Air fresheners are illegal in Minnesota

Why not just set up road blocks on every major street? Just think of how many criminals you can catch then?
Because there is no need for that. If someone is seen speeding or committing other violations, it’s not some outlandish idea that they can be pulled over for it. That’s the law AND everyone who wants to drive on roadways agreed and signed up for it. You talk about “standing with the people” when people are the ones pushing for laws, call the police to deal with such issues especially in their neighborhoods and generally support police putting criminals in jail
They way the cops job structured right now, they are set up to be like the plantation overseer or the jailhouse trusty or the kid the teacher assigns to write names on the board while she steps out the room... they're snitches too eager to do The Man's bidding. They just like f#^king with people over petty stuff.
Again you really need to go out and actually ride a long and meet officers locally. Your generalizations based on misguided feelings and then assigning it to thousands of officers that are no where near what you are saying is pretty evident
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The stop was for an expired tag. He ended up dead and the cop out of a job because of a mistake she made. There would had been other opportunities to pick him up for the warrant. If not for the stop for the expired tag he would still be alive and the cop still on the job.
If not for his fighting and running from police over his felony warrants he would still Be alive
I'm saying if traffic stops were just traffic stops maybe this wouldn't be the case. Give the ticket and move on - don't try to apprehend. Like I said it's a trade off

I'm not saying traffic cops can't have guns - just that if a traffic stop ended at citations most of these incidents would not occur.
If we do that how long will it be before someone who could have been apprehended subsequently kills someone and then it comes out that they were recently stopped by police? Then we have a whole other problem on our hand. Seems like I saw a stat one time that showed violent criminals were almost always repeat offenders. It’s rare for a violent crime to be someone first but that’s going off memory. I’d have to find the stats.
Any call could need a weapon at any time. There was a KPD cadet who was doing parking duty downtown and was almost killed by a felon about 10 years ago

I was being semi-sarcastic. If you disarm police you need to stop expecting them to do things that might require a weapon.
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I think you are crazy if you dont think black parents are telling their kids to comply.

If you know any black person in this country, maybe you don't? He/she/they will tell you that they've ALL had that conversation
During these talks are the parents also saying you can’t trust the police and that’s the reason to comply? How does that help? There’s a culture of distrusting cops in our society but, in some circles, there’s not a culture of compliance. I think it comes back to the parenting mostly, regardless of color, and I’d guess that there’s a much greater chance of noncompliance from people that are living in poverty. I have no stats to back that up and, even if true, it doesn’t absolutely mean there’s a correlation but it makes sense to me because of several factors that come along with poverty, such as maybe parents having to work longer hours.

I’ve taught my sons that police officers are to be respected and obeyed at all times, period. Could I expand on that to include what to do if an officer is being unreasonable? Sure. But I’d rather keep the message simple and clear and let them adjust on their own as they grow up and have their own perspective. As I’ve said, I’ve had tons of experiences with law enforcement and I’ve been arrested for crimes I didn’t commit, including by the FBI. I’ve also been slung on the hood of a car because I fit a description of someone that ran from the cops earlier. One of the cops picked me out when I was with 2 friends wearing similar outfits with similar hair that could’ve also fit the description but they chose me, boxed us in on the sidewalk, and had me down on the hood of the car before I could even say a word. I’ve had cops threaten me with jail as the first words out of their mouth, be jerks for no reason, and all kinds of things. Every single time I complied, was respectful, and every single situation turned out fine. There are bad apples out there and some of them do treat POC poorly because they are racist but it’s a small amount. That doesn’t mean we ignore it but our current rules and procedures do exists for reasons. We need to constantly examine those to make sure they’re still what makes the most sense but a complete overhaul of our system seems like too much.
Not everyone is a criminal. That’s silly. You are talking about maybe 25-30% of the population
I havent read that book. But some other literature I have read said something like 75 to 80% of the population commits a federal crime daily.
Why did the officers allow the perpretrator's car door to be open when attempting to cuff him? just a terrible job of policing our streets
I talked to a business owner who is from Chile. He said the cops dont carry guns so the crime is really bad.

It's not really bad in Chile. It's not much worse than the US's and it's better than all the countries nearby that share similar culture (Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, etc.).

Crime Rate by Country 2021
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Why did the officers allow the perpretrator's car door to be open when attempting to cuff him? just a terrible job of policing our streets
The correct action would have been to call him back closer to them at the trunk of suspects car acting like they were giving him a ticket or just to talk and then immediately handcuff him without the hem and hawing that the male officer did. The female officer should have been in support directly to have hands on if needed to assist instead of standing there gawking with his insurance paperwork in her hand. Training sucked in that department no doubt.
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The correct action would have been to call him back closer to them at the trunk of suspects car acting like they were giving him a ticket or just to talk and then immediately handcuff him without the hem and hawing that the male officer did. The female officer should have been in support directly to have hands on if needed to assist instead of standing there gawking with his insurance paperwork in her hand. Training sucked in that department no doubt.
It was a lazy arrest.
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Daunte Wright protesters Leak killer cop Kimberly Potter's five-bed home address online - forcing Minnesota police to erect fence and guard property: Officer 'to be charged TODAY' following 60 arrests on third night of national unrest

Police guarded the property of Officer Kimberly Potter as Daunte Wright protests turned violent Tuesday night, with demonstrators clashing with police in Minneapolis while Portland's police union building was set on fire.

Potter's five-bedroom house was surrounded with protective fencing after protesters leaked her address online as outrage mounts against the veteran cop who allegedly mistook a taser for a gun when she fatally shot Wright, 20, a black man.

Minneapolis cops arrest at least 60 as they clash with protesters | Daily Mail Online
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I think you are crazy if you dont think black parents are telling their kids to comply.

If you know any black person in this country, maybe you don't? He/she/they will tell you that they've ALL had that conversation

Yea they comply the first few times and after they have a substantial record and/or warrants they finally decide to try their luck. They lose.
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Sure there is. Traffic control, escorting funerals, parking ticket duty, none should need a weapon.
Interesting. So in other words, make those activities gun free zones, and further advertise that fact.

Cops would be sitting ducks for gangstas and other similar types that just wanted to kill them.

Rashida approves.

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