Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

Congrats Vol Nation, I am seeing screenshots of your quotes on other forums. Some of you don't think before you post, and you embarrass the whole fan base.

Maybe some football players should think before they act using the head on their shoulders instead of......:thud:
Got killed for saying there might be a culture of sexual misconduct at UT with the athletics program yesterday. Still don't think we have seen the end. And no, I understand it's not just UT but to say we don't have issues with this is dumb

Ok, after sleeping on it, you were right yesterday. Thoughts on solution please?
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Watch it, you will get attacked for speaking your mind

Nobody attacked you, me and others attacked your opinion which in a nutshell was "18-23 year old men are not individually responsible for their behavior, instead somehow the athletic department has created a culture in which these athletes are encouraged to sexually assault female students even though there is swift and consistent punishment given to each offender and there are multiple seminars and training provided by the athletic department to educate these men on proper behavior".

Now we have posters thinking the Hart and Cheek should be fired because they should be able to control the actions of an adult male student at 3am in his dorm with another adult female who was there by her own choice and had previous sexual encounters with this same adult male. They started "play fighting" and things got out of control.

Yea, that's really Cheek's, Hart's, and CBJ's fault - now why is it not the adult male and female's parents fault? They raised them and instilled their value system / moral code? OR, how about it's 100% the fault of the 2 dumarses involved as they are both adults? It's always got to be somebody else's fault - personal accountability must have gotten banned during the OBama administration.
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Ok, after sleeping on it, you were right yesterday. Thoughts on solution please?

I wish I had an answer, but at least we are kicking this one off the team. As to how to prevent this, man I don't know. Starts at home is my first thought
Congrats Vol Nation, I am seeing screenshots of your quotes on other forums. Some of you don't think before you post, and you embarrass the whole fan base.

So I take it your a Tennessee Football fan but a UNC basketball fan? Your one of those guys huh?

Just Kidding, every fan base has its share of those shorted in the thinking department. Don't let it bother you just laugh and remember all of this is entertainment and has no bearing what so ever on your life.
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I thought we were supposed to actually win something before competing for the Fulmer Cup? If there ever was a time to keep a low profile and not beat a b!tch it would be this week.
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Nobody attacked you, me and others attacked your opinion which in a nutshell was "18-23 year old men are not individually responsible for their behavior, instead somehow the athletic department has created a culture in which these athletes are encouraged to sexually assault female students even though there is swift and consistent punishment given to each offender and there are multiple seminars and training provided by the athletic department to educate these men on proper behavior".

Now we have posters thinking the Hart and Cheek should be fired because they should be able to control the actions of an adult male student at 3am in his dorm with another adult female who was there by her own choice and had previous sexual encounters with this same adult male. They started "play fighting" and things got out of control.

Yea, that's really Cheek's, Hart's, and CBJ's fault - now why is it not the adult male and female's parents fault? They raised them and instilled their value system / moral code? OR, how about it's 100% the fault of the 2 dumarses involved as they are both adults? It's always got to be somebody else's fault - personal accountability must have gotten banned during the OBama administration.

Wrong. I said we have an issue with sexual assault at UT. Not that UT was the problem. You assumed I meant the university was to blame. I was just getting people to look at it objectively
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Seminar is multi day event.. Obviously Alexis just went the first day.. False imprisonment is day two stuff.. Assault and strangulation are day three if I'm not mistaken..

Seriously though, this is not on Butch or the school. They are NOT these players parents. It's NOT their responsibility to teach these guys morals and values that should've already been instilled in them. Finally, at what point are you expected to be responsible for your own actions and simply CONTROL YOUR DAMN SELF..


This is ridiculous. If the coaches are bringing guys to campus with character issues, it is absolutely their job to be parent figures to them. A lot of these kids (I don't know about you, but I was still a kid at age 20) come from broken homes, low incomes, and have been exposed to all kind of bad stuff since birth. To say it is not the coaches', who recruited them to the University of Tennessee, responsibility is just wrong.
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Gonna have to be some serious change (fire Cheek) and UT needs to show they are trying to correct problems (publicly show that Butch puts them through seminars and such) to get the heat off of the University. Then after that, the media needs a story that's fresh and just as bad as this s**t.

Cheek was hired by the BoT with the charge if making UTK a top research university. So to the extent that student Alexis Johnson hasn't contributed to the academic progress of the university, you may have a point.

And yes, absolutely - "publicly show that Butch puts them through seminars and such to get the heat off the university". Good call, Jethro Bodine...your niche is obviously public and media relations.
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Wrong. I said we have an issue with sexual assault at UT. Not that UT was the problem. You assumed I meant the university was to blame. I was just getting people to look at it objectively

Guess my reading comprehension skills are lacking then as that's not what I (and apparently several others) understood your posts to communicate.
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WTH? I have no idea how the team GPA got so high

I know it's like our players and former players take a Iam a dumb ass pill for non football related stuff.I've never seen nothing like it.I mean all you have to do is behave for 3 or 4 years and your gonna get paid.I guess the old saying about you can't fix stupid was for our players and former players.Unbelievable ....
Got killed for saying there might be a culture of sexual misconduct at UT with the athletics program yesterday. Still don't think we have seen the end. And no, I understand it's not just UT but to say we don't have issues with this is dumb

I still disagree with you on this. I didn't attack you or anything. But think about this logically.

1 player (Johnson) from this year's class has gotten in trouble.

2 from last years (Crowder, Howard) got in trouble.

2 from the team before that (AJ and Williams?), might be one more.

OK, so you are running right around 2% of team members that have legal issues for each team.

How does that rate compare to the general Student population? How about to other Universities? How about the general population?

2% does not seem indicative of a culture problem. It does not seem pervasive. Statistically, that would not stand out to me.

We have to be realistic. There are bad people. They live in our communities. They go to Church with us. They work where we work. Most go their entire lives hiding the monster within. And yes, they go to school with us.

Young people are worse at hiding it. They already make dumb mistakes and are more likely to get caught. And we pay more attention to it.

We don't seem to be surprised when it's the guy living in the bad part of town. We expect it from the homeless looking person standing on the corner with the rumpled cardboard sign. But when it is someone we gave the benefit of the doubt to? When it is someone we have accepted, even put our hopes and dreams in? That hurts the worst. And we are less likely to forgive.

Don't let that worry, that hurt, cloud your perspective. A small number (1 to 3 per year) is to be expected. At least statistically.

We are an imperfect creature, us humans. Our societal filtering process isn't going to be perfect. 98% success rate is the norm in anything.
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Got killed for saying there might be a culture of sexual misconduct at UT with the athletics program yesterday. Still don't think we have seen the end. And no, I understand it's not just UT but to say we don't have issues with this is dumb

A couple of thoughts....

This is a problem that needs solving throughout our country's universities. Over 160 are currently being investigated by the federal government as it relates to handling of sexual misconduct cases under title IX. We are unlucky enough to be the headline.

I cannot believe for an instant that current athletes at UT have not been absolutely hammered with re-education on this subject over the last two weeks.

Lastly, I completely understand the objective of making it easier for a victim to come forward as that has always been a problem with sexual crimes. Certainly a more receptive environment will increase reporting and capture more of those who commit these crimes/violations of conduct. However, casting that wider net will by necessity also increase the amount of false reporting. I believe some simple changes should be made to also limit the potential damage to the accused in these cases.
This is ridiculous. If the coaches are bringing guys to campus with character issues, it is absolutely their job to be parent figures to them. A lot of these kids (I don't know about you, but I was still a kid at age 20) come from broken homes, low incomes, and have been exposed to all kind of bad stuff since birth. To say it is not the coaches', who recruited them to the University of Tennessee, responsibility is just wrong.

Mack Crowder did not come from a broken home.He is the worst of the bunch.I mean come on hitting on a 14 girl.He should be taken to the town square and beaten.
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GFW. Please drive by and let us know if this is the incident you referred to yesterday. Or is there still more great news to come.
🎼"I said it's be....a Tenn-e-ssee Vol-un-teer"..... it's embarrassing .... to be....."
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