AJ's Tweet?

You guys rag on AJ, but he was only the 2nd leading tackler in the SEC last year and our best defensive player. Despite he's flaws in pass coverage, I'm glad he's wearing orange and not whoever we're playing. Give'em hell, AJ.

Just my two cents in this thread.

It's not just pass coverage. Apparently you missed those long runs last year with AJ in pursuit.........then out of the picture.

I'll add that being the 2nd leading tackler in the SEC on the worst defense in Tennessee history is kinda like being the worlds 2nd tallest midget. Being the best defensive player is debatable as well.
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It's not just pass coverage. Apparently you missed those long runs last year with AJ in pursuit.........then out of the picture.

I'll add that being the 2nd leading tackler in the SEC on the worst defense in Tennessee history is kinda like being the worlds 2nd tallest midget. Being the best defensive player is debatable as well.

Being the best defensive player is debatable, of course. Google me some stats to prove otherwise, brah.
AJ plays for Tennessee and gives his blood for Tennessee. That's all anyone can ask from a man. Is it not enough for you? Can you suit up and play better?
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I don't mind players talking smack before a game. Bring the swag. When I get upset is when you're getting beat 40-0 then a makes a tackle and jumps up pounding himself like he just won the game. If you're winning or are in it then talk all you want. If you're getting punked just shut up and play.
It's not just pass coverage. Apparently you missed those long runs last year with AJ in pursuit.........then out of the picture.

I'll add that being the 2nd leading tackler in the SEC on the worst defense in Tennessee history is kinda like being the worlds 2nd tallest midget. Being the best defensive player is debatable as well.

The best defensive player on the worst defense in Tennessee history isn't worth debating brah.

Nobody here is bashing a player just calling it how they see. That said everyone will be pulling for the big orange Saturday hopeful for an upset. Can't help some of you can't be realistic but there's a reason we're a 28 point underdog.

You are an embarrassment to real Tennessee fans. Isn't really worth debating. Just calling it like I see it. Not bashing, just keeping it real.

I'm sure you understand. Brah.
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@Antonio_Tiny74: "@aj_thebeast_45: Speed is no factor when it's on the ground!......" TELL EM BEAST!!!!!!!! TIME TO #EAT

Tiny and AJ "discussing" the Oregon game

Glad to see the confidence! But, hope they have the mental toughness to stay strong when they figure out that speed kills. I hope it goes well, but dang, dem ducks is quick and we ain't.
AJ plays for Tennessee and gives his blood for Tennessee. That's all anyone can ask from a man. Is it not enough for you? Can you suit up and play better?

Lol. Football forum is full of clueless idiots. I go to other boards to laugh at other delusional fans but I see I can just stay here.
The best defensive player on the worst defense in Tennessee history isn't worth debating brah.

Hey bro, brah, broseph, brosephus, brohosaphat.. AJ is a stud. Needs to work on pass discipline for sure, but few guys can fill the A gap better in CFB. Brah bro man bro dog
I'm a guest on your board, and you guys have been great, so please don't take offense to this but..........

We are 49-7 in the last 4 years. If it was that easy, why doesn't every one just follow the blueprint Auburn set(same one Stanford used) and beat the Ducks? Just sayin.............:good!:

PAC 12 or 20 or whatever it is. If you were in the SEC, your record would be much worse. IMO
Hey bro, brah, broseph, brosephus, brohosaphat.. AJ is a stud. Needs to work on pass discipline for sure, but few guys can fill the A gap better in CFB. Brah bro man bro dog

Yea he fills the gap nice only to realize the ball carrier is streaking to the endzone. Dummy, moron, idiot,
PAC 12 or 20 or whatever it is. If you were in the SEC, your record would be much worse. IMO

Lol. I never get this. We have been unfortunate enough to be on the bottom of the SEC for a few years but somebody wants to ride coat tails of a handful of the best SEC teams & proclaim dominance.

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