fire as many as 800 – 1200 RPM depending on the version of the gun, caliber, and trigger.

Seems a little excessive to most reasonable people (at least the ones without tiny d**ks)
How do judge the size? Also sexist, as females own them too. And now trans
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Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.

You are clearly 100% clueless on firearms. This is laughable.
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Can you find me a video of someone firing an AR 1200x within one minute? I would love to see that.

It’s popular not due to lethality (many places won’t allow it for deer hunting because of its lack of lethality) but rather because of how customizable it is. It’s an accessory bracelet for men
Get your finger muscles up bro!

Do you even lift?
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How fast can the gun fire? How fast are your fingers. I was a bad a$$ at Decathlon video game on the Atari 2600, so I'm thinking I could train my fingers to fire faster than the average bear.
How fast can the gun fire? How fast are your fingers. I was a bad a$$ at Decathlon video game on the Atari 2600, so I'm thinking I could train my fingers to fire faster than the average bear.

Think you could do 1200x a minute (20x per second)
How fast can the gun fire? How fast are your fingers. I was a bad a$$ at Decathlon video game on the Atari 2600, so I'm thinking I could train my fingers to fire faster than the average bear.

part of the equation is how fast can you fire on target.

so the argument about why ARs are different has some credence in it is easier to fire fast while reacquiring a target. that said, the trigger doesn't pull faster than any other gun.

I can fire my .22 pistol more accurately fast than I can my compact 9mm due to recoil differences.
Once you give them some power you’ve established a precedence that over time will only lead to more power.

Government is not your babysitter nor should it be. You should limit your time on social media. You should limit your kids time on social media. Donald Trump and Joe Biden aren’t mentally competent enough to run their own social media (although trump still does) let alone the social media of every person in this country

I don't apply to the 'Slippery Slope' argument though I hear it often. If we tried to avoid the slipper slope in all things, nothing would get done. There may be certain things they can address and I do know there are ongoing arguments right now in congress. But I share your trepidation.

'Government has a role. It' just really bad at knowing what that role is'
You have a gun test fired by 9 people of varying expertise....take the average.....easy peasy.

I love how you provided this standard and then gave 800-1200 rpm as your claim to AR fire rate. Not an average of x people firing the weapon, but rather a random number from the internet that no one has ever achieved
You are clearly 100% clueless on firearms. This is laughable.

Classic response from someone already cemented in to their position. That was not my words:

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Are they wrong?

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