Alex Jones, a coward

Lol. That’s every dim politician….especially the last two presidents.
Take those negative impressions you have of the last two dem presidents, add them together, multiply by 10, and you are just now scratching the surface of Alex Jones and his ilk.
Take those negative impressions you have of the last two dem presidents, add them together, multiply by 10, and you are just now scratching the surface of Alex Jones and his ilk.

He has a right to say whatever and you have a right to ignore it.
If he doesn’t slander or liable them why do they have the right to sue him?

the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
"she sued him for defamation"
You are right in a sense. But Jones seeks to profit either from the deep, horrible pain of others, or despite it. Pretty awful.

You could say the same thing for blm. How much of that money has went to help black lives, except their own..??
Fair question. I know he didn’t shoot anyone. I know he didn’t tell anyone to shoot anyone. I know he didn’t tell anyone to harm anyone.

I don’t know what he did worth 150 mil. Do you?
It’s a defamation case.

Defamation has been recognized at English common law for 500 years.
Defamation has been part of the American legal tradition since before the founding.
Punitive damages are usually available for malicious defamation.

Are you saying you don’t believe in defamation law and think it’s government overreach? Maybe it was Hog that called it overreach.
It’s a defamation case.

Defamation has been recognized at English common law for 500 years.
Defamation has been part of the American legal tradition since before the founding.
Punitive damages are usually available for malicious defamation.

Are you saying you don’t believe in defamation law and think it’s government overreach? Maybe it was Hog that called it overreach.

It was me and AJ didn’t defame anyone.
Are you saying that believing in limited government means believing defamation is protected speech?

I just want to make sure because you’ve struggled to make coherent posts tonight.

Huff doesn’t believe in limited government and I have yet seen how AJ defamed anyone.
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