Alex Jones Getting His Comeuppance

I'm sure whatever he has said is under the employment of an LLC. People with money never pay a dime.
Yeah, I’m sure you’re right about that. I used to do business with a guy that refused to buy more than $1M of Auto Liability for his 1,000+ trucks. He had the philosophy that he had 50 different businesses and if you sued him under one and won then he’d just move everything to the next company. Of course assets were separated into different entities. They’re still operating today. I don’t know if the philosophy ever changed though as that was a while back.
He didnt defame anyone, but even if you think he did, what does the average defamation case settle for?

He absolutely defamed these people. So did folks in his employ. The amount is absurd, and I can't imagine that it will hold up on appeal. But the verdict itself probably will.
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He absolutely defamed these people. So did folks in his employ. The amount is absurd, and I can't imagine that it will hold up on appeal. But the verdict itself probably will.

What is the legal definition of defamation?
Come on. You can disagree with the conclusion. Don't be delusional.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Look at what Jones turned over vs NY Times. Not even close, Jones turned over a ridiculous amount of discovery vs what the NYT did/does in these type cases.
Great interview with a lawyer who represented Jones. He goes into the summary judgement and discovery issues.
He absolutely defamed these people. So did folks in his employ. The amount is absurd, and I can't imagine that it will hold up on appeal. But the verdict itself probably will.
His behavior and on-air statements this afternoon would seem to show that the amount was insufficient.
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You have no clue what you are talking about. Look at what Jones turned over vs NY Times. Not even close, Jones turned over a ridiculous amount of discovery vs what the NYT did/does in these type cases.

He got busted during the TX trial because his lawyers (and I lost count of which team this was because he kept firing them) accidentally turned over stuff that he'd tried to withhold and lied about not having. He sat for depositions only after getting hit with default verdicts. To suggest that he complied with court orders requires willful ignorance, blatant dishonesty, or delusion.
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Based on the results of this, President Trump and his family should have a pretty good shot on winning billions in a defamation case against CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and any number of Media outlets.
Somehow I doubt Trump wants to start tallying up everybody’s lies.
Based on the results of this, President Trump and his family should have a pretty good shot on winning billions in a defamation case against CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and any number of Media outlets.
Due to Supreme Court rulings on this very topic the answer is very probable no. The standard is much higher to prove for a POTUS or very public figure
Alex Jones is a jerk, but who did he specifically defame? If he spoke about a group of people without mentioning a specific person, that seems like a giant reach.

He used names. They showed clips in court of him doing so. He also showed video clips and photos. Don't know if he used everyone's name or showed everyone's face, but he even if he didn't it wouldn't have been hard to figure out who he was talking about. It's not like this was a massive group of people and that the individuals would be difficult to determine.
Yeah, it was people he never mentioned by name and a FBI agent who had no kid killed or knows anyone killed. All who waited many years to file. All who cant even cite one comment directly by Jones referencing them directly. This a sick joke. The Judge should be impeached at the least.

I'm not even a little surprised you'd be on the side of Jones.
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What’s the explanation for this clip? It’s been so long and I was searching why there were claims surrounding this guy

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