Alex Jones' Day of Reckoning is on its way!

Who cares what he says. Im talking about what he is. And i have never listened to him. if i can figure out who and what he is in absentia, why can't you?
The better question is, why can't the people who are harassing the Sandy Hook parents figure it out? Because they are the ones causing problems and the purpose behind the lawsuit against Jones. What Jones is doing isn't harmless. There are nuts out there who have bought in. Just like the PizzaGate guy from North Carolina (Maddison Edgar Welch) who shot up Comet Ping Pong in DC. There can be real world consequences for perpetuating this garbage.
It must really suck to be afflicted with Orange Man Bad-itis so severely......

LG, go see a therapist or get laid. Better yet, do both.....if you can. Regardless of the hat atop anyone’s head, most are sane enough to see how retarded Alex Jones is. No need to be so enthralled with being VN’s personal paper boy.
The better question is, why can't the people who are harassing the Sandy Hook parents figure it out? Because they are the ones causing problems and the purpose behind the lawsuit against Jones. What Jones is doing isn't harmless. There are nuts out there who have bought in. Just like the PizzaGate guy from North Carolina (Maddison Edgar Welch) who shot up Comet Ping Pong in DC. There can be real world consequences for perpetuating this garbage.
If the courts find him guilty, then so be it. I don't care about Alex Jones either way. I'm simply trying to establish the man is an entertainer. He may have a group of ardent nutjobs who listen to him. The left has ardent nutjobs too. Al Gore isn't responsible for Ted Kazinski.

We don't need to make a bigger boogey man out of AJ than he is. He is a niche host putting on a niche program for a niche entertain them.

But yall do what you want with him. I don't care. This topic was a nice distraction from my normal mundane activities.
Sandy Hook, yes. Captain Hook, no.

Isn't he an entertainer??? How is the BS different beside the fact he bunches your panties?
That’s sort of what I don’t get. On one hand he’s apparently an idiot spouting ******** nonstop that no one listens to, on the other he’s a threat to democracy and journalistic integrity. Like you said he sounds like a Coast to Coast barker, not someone holding themselves out as a mainstream source of news.
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At least one person here has listened to him. Thank you

I remember listening to him while driving ( before audio books on unlimited mins.) that was for sure an interesting show lol
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The better question is, why can't the people who are harassing the Sandy Hook parents figure it out? Because they are the ones causing problems and the purpose behind the lawsuit against Jones. What Jones is doing isn't harmless. There are nuts out there who have bought in. Just like the PizzaGate guy from North Carolina (Maddison Edgar Welch) who shot up Comet Ping Pong in DC. There can be real world consequences for perpetuating this garbage.

Do you feel the same about innocent people in red hats getting assaulted constantly only because of a hat? Maxine waters incited alot of this with her statements to confront trump supporters in restaurants and such. Or how about when obama spoke of police being foolish and further dividing people with his race baiting? Police were killed in dallas and attacked by rioters because of his idiotic statements. Did you b#### about that?
Alex Jones hit with sanctions by judge in Sandy Hook lawsuit - CNN

Sanctioned in the lawsuit case against him for for false accusations against opposing counsel. And now trial is going to be set.

I hope the jury awards many, many millions against him. Send a message that this kind of right wing made-up bull crap is no longer acceptable "entertainment" for the dumbass masses that routinely seem to get hooked into it.

Oh that's good. Let's make sure we take care of the "right-wing" kind.
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You’re a reasonable guy, you would not approve of Alex Jones or consider him to be on par with the mainstream media regarding the Covington kid.

The difference is in the culpability, like the difference between negligent or reckless and intentional.

This case started when Jones pushed and developed a story that the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary was faked. He pushed a lot of fake info about it. He riled up a bunch of anti-gun-control nuts and they harassed one of the families so badly that they had to move 7 times to get away from it. Keep in mind this is after their son has been murdered.

In depositions, Jones has basically admitted that he just plays a character and doesn’t really believe any of the stuff he says. So he knew what he was saying wasn’t based on real facts and knew it was inciting people to harass this family, but he kept doing it because he was making money off it.

Look up Larry Pozner, the dad of one of the kids. Pozner is one of the ones, maybe the main one, now suing Jones. Pozner just won a lawsuit against some other nuts in Wisconsin who was claiming that they were paid actors and that his son never even existed. Unclear to me if they’re related or just copy cats of Jones, but at the very least he seems to have definitively proven that the whole false flag narrative was fake.

It’s ****ing sick. The left has its own problems with performative wokeness and whatnot, but this type of stuff does not exist for them, presently, as far as I’m aware. 9/11 truthers and “George Bush causes Katrina” type people used to be a thing but even most of the 9/11 truthers here are pro-trump QAnon fanboys, IIRC. And none of that was ever about harassing innocent people who had just gone through hell.

Edit: maybe I missed part of the thread. If this isn’t relevant, please disregard.
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CNN. They're not as outrageous as Alex Jones, but in terms of damage done from bad journalism, you could argue CNN is worse than AJ.

CNN has produced some sloppy journalism but nothing even close to things like: Sandy Hook was a hoax...The Government was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing....Robert Mueller is a pedophile...Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor...the government is using chemical bombs to turn people gay....and that's just a start. Many he just echoed and some are his own.
You’re a reasonable guy, you would not approve of Alex Jones or consider him to be on par with the mainstream media regarding the Covington kid.

The difference is in the culpability, like the difference between negligent or reckless and intentional.

This case started when Jones pushed and developed a story that the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary was faked. He pushed a lot of fake info about it. He riled up a bunch of anti-gun-control nuts and they harassed one of the families so badly that they had to move 7 times to get away from it. Keep in mind this is after their son has been murdered.

In depositions, Jones has basically admitted that he just plays a character and doesn’t really believe any of the stuff he says. So he knew what he was saying wasn’t based on real facts and knew it was inciting people to harass this family, but he kept doing it because he was making money off it.

Look up Larry Pozner, the dad of one of the kids. Pozner is one of the ones, maybe the main one, now suing Jones. Pozner just won a lawsuit against some other nuts in Wisconsin who was claiming that they were paid actors and that his son never even existed. Unclear to me if they’re related or just copy cats of Jones, but at the very least he seems to have definitively proven that the whole false flag narrative was fake.

It’s ****ing sick. The left has its own problems with performative wokeness and whatnot, but this type of stuff does not exist for them, presently, as far as I’m aware. 9/11 truthers and “George Bush causes Katrina” type people used to be a thing but even most of the 9/11 truthers here are pro-trump QAnon fanboys, IIRC. And none of that was ever about harassing innocent people who had just gone through hell.

Edit: maybe I missed part of the thread. If this isn’t relevant, please disregard.
Acknowledging i saw your reply to my post.
CNN has produced some sloppy journalism but nothing even close to things like: Sandy Hook was a hoax...The Government was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing....Robert Mueller is a pedophile...Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor...the government is using chemical bombs to turn people gay....and that's just a start. Many he just echoed and some are his own.

My response is in relation to the context of OP

"Send a message that this kind of right wing made-up bull crap is no longer acceptable"

It's one thing if you can tie Alex Jones' lies to quantifiable damage and sue him, but it's a completely different thing to say "we're not going to tolerate people in media spreading partisan BS". It's a power that would undoubtedly overreach and be enforced inequitably.
CNN has produced some sloppy journalism but nothing even close to things like: Sandy Hook was a hoax...The Government was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing....Robert Mueller is a pedophile...Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor...the government is using chemical bombs to turn people gay....and that's just a start. Many he just echoed and some are his own.

I've never heard a word this guy has said, but it sounds like you have. As far as I'm concerned anyone that wants to listen to his drivel should be allowed to. Why do people have to be censored or told what the can or cannot listen to?
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I'm not that familiar with Jones other than he's kind of "that guy" for cranked up conspiracy theories. As it relates to the the OP it looks like Jones has actually been (as far as I know) legitimately victimized by "somebody" regarding the child porn. Being in the middle of a lawsuit probably made the other side look like the obvious perpetrators. He was, rightly, excoriated for publicly outright accusing opposing council of the deed without evidence. Pretty lame but I've heard of worse. Speaking of which...

Be it Jones or anyone else the Sandy Hook Hoax thing always struck me as loathsome as it was bewildering. The only thing that has me interested in how this turns out is, unless I'm missing out on the point of the suit, (possible) what is going to be the precedent for liability regarding what a personality can say and people's actions. It's easy to say "Look at what this idiot said!" and then draw a direct line to "Look what this other idiot did!" and then try to make a blame issue out of who did the saying and not the doing. On the surface it looks simple enough but there's some awfully spooky things, IMHO, regarding somebody saying something and somebody else running with their own thoughts on the matter and taking action coming back on the first person.
My response is in relation to the context of OP

"Send a message that this kind of right wing made-up bull crap is no longer acceptable"

It's one thing if you can tie Alex Jones' lies to quantifiable damage and sue him, but it's a completely different thing to say "we're not going to tolerate people in media spreading partisan BS". It's a power that would undoubtedly overreach and be enforced inequitably.

I agree that it ought to be up to the private companies to run their intellectual property the way they see fit, in terms of giving him a platform. Government should have no say in that. There should be no government effort to attempt to manage whether some ass hole gets a platform.

That said, if the punitives from this case somehow put him out of business, I would still consider that just in this context.
I agree that it ought to be up to the private companies to run their intellectual property the way they see fit, in terms of giving him a platform. Government should have no say in that. There should be no government effort to attempt to manage whether some ass hole gets a platform.

That said, if the punitives from this case somehow put him out of business, I would still consider that just in this context.

Agreed with all of that.

One thought is that it's not a good idea to try to silence unstable conspiracy theorists. It will validate a lot of their fears and might encourage more radicalization.
I've never heard a word this guy has said, but it sounds like you have. As far as I'm concerned anyone that wants to listen to his drivel should be allowed to. Why do people have to be censored or told what the can or cannot listen to?
It depends on who is doing the censoring. The government has no place in censorship but YouTube, Twitter and Facebook should have every right to dictate the terms of their service and restrict usage among anyone who does not abide by those terms. If you don't like it, create your own platform (website) on the internet where you can dictate your own terms and use that.
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It depends on who is doing the censoring. The government has no place in censorship but YouTube, Twitter and Facebook should have every right to dictate the terms of their service and restrict usage among anyone who does not abide by those terms. If you don't like it, create your own platform (website) on the internet where you can dictate your own terms and use that.
Good luck with that viewpoint. Just ask all of the companies that have been broken up and regulated for those very same reasons.
I've never heard a word this guy has said, but it sounds like you have. As far as I'm concerned anyone that wants to listen to his drivel should be allowed to. Why do people have to be censored or told what the can or cannot listen to?

I'm not for censoring anyone. Nor is he being censored. If I own an outlet that maybe millions of people subscribe to I have a right to set a certain standard. If he does not meet that standard I have the right to shut him down. The mods here do it. He can go shout it from the rooftops and if someone else wants to pick it up and broadcast it that's fine.
Acknowledging i saw your reply to my post.


I was skimming and saw some of your earlier posts, went all in on a response and then when it posted I read the last page and was like “hmmm, I think I’ve overlooked something.”

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