Alex Jones' Day of Reckoning is on its way!

This is a tactic the right likes to employ... take a far right nut case who doesn't need to be discredited and admit he is a kook but then compare him to someone who is mainstream on the left as a means of discrediting that person. If you have ever listened to both Jones and Maddow, you know the difference.
Maddow spent days floating a conspiracy theory that the Russians were going to murder Americans by turning off their heat during the winter. Now you’re right, Alex Jones probably isn’t the best comparison. She’s more in line with Sean Hannity, a political hack who will tease their audiences with bs stories simply to pump up their ratings for advertising purposes.
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Maddow spent days floating a conspiracy theory that the Russians were going to murder Americans by turning off their heat during the winter. Now you’re right, Alex Jones probably isn’t the best comparison. She’s more in line with Sean Hannity, a political hack who will tease their audiences with bs stories simply to pump up their ratings for advertising purposes.

Difference being that Russia has done this before to the Ukraine. Giving a real world example of our electrical grid vulnerabilities is not the same as saying the kids and families of Sandy Hook were actors.

That said, I used to like Alex Jones when he was a benign wacko, spinning fantastic conspiracy theories. But he crossed the line by profiting from other's pain and suffering.
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I was skimming and saw some of your earlier posts, went all in on a response and then when it posted I read the last page and was like “hmmm, I think I’ve overlooked something.”
No worries. I am pretty much done with the topic. But, you've always presented good discussion here and i didn't feel right "ignoring" your reply.
My response is in relation to the context of OP

"Send a message that this kind of right wing made-up bull crap is no longer acceptable"

It's one thing if you can tie Alex Jones' lies to quantifiable damage and sue him, but it's a completely different thing to say "we're not going to tolerate people in media spreading partisan BS". It's a power that would undoubtedly overreach and be enforced inequitably.
Completely correct. I have made fun of AJ and his listeners on here a ton. But you are spot on. Also creeping on free speech. Some of his crap may be actionable legally but I doubt it. Unless he defamed specific people it’s a tough sell. For sure he’s a POS but who in that business isn’t? We can all name some. But you have to accept the ugly to be free.
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Well, there is one kook on the right who embraces him. His name is Donnie or Donald something:

Maybe Trump likes him, maybe not. There's a picture on the internet of Obama and Farrakhan smiling together. Am I supposed to infer that Obama supported and liked Farrakhan's views? And if you've never heard Farrakhan preach, he spews hatred for white people.
Completely correct. I have made fun of AJ and his listeners on here a ton. But you are spot on. Also creeping on free speech. Some of his crap may be actionable legally but I doubt it. Unless he defamed specific people it’s a tough sell. For sure he’s a POS but who in that business isn’t. We can all name some. But you have to accept the ugly to be free.
Well said. aren't comfortable with having a POTUS being friendly with radicals?
It’s not that Trump validated AJ by being on his show it’s that he verbally did it. Trump should distance himself. He won’t. But no politician does.
Maybe Trump likes him, maybe not. There's a picture on the internet of Obama and Farrakhan smiling together. Am I supposed to infer that Obama supported and liked Farrakhan's views? And if you've never heard Farrakhan preach, he spews hatred for white people.

The Right did infer that Obama supported and liked Farrakhan. I'm pretty sure Fox had a collective orgasm. But this about Trumps 30 minute interview on Jones's show, not a photo op. They seemed pretty chummy to me.
It’s not that Trump validated AJ by being on his show it’s that he verbally did it. Trump should distance himself. He won’t. But no politician does.
Absolutely agree he should, but let's not act like this is news. It's only news because of people out to discredit Trump. Every single POTUS has had radicals as friends. And some, like our last POTUS, had some radicals that were 100x worse than whatever Alex Jones is.
The Right did infer that Obama supported and liked Farrakhan. I'm pretty sure Fox had a collective orgasm. But this about Trumps 30 minute interview on Jones's show, not a photo op. They seemed pretty chummy to me.
And.......Bill Ayers murdered people in the 60's, said he didn't regret setting off a single bomb, and recently said that he counted Obama as a close family friend. But Donny went on a guys show that believes in conspiracy theories. I'm not about whataboutism's, but it's obvious the selective outrage from the left.....that is all you guys know so it's not really your fault.
Absolutely agree he should, but let's not act like this is news. It's only news because of people out to discredit Trump. Every single POTUS has had radicals as friends. And some, like our last POTUS, had some radicals that were 100x worse than whatever Alex Jones is.
That’s an interesting question. Wright and Ayers are worse. But do they have the following? I doubt it.
And.......Bill Ayers murdered people in the 60's, said he didn't regret setting off a single bomb, and recently said that he counted Obama as a close family friend. But Donny went on a guys show that believes in conspiracy theories. I'm not about whataboutism's, but it's obvious the selective outrage from the left.....that is all you guys know so it's not really your fault.
You could mediate that by you know actually being critical of trump for doing it.
Don’t know the numbers of his book sales or AJ’s listening audience. I would suspect Ayers **** is years old. So I am speculating
I did. In my post above I said he should absolutely distance himself from Alex Jones. Was stupid anyway to go on his show but Trump is the most ZFG POTUS ever and truly doesn't care. Great business mind and understands what taxes and regulation do to the economy. Other than that he isn't much.
The Right did infer that Obama supported and liked Farrakhan. I'm pretty sure Fox had a collective orgasm. But this about Trumps 30 minute interview on Jones's show, not a photo op. They seemed pretty chummy to me.

The photo, taken in 2005, was kept hidden until 2018, so I'm not sure Fox had much of an orgasm over it. Guess it's possible they did, but seems kind of pointless after he left office.
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