Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I'm pretty sure that co
Correct. We should not infringe on peoples' rights with laws based on an arbitrary number, especially one concocted by people who have no knowledge on the subject.[/QUO

I'm pretty sure when Congress comes up with these standards, experts are consulted. I'll have to look back at what was in the former Assault Weapons Ban.
So that is why you will not answer???????
You guys are so freakin' transparent.
You've got your little 2A book of canned responses (guns don't kill people, people do) and when those don't work, you shut it down.
Interesting fact: gun violence is the number one killer of American youths today.

Not car accidents or illnesses.


Yay guns.

That's not entirely due to a rise in gun-related attacks. Drug-related deaths have also surpassed car accidents for the same reason as gun-related deaths: beginning in 2020, we've had a spike in the number of suicides.
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You must need a serious nap after all that tortured reasoning. The notion that a person armed with a hand gun is JUST AS dangerous in this scenario as one armed with an assault rifle style weapon is just ridiculous.

For ine thing, the damage done by a shot from the latter is SUBSTANTIALLY more severe and deadly than the former. Equating the two as just as deadly is beyond stupid.

If you're going to argue, then argue the point being made.
That means you don't get to dishonestly ignore qualifying remarks regarding caliber and effects on small children, as opposed to adults. You can't ignore their defenselessness, the contained environment the shooter has to work with and the short distances that work to a killer's advantage. You don't get to ignore your reactive objection to even hardening exterior doors. Or that banning AR/AK type weapon will not prevent shootings or save ANY lives while people are being shot.

The VaTech shooting is the third most deadly U.S. shooting with 32 dead/25 wounded. The killer used a 9mm Glock 19 and a Walther .22 caliber pistols. Those were adult framed people, much more mobile than small children and in a much larger campus environment with more avenues of escape, and adult brains giving them more options to escape or survive

The most deadly shooting was the Vegas shooting; from a hotel room tower using only AR15 style rifles and a couple .308 rifles; 58 dead/440 wounded. Again, overwhelmingly adult victims with adult coping mechanisms, not 9 year olds whimpering behind a desk while the kid who sent her a "Do you like me?" note yesterday was just killed five feet from her.

The second deadliest shooting is the Pulse nightclub shooting committed with an AR-type and 9mm Glock pistol. 49 dead/53 wounded.
The Nashville killer carried what appears to be a 9mm S&W pistol, a 9mm carbine, and an AR type.

Columbine shooters used pump and double-barreled shotguns, a 9mm carbine and 9mm pistol to kill 13/wound 24. The DC shipyard killer used a pump shotgun to kill 12 mobile, adult-framed/brained humans.

Perhaps, like Biden, you'd prefer school shooters to use shotguns - ?? Or pistols? Speaking of that:
Mass publics shootings from 1998 - 2022, 58% were killed with handguns only, 14% with rifles only, 4% with shotguns only, 12% with handgun and rifle, 9% with handgun & shotgun, and 3% with all three types. That screws the narrative, eh? Breaking down Mass Public Shooting data from 1998 through May 2022: Info on weapons used; gun-free zones; racial, age, and gender demographics

You do your damnedest to ensure school shootings continue, despite people better educated on the subject telling you why you're wrong. But you don't care; you invested yourself in 'assault weapon' talisman-like fetish, whether out of ignorance or malice, and you won't reverse. You are making the conscious choice to fight the one damned thing that can mitigate school shootings, above all else, and you don't care about the children you use as a shield for your destructive, ineffective agenda.
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Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.
A semi auto at your rate is around 5% of a full auto m16 (900 range). That's pretty significant no?
Interesting fact: for most of the last 20-30 years it’s been car accidents.

Why did you never give up your keys?
But the 2020 data is particularly useful for leftists to quote because American kids were quarantined in their homes and unable to drive, thus decreasing car fatalities and elevating firearm deaths in the statistics.
Now you made me google.

A standard semi-auto AR15 chambered in .223/5.56mm can fire up to 45 rounds per minute, allowing the user to adjust and compensate for center mass as they are firing. Full auto and binary triggers will greatly increase the rate of fire.

Not thrilled with '45 rounds per minute'.

Never said 45 rounds per minute is too fast. I suggested that we could find 'a measure' to work from. Look, I know I'm on VolNation in a forum that will trend highly 'anti-gun control people whose positions are cemented in on the topic'. I also know that in more liberal leaning forums, people will lean the other way (further than I want to go). In fact, there are few areas that you can go and have a reasonable convo on this topic.

Long story short, your telling me there is no 'rating' possible on which intelligent people could come to agreement.

Screenthis now claims that he never claimed 45 rounds per minute is too fast. He seems really trustworthy.
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Screenthis now claims that he never claimed 45 rounds per minute is too fast. He seems really trustworthy.
Classic misdirection. Read Further. Surely there is a 'rate' or measure that can be used to attempt to keep 'more lethal' weapons out of the hands of the general public.
Yea, I suppose I'd rather not mention a specific 'rounds per minute' measure but going in to a school with the ability to fire off 45/rounds per minute does sound 'terrifying'.
That’s 240 rpm with a revolver. Someone half as slow is 120. Half as slow as the half slow guy is 60. And so on.
Classic misdirection. Read Further. Surely there is a 'rate' or measure that can be used to attempt to keep 'more lethal' weapons out of the hands of the general public.

Not really unless you’re talking about fully automatic weapons in which case are very difficult to obtain.
But the 2020 data is particularly useful for leftists to quote because American kids were quarantined in their homes and unable to drive, thus decreasing car fatalities and elevating firearm deaths in the statistics.

Along with changes in places like NY that refused to prosecute minors for homicide which lead to massive increases in gang related child deaths
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Sure. I misdirected everybody by quoting you.
Good lord. Here's what we'll do. We'll look at the types of bullets, we'll look at high capacity magazines, we'll look at firing rates, and other measures to determine if there is a way to limit the lethality of weapons in the general public.

Yes, I know. Complete unreasonable.
Classic misdirection. Read Further. Surely there is a 'rate' or measure that can be used to attempt to keep 'more lethal' weapons out of the hands of the general public.
The point everyone is making is that what you deemed as fast, "very frightening" I think was the description, is a common semi automatic. There is not a single gun that tickles people. By definition it is a destructive tool. A necessary one for the citizenry to have and have access to.

I've already stated this in here but it's a way bigger reason than protecting a house or hunting. It's to ensure the govt has a deterrent for being overbearing. It's so the US is significantly harder to invade and acts a deterrent for foreign tyrants. It's self protecting and important to have for that reason alone. Hunting be damned. It's not just so the right can defend against the left but also left against the right, minorities, whoever can defend the values of this country and being free from govt overreach. That was it's purpose. We've all strayed away from those values and are divided but that's a purpose that should survive this division.

Have a gun, have an automatic weapon, have a cannon, have anti air defense on your roof.
Lmfao that’s what we need. The government should tell you how much media and what forms you can and cannot consume
There is no one option to stop this madness but a bunch of keyboard warriors taking the side of one political party and following those party lines isn't working. We need the mature thinkers to come together from both sides and get those too dense to work with the other side out of the discussion for an actual solution. The solution is in the gray area and is a layered solution of many ideas that push us to actual change within the population.
Good lord. Here's what we'll do. We'll look at the types of bullets, we'll look at high capacity magazines, we'll look at firing rates, and other measures to determine if there is a way to limit the lethality of weapons in the general public.

Yes, I know. Complete unreasonable.
It is unreasonable when you look through the lens of the purpose of the 2a.

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