Alex Jones, a coward

Wait, what? You can spew lies and hatred and mislead people for decades and you think it's wrong for me to say he deserves bad?

We have people on this board jumping for joy over Griner's plight because she knelt for the anthem, but you lion hearts have a problem with me saying Jones deserves consequences, lol. Y'all are backwards
You didn't say consequences. You said a bad life. With that logic, you should be ok with the Griner takes.

Seems to me that you aren't. So when you speak on PRINCIPLE, you are actually telling on yourself and admitting you have none. Speech that you don't like deserves the sentence of a bad life. You're underground on this huff. I was expecting you to go with the excuse of hyperbole but instead you've quadrupled down.
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People don't understand that you can like an outcome without supporting the process. Pretend Biden and Harris got removed from office over BS
You didn't say consequences. You said a bad life. With that logic, you should be ok with the Griner takes.

Seems to me that you aren't. So when you speak on PRINCIPLE, you are actually telling on yourself and admitting you have none. Speech that you don't like deserves the sentence of a bad life. You're underground on this huff. I was expecting you to go with the excuse of hyperbole but instead you've quadrupled down.

A bad life is a consequence...
Show me the post. All I have been talking about is what he deserves

Again I say you are a joke of a person.

You support the state punishing him because you think he deserves it. If you would have posted that you objected to the lawsuit but thought he deserves being run over by a bus you would have a point. But you didn’t and you are a fraud.
Again I say you are a joke of a person.

You support the state punishing him because you think he deserves it. If you would have posted that you objected to the lawsuit but thought he deserves being run over by a bus you would have a point. But you didn’t and you are a fraud.

Ad hominem and straw man. Well done
The word consequence is broad. You took it a step or two further and said a bad life.

Yes, you're almost there. Because consequence is broad, it encompasses the idea of a bad life as a consequnce. See the logic yet?
Government using weather weapons

Government turning frogs gay

Fluoride water makes people dumb

Vaccines cause autism

Sandy Hooked was staged

His male supplements help you dodge "gay bombs"

Robert Mueller is an actual demon that has sex with kids in front of people. Jones vowed to "take him down " in 2016

Obama was an actual demon that smelled of sulfur

There's a 90% chance the movie Machete will cause a race war between Hispanics and Whites. (Released in 2010)

This one is new this month: Aliens are turning people into cyborg slaves for Satan.

That’s an amazing list. He is more of a comedian than journalist.
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Yes, you're almost there. Because consequence is broad, it encompasses the idea of a bad life as a consequnce. See the logic yet?
Plainly saying Alex Jones deserves consequences for what he says also includes free market consequences, debates and discussion. YOU didn't say that. Instead you went several steps further in saying his whole ass life should be bad. Stop trying to hide behind the broadness of the word consequence when we are past that and at specificity.
I'd bet money that my friends that call themselves libertarians would be in full disagreement with huff.

Let's break this down to the core principle so we can eliminate all confusion.

If people do wrong, do they deserve negative consequences?

I say yes. Now, do you still say the libertarians you know disagree with me?
Let's break this down to the core principle so we can eliminate all confusion.

If people do wrong, do they deserve negative consequences?

I say yes. Now, do you still say the libertarians you know disagree with me?
You said bad life. So I'm keeping the parameters there. I still say they'll disagree.
Lowest form of human? He's nowhere close. Personally, I think he's nuts but deeming him the lowest form of human when you have genocide, rape, murder, torture, etc on the list of things bad people do makes you equal to him.
He intentionally fuels hatred, division, and ignorance for profit. That's lowest form in my book.
Wait, so you never punished your kids for their words? Think about the principle of what you're saying.

Jones deserves a terrible life. I not saying I want a system of government that carries that out. I'm only saying it's what he deserves
They hate government and they hate laws, yet they live by the code that if it's not illegal, it must be okay.
Your posts clearly state that you support Jones being punished by the state.
He should certainly be punished; if not by the state, then by whom?
Is the state the only entity allowed to punish?

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