Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

Kick him off the team. Can the university come in and kick him out of school? If they can then they should. Let them know the university won't put up with it not just the football team.
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I still disagree with you on this. I didn't attack you or anything. But think about this logically.

1 player (Johnson) from this year's class has gotten in trouble.

2 from last years (Crowder, Howard) got in trouble.

2 from the team before that (AJ and Williams?), might be one more.

OK, so you are running right around 2% of team members that have legal issues for each team.

How does that rate compare to the general Student population? How about to other Universities? How about the general population?

2% does not seem indicative of a culture problem. It does not seem pervasive. Statistically, that would not stand out to me.

We have to be realistic. There are bad people. They live in our communities. They go to Church with us. They work where we work. Most go their entire lives hiding the monster within. And yes, they go to school with us.

Young people are worse at hiding it. They already make dumb mistakes and are more likely to get caught. And we pay more attention to it.

We don't seem to be surprised when it's the guy living in the bad part of town. We expect it from the homeless looking person standing on the corner with the rumpled cardboard sign. But when it is someone we gave the benefit of the doubt to? When it is someone we have accepted, even put our hopes and dreams in? That hurts the worst. And we are less likely to forgive.

Don't let that worry, that hurt, cloud your perspective. A small number (1 to 3 per year) is to be expected. At least statistically.

We are an imperfect creature, us humans. Our societal filtering process isn't going to be perfect. 98% success rate is the norm in anything.

The Title IX suit against UT with 6 Jane Does, Peyton and Lil Jon is now a world-wide story. Crowder and Johnson incidents have followed on successive days. Sorry, but our perspective has been clouded. Good try though..
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I still disagree with you on this. I didn't attack you or anything. But think about this logically.

1 player (Johnson) from this year's class has gotten in trouble.

2 from last years (Crowder, Howard) got in trouble.

2 from the team before that (AJ and Williams?), might be one more.

OK, so you are running right around 2% of team members that have legal issues for each team.

How does that rate compare to the general Student population? How about to other Universities? How about the general population?

2% does not seem indicative of a culture problem. It does not seem pervasive. Statistically, that would not stand out to me.

We have to be realistic. There are bad people. They live in our communities. They go to Church with us. They work where we work. Most go their entire lives hiding the monster within. And yes, they go to school with us.

Young people are worse at hiding it. They already make dumb mistakes and are more likely to get caught. And we pay more attention to it.

We don't seem to be surprised when it's the guy living in the bad part of town. We expect it from the homeless looking person standing on the corner with the rumpled cardboard sign. But when it is someone we gave the benefit of the doubt to? When it is someone we have accepted, even put our hopes and dreams in? That hurts the worst. And we are less likely to forgive.

Don't let that worry, that hurt, cloud your perspective. A small number (1 to 3 per year) is to be expected. At least statistically.

We are an imperfect creature, us humans. Our societal filtering process isn't going to be perfect. 98% success rate is the norm in anything.

Thanks, this is the first post I have read in the past 10 days that left positive thoughts in my head.
So I take it your a Tennessee Football fan but a UNC basketball fan? Your one of those guys huh?

Just Kidding, every fan base has its share of those shorted in the thinking department. Don't let it bother you just laugh and remember all of this is entertainment and has no bearing what so ever on your life.

Ha I was born in NC, and my first sports love was UNC basketball at a very young age (the first National Championship game I watched was when they won with Jordan). It wasn't until my parents moved to Johnson City, and the 1986 Sugar Bowl that I became a Tennessee fan. So I am not one of those bandwagon fans (and if I had my choice I would rather Tennessee basketball win a National Championship than UNC right now, but neither is going to happen this year it looks like).

Every fanbase has its idiots. If you enjoy visiting other forums so much, take random screenshots of some of their dumbasses and post them here, which is apparently what they are doing.

The 'every fanbase has it's idoits' is a lame excuse, because I only care about this fanbase (it represents me pretty much). I don't belong to the FSU or ND or OSU fanbase. Funny I wasn't even visiting a sports forum when I saw these screenshots. You do know there are some pretty great forums out there right? Step out, experience them.
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Trayvon Paulk
AJ Johnson
Michael Williams
Jalen Hurd
Andrew Butcher
Charles Mosley
Von Pearson
Mack Crowder
Alexis Johnson

These are the ones we know about.....from underage drinking (not a big deal) to running around on I-40 drunk, to getting busted for marijuana, to physical assault, to awaiting trial for aggravated rape, to being accused of sexual assault (thankfully being vindicated and not charged), to "pedophilia", to aggravated assault and false imprisonment.....wth is going on with this damn program?!?!?
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I'll likely regret this, but here goes.....

This is becoming beyond embarrassing. Whether all of the incidents are what they seem on the surface or not we have a national perception problem that will be difficult to repair. That's the best case. The worst case is, we have a real problem on campus with sexually related assaults which, football aside, must be fixed. If it is as bad as it looks, clean house or shut it down. Peoples lives are more important than football. I say this as the father of a football player, and the father of a daughter.....that both want to go to UT. I'd be concerned for both of them there at this point.
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Trayvon Paulk
AJ Johnson
Michael Williams
Jalen Hurd
Andrew Butcher
Charles Mosley
Von Pearson
Mack Crowder
Alexis Johnson

These are the ones we know about.....from underage drinking (not a big deal) to running around on I-40 drunk, to getting busted for marijuana, to physical assault, to awaiting trial for aggravated rape, to being accused of sexual assault (thankfully being vindicated and not charged), to "pedophilia", to aggravated assault and false imprisonment.....wth is going on with this damn program?!?!?
Cross the drinking stuff off the list man it don't belong in the same list as sexual assault, rape, and pedophila. Neither does the weed either. That stuff is every day thing at big universities.
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Cross the drinking stuff off the list man it don't belong in the same list as sexual assault, rape, and pedophila. Neither does the weed either. That stuff is every day thing at big universities.

I'm not saying drinking and smoking pot are ok, but two totally separate list need to be made.
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"Previous sexual encounters" + play fighting at 3am + alcohol =huge fight.

Alex tries to calm her down and instead sexually assaulted her.

This sounds like a very possible explanation of the events when you read the police report.

The climate of what is going on with the lawsuit and the media wants us all to burn this kid at the stake. If this is how it went down the kid deserves due process.

The biggest thing for me is did the kid have previous arrest for DUI and drugs which has been posted here. If so that due process is out the window.
Cross the drinking stuff off the list man it don't belong in the same list as sexual assault, rape, and pedophila. Neither does the weed either. That stuff is every day thing at big universities.

All I did was make a list of the events we know about and who involved. Wasn't trying to equate anything, even said the underage drinking wasn't a big issue. Iirc, Moseley was busted for driving while he was high. Just pointing out that there have been a lot of issues, both big and small, these last 3 years. All while the program is getting unwanted national attention with the Title IX investigation ongoing. There's a problem up there.
Good lord and we thought Bruce and his band of merry men were a disgrace.
Where is four men and a car when we need them.
I'm not saying drinking and smoking pot are ok, but two totally separate list need to be made.

Make your own list then. I'm listing "embarrassing events" I can quickly recall that have hit the media the last 2-3 years, regardless of "severity".
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The Title IX suit against UT with 6 Jane Does, Peyton and Lil Jon is now a world-wide story. Crowder and Johnson incidents have followed on successive days. Sorry, but our perspective has been clouded. Good try though..

And the 6 Jane does, over how many years was that? Were all 6 allegations specifically football team? So, if Johnny Majors gets a DUI today, does that mean that we have a drinking problem on the team as well?

The fact it is news is bad. The fact it is tied to the University is bad. But if you stop and look objectively, the numbers compared against the general population isn't.

In a town of 25,000 people, how many crimes are committed each year by new offenders? Think about that. Not repeat offenders, new offenders.

Would you be surprised to have 10 domestic violence reports in that population that year for that population? 100? How many rapes? How many people groped on the subway? How many embezzlers? How many scams? How many armed robberies?

Look at this objectively is all I'm asking. Let's not come to the conclusion that every football player is a weed smoking, raping, paedophile.
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Make your own list then. I'm listing "embarrassing events" I can quickly recall that have hit the media the last 2-3 years, regardless of "severity".

I would welcome drunk running up James white parkway right now instead of all this crap lol.
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Begin rant:

I'm getting sick and tired of this ****ing immature ass bull****. It's not that ******n hard to control yourself. For God's sake, every single article on every website right now is about how UT is apparently a seedy hive of beating, raping, child molesting dudes and you think to yourself "hmm, I should totally hit/sexually assault a girl". You don't deserve to be kicked off the team, you deserve to be shot behind the barn for being so damn stupid.

/end epic rant

Judgthe Not Lesthe You Be Judgthe. :birgits_giggle:
All I did was make a list of the events we know about and who involved. Wasn't trying to equate anything, even said the underage drinking wasn't a big issue. Iirc, Moseley was busted for driving while he was high. Just pointing out that there have been a lot of issues, both big and small, these last 3 years. All while the program is getting unwanted national attention with the Title IX investigation ongoing. There's a problem up there.
And I agree with you there has been a lot going on and it needs to stop but when I hear under age drinking on a college campus it don't even get a second look from me. Now if I was Butch I would have those kids at a team meeting before class and tell them all the better toe the damn line and if one of them so much as gets caught jay walking they are done.
How does that rate compare to the general Student population? How about to other Universities? How about the general population?

Situations like Mack and Alexis don't happen very often so close together at the same school...don't pretend every school has this going on exactly the same way.

Yes, there are sexual assaults at every major campus. There are investigations at colleges across the nation in every state. College kids are stupid, college kids sometimes are reckless. I do agree with that sentiment. It's not UT's fault, it just makes the school look bad. But they've handed this fine imo.
Situations like Mack and Alexis don't happen very often so close together at the same school...don't pretend every school has this going on exactly the same way.

Yes, there are sexual assaults at every major campus. There are investigations at colleges across the nation in every state. College kids are stupid, college kids sometimes are reckless. I do agree with that sentiment. It's not UT's fault, it just makes the school look bad. But they've handed this fine imo.

Mack isn't on the team, and was training in FL. He isn't even in school this semester. To somehow pin that incident on UT is reach.
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I'm just tired of all this. It's almost too exhausting to be a fan of UT. To come in here and talk UT football you have can't go more than a page without having to deal with a legal issue. I miss just talking about f****** football.
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Mack isn't on the team, and was training in FL. He isn't even in school this semester. To somehow pin that incident on UT is reach.

I don't pin either of these on UT. They are the kids being stupid. And yes, the Mack situation is different. It's just the fact he is such a recent player that draws the attention to UT.
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This and Crowder sure doesn't help the perception of "bad culture" at Tennessee in the minds of a lot of folks. It's asinine to blame coaches when I am sure they do their best to police an entire football team... At least I would like to think. I just hope that by seasons start the dark clouds will have lifted. However, these things happen and are happening at other institutions just stinks that it's us...all except Crowder..that's just disgusting.

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