if i had a pallet of Zoysia,i would use one of the plugging tools and there is no telling how many plugs you would get,i really don't know if that is better than the seed or not
i do love the Periwinkle for good ground cover,once you get it established all you need to do is run a weed eater over it once or twice a year,i had a friend that covered up some steep ass banks that couldn't be mowed with it and just ran the mower over the edges of it
I'm not sure, honestly. I'll have to measure.
I've put down sod before and it's much heavier than I imagined. I'm not cut out for sodding an entire lawn myself so I would have to hire it done or use seed.
I'm not sure, honestly. I'll have to measure.
I've put down sod before and it's much heavier than I imagined. I'm not cut out for sodding an entire lawn myself so I would have to hire it done or use seed.
Makes me think I'd have to pay someone to do it.
Cool thread. I'm forced to attempt seeding this spring. Obviously not the ideal time, but I'm hoping for moderate success.
I just recently moved and my new lawn is in bad shape. So what would be the best method of going to Zoysia from a fescue/bermuda mixed lawn with several bare spots that need seeding? How does it do it shade (not good I assume)? And what's the best time of year to plant or seed?
I may need to hit up Mr. Google, but I'm intrigued.
I just checked out this Dimension pre-emergent and it is rather expensive. Best I could tell it is sold by the half-gallon at roughly $140 + per half-gallon. The granular version was about half that price.
Can someone help advise on the expected area of coverage from Dimension (both for liquid and granular)? Let's say for around half-acre.
Not to mention a solid zoysia yard with normal landscaping will net you 6-8k in the value of your home. ( a normal 5-6,000 square foot yard in a subdivision )
Any recommendations on where to buy zoysia sod in the Nashville area? Heck for that matter TN area, I have the trucks to go get it.
We're doing a major backyard project and I'm thinking of zoysia going back instead of the Bermuda/fescue mix we have now.