Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Good lord. The arguments are now becoming silly. I realize that people who are on the 'anti-any' gun control side are cemented in their positions and reasonable arguments may be difficult but....
AR-15's fire at the same rate as other semi-automatic weapons. Your quoted source estimated approximately 45 time per minute while staying on target. The more skilled the shooter, the higher that number will be. Nevertheless, that same shooter could fire other semi-automatic weapons at the same speed. You already stated that you believe that 45 times per minute was too high. That means that you believe that all semi-automatic weapons should be banned. Agree or disagree?
I'm proposing limiting the availability of weapons that fire at a 'faster rate' as to be determined by our politicians.

Lol yes Biden and Trump are the people I trust with such matters.

We’ve already stated that an AR fires as fast as almost every single weapon on the market. So you want to ban nearly all weapons?
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Nope, did not propose that. Not discussing any specific rates. I am proposing that as a possible measure to include in the conversation.

But you are talking about the ar and the firing rate of an ar is the same as that of almost every gun in this country.

That’s why I keep asking if you want to ban all of them.

If not, what are you proposing? It’s no faster than other guns. So what’s your plan
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The firing rate is based on the user. There’s an upper limit to this just like there’s an upper limit to how fast can a human run.

It would be possible to fire 45 shots in one minute with almost any gun. Is your plan to ban all of them?

What are you proposing?

Thus the whole bump stock thing - that will get you up past 500 maybe ;)
It’s hard to get through to people like you and luther who get hung up on fire rate. The fire rate is completely dependent on how fast someone can pull the trigger. There are factors on the gun that can make it easier but they don’t necessarily make the fire rate any greater.
So all the measures I'm seeing that discuss firing rate (Google 'Guns by Firing Rate') are useless? There is no way to limit firing rate in the general public?
But you are talking about the ar and the firing rate of an ar is the same as that of almost every gun in this country.

That’s why I keep asking if you want to ban all of them.

If not, what are you proposing? It’s no faster than other guns. So what’s your plan

If honesty were higher on the priority list, those looking to ban certain guns would just say what they feel deep down.

“I want to ban all the guns that look really scary”.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee reveals Nashville school shooting victim Cindy Peak was his wife's best friend and was due at their home for dinner on the day she was shot dead

Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee has revealed a teacher killed in the Nashville school massacre was his wife's best friend - and that she had been due at their home for dinner on the day she died.

Lee announced his wife Maria was best friends with victim Cindy Peak, 61, who died while working as a substitute teacher at Covenant Christian school Monday.

And he revealed he and Maria - who trained as a teacher - were also good friends with head of school Dr. Katherine Koonce, 60, who died after running to try and protect her students from transgender shooter Audrey Hale, 28.

'Maria woke up this morning without one of her best friends, Cindy Peak,' Lee said. 'Cindy was supposed to come over to have dinner with Maria last night after she filled in as a substitute teacher yesterday at Covenant.'


Cindy Peak, 61, died while at Covenant school on Monday. She was supposed to have dinner with the Lee's on Monday night. Peak is pictured above with her daughter


Maria Lee (above) woke up without her best friend on Monday, the governor said

Tennessee Governor reveals Nashville school shooting victim Cindy Peak was his wife's best friend | Daily Mail Online
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Classic response from someone already cemented in to their position. That was not my words:

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Are they wrong?

An ar will fire once per trigger pull, no different than all the handguns everyone carries. It doesn’t have some magical higher rate of fire. It has nothing to do with being “cemented in my position”, it’s just people like you throwing out dumb ideas and statements like “45 rounds per minute is too fast” because you are clueless on the subject. I can shoot more than 45 rounds per minute in any handgun I own.
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An ar will fire once per trigger pull, no different than all the handguns everyone carries. It doesn’t have some magical higher rate of fire. It has nothing to do with being “cemented in my position”, it’s just people like you throwing out dumb ideas and statements like “45 rounds per minute is too fast” because you are clueless on the subject. I can shoot more than 45 rounds per minute in any handgun I own.
Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.
Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.
are there other USC BOR amendments that you want government restrictions on?
Interesting fact: gun violence is the number one killer of American youths today.

Not car accidents or illnesses.


Yay guns.



‘F***ing Sick Of The Knee Jerk ‘It’s The Guns”: Megyn Kelly Rips Gun Control Advocates After Nashville Shooting

Former Fox News anchor and current podcast host Megyn Kelly, who has a nine-year-old child of her own, fired back at calls from gun control advocates after the Nashville school shooting in which three nine-year-olds were murdered.

“Three nine-year-olds were shot down yesterday by one sick person in addition to the three school administrators,” Kelly began on her SiriusXM radio program.

“There’s something wrong with our society, and I for one am f***ing sick of the knee jerk — ‘It’s the guns. Get the guns,’” she declared. “We have 330 million guns, maybe over 400 million by some counts in America. They’re not going away. We could do an assault weapons ban tomorrow. They’re not going away. All right? We have to take a serious, honest look at what’s wrong with us.”

‘F***ing Sick Of The Knee Jerk ‘It’s The Guns”: Megyn Kelly Rips Gun Control Advocates After Nashville Shooting | The Daily Wire
Lol you shouldn’t need Google for this. But it does show you’ve been lied to by the media.

An AR is semiautomatic. Most guns in this country are. That means it fires when you pull the trigger.

May I ask how old you are? Seems like something most adults know
You have yet to define what you mean when you say AR.
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Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.

The issue is you’re pretending to promote a reasonable argument and that we are just “cemented” while providing an irrational argument.

If the AR is no faster than the average gun, why would we focus on its rate of fire
Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.

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Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.

Correct. We should not infringe on peoples' rights with laws based on an arbitrary number, especially one concocted by people who have no knowledge on the subject.
Interesting fact: gun violence is the number one killer of American youths today.

Not car accidents or illnesses.


Yay guns.

The number of American kids that die each year from any cause is tragic. I wonder if locking kids in there homes in 2020 so they couldn't drive had any effect on the data. The data that you're quoting also ignores deaths of infants, which would change the results.

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