Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

more contradictions from the linked article

The AR-15 (rifle) has a fire rate of 700–900 rounds per minute. The M16A1 has a rate of fire of 600 RPM. The M14E2 (also known as the M21 sniper rifle), which can not be found in any form today, was capable of firing up to 750 rounds per minute.

The fire rate of the AR-15 is limited by the gas system, which can be adjusted to work with any ammunition type. The M16A1 has a higher rate of fire than the AR-15 because it uses more powerful ammo (5.56x45mm NATO) and does not have a buffer tube in its stock.

Somehow 700-900 rpm is less than 600 rpm. Whoever wrote this either didn't proofread it or is an idiot
Scientists call them idiots.
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In my line of work, I am required to take annual training among other requirements to keep my license. Why can we not extend to other realms?
Hmmm.. give an example..I have to renew my license q 2 years.. how are you saying this would work with guns? People aren’t going to do it whatever it is.. they can’t even renew stickers on their car
Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.
In my line of work, I am required to take annual training among other requirements to keep my license. Why can we not extend to other realms?

Just to be clear:

You believe mass shootings are due to a lack of proper training? If not, why even bring this up?
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Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.
Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.

The conversation devolved into this because of people like yourself who see this and your reaction is “take the guns” or “ARs are super deadly”

Instead of actual solutions like “why was there no armed security at this school? Nearly all schools have them”
Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.

So this is TN lawmakers fault? That is non sensible
People on the left:

Violence occurs due to poverty

Also people on the left:

We should impose polices that make gun owners more impoverished like requiring annual training, licensing, increased taxes on bullets, and fines if someone breaks into their home and steals their gun
Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.

Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.
The left is every bit as responsible for the lack of meaningful provisions to solve this issue. Neither side wants to compromise because they lose power from stoking the visceral emotion from people like you.

Blame who and what you want but an AR-15 ban would have done NOTHING to stop this from happening.
Maybe there was one between them but Uvalde and this had one thing in common (other than the gender identity of the shooter)

Neither had an armed guard. Seems like a pretty basic resolution we could get passed quick. Require all schools to provide a minimum of 1 armed guard (most already have that).

I’d even be open to adding a second federally funded guard. So the locality pays one and the fed pays one.
The country is less religious, and is below 50 percent as going to Church ever in our history.. that is a verifiable stat. Furthermore, if you are a parent you will know that there is a definite problem with the kids now in terms of mental health.. I want to say about 60 percent of GenZs have mental illness.. also a stat… Anecdotally, go and substitute teach sometime… I did… it is NOT the same world from even 15 years ago.. kids can’t even learn now, and there will be at least two in every class freely walking around the classroom due to various and sundry real or imagined diagnoses.. I’m all for mainstreaming special ed kids, but d@mn you should be able to sit in a chair at least.. or be in a wheelchair..sheesh.. nobody can concentrate to do’s amazing they learn anything at all

Part of the reason why i am about $200,000 in just Christian school tuition despite being blue collar and far, far from being wealthy.

I have never owned a brand new car or truck. Ever. We do not have a big house...despite the fact that i can build nice houses completely by myself because 30 years now of construction work is all that I have ever done. We dont take super expensive vacations out of country, dont spend much on material things at all to be honest. We invested in our kids instead. So far we have 1 valedictorian who dual enrolled in HS so that he graduated with a degree in (pediatric) clinical psychology in 2.5 years instead of 4...he is now working on his masters at night. My daughter probably won't be valedictorian but she will be top 5 in her class and plans to dual enroll also to get a jump on college. Far, far more importantly....they both came to Christ of their own accord, at different ages and times...and neither has ever even had a teacher call home negatively, much less a detention or discipline problem. We are raising responsible adults...not children. We are parents first, and friends second. My kids address any adult as "sir" or "ma'am ". They are not perfect, but they are miles better than we ever deserved...and much better than my wife and i were at their ages.

If we had put our kids in the same public garbage schools that we kids would likely use drugs and alcohol like all of their friends, not try hard in school, be caught up in all this trans/racism/kill whitey bullcrap that the Dimwits are all about etc. I have zero doubts about that. Apparently that is the way of the world these days.

We want no part of that crap. None. Praying for tidal waves.
Amazing how fast this tragedy dissolved into an argument about whose gun is bigger and how many bullets it can fire and how quickly. Forget about the fact that there are all sorts of ways for a sick person, an evil person or an immature person to skirt the liberal gun laws and get their hands on a killing machine. How many children are going to have to die for people to get off their high horse and sensitivity and figure out a better way? I guess some folks have more stomach for the blood of kids on the school floor than I do.

And while I’m at it, those morons in the TN legislature like Ogles and Sexton and Bill Lee as Governor are worthless POS’s with that very blood on their hands. Real tough guys. Coca Cola Cowboys. All of ‘em- Straight Outta Applebee’s. And IDGAF if you agree or disagree. I’m not interested in a debate. Go talk to those kid’s parents and get their perspective. They are the only ones that count. Of course, 99% of the people spouting nonsense in here wouldn’t have the courage to do that. End of discussion.

I thought you were done commenting in here.
OMG, what happened? I see an afternoon of patients and come back to see the last 10 pages? I had to quit at p91.

But quick: where can I stop and get a high caliber AR Gatling gun with a mega-recoil spring that rattles off 1000 RPM on my way home?

Did the lefties start drinking early today? I mean, can you even try to educate yourself so that we could just have a reasonable discussion? Lord, have mercy.
The left is every bit as responsible for the lack of meaningful provisions to solve this issue. Neither side wants to compromise because they lose power from stoking the visceral emotion from people like you.

Blame who and what you want but an AR-15 ban would have done NOTHING to stop this from happening.
The right doesn't compromise because it is an erosion of rights. The left doesn't compromise because anything short of beginning gun bans defeats the leftist agenda.

You have to ask yourself, why is the right called the right?

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