Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

Yes, I listened.
It was Seth who said he was hearing hat it might not be as bad as it sounds. He gave no details.

The details are in the police report

It's pretty obvious from the details that the circumstances deserve a lack of rush to judgement

Play fighting with a "girlfriend" turning into this seems extremely odd tune of events IMO

:banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2:

Wheel Decide

Fear not, the wheel can predict what will happen.

Let's start taking bets.
I guess you seem to overlook the fact that these articles say "former" and "ex" player but whatever. The fact is he is not a current player. Now if you want to talk about Alexis then thats a different story. But hey, freak out if you want.

Jesus BOT, what are you not getting about this? Every single article says Tennessee....ex-player or not. Therefore, it's all over the place that yet another player with Tennessee ties has been arrested for an egregious crime. In the news right now, today, are stories about ex-Tennessee player Peyton Manning, ex-Tennessee player Cosey Coleman, ex-Tennessee player Mack Crowder, current Tennessee player Alexis Johnson.....all with the current backdrop of the Title IX investigation that puts Tennessee in a PR nightmare. Within each story, media outlets are taking the liberty to also mention other legal situations, both resolved and ongoing (think Von Pearson and AJ Johnson/Michael Williams) that put our program in an extremely negative light as though there are systemic problems at play here with regards to on campus and in-program culture.

So, it doesn't much matter if they are "ex players" or not....when words like sexual assault, aggravated rape, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery, child sex charges, et al are mentioned in the same sentence as The University of Tennessee or Tennessee Volunteers football, it's badly damaging our reputation/image/name. Also, some media outlets didn't even mention Crowder as former or ex player when initially reporting his crime yesterday...just Tennessee football Mack Crowder.
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Really? Get your head out of your arse. What are the headlines right now regarding Crowder? Here, let me help.....

Ex-Tennessee player Mack Crowder faces charges in Florida sex sting

Former Tennessee OL Mack Crowder arrested in child sex sting |

Former Tennessee Lineman Mack Crowder Arrested in Child Sex Sting | The Big Lead

Former Tennessee Volunteers OL Mack Crowder arrested on 5 felony charges in Florida

What's the common descriptor that each of these four publications/media outlets uses? Do you see the word Tennessee anywhere? He's an "ex-player" for what, 7 weeks?.....after being in the program for 5 full years.

One could surmise that the program kept him in check for 5 years.
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One could surmise that the program kept him in check for 5 years.

Not I posted in the Crowder thread, he was chasing local high school girls two years ago according to my sons ex. My son reminded me of it this week.

He seems to subscribe the outlook of Mcconaughey's character in Dazed and Confused. " That's what I like about high school girls....I keep getting older, they stay the same."
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It really seems like Coach already puts character pretty high up there in his recruiting priorities, but with the lawsuit and recent Crowder/Johnson news, looks like he's going to have to be extremely careful moving forward so all this can cool down.

We need a break from the police reports...
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It stated in the police report that they had sex in the past.

The reports are that the alleged victim and the alleged perp (Johnson) had an ongoing sexual relationship. This is where a lot of things get murky. The issue appears to be the allegation of him keeping her from leaving his room and the lengths he took to keep her there. The allegation on attempted strangulation, if accompanied by bruising of the throat area, would be serious. In some ways this would be a defense attorney's dream.
Got killed for saying there might be a culture of sexual misconduct at UT with the athletics program yesterday. Still don't think we have seen the end. And no, I understand it's not just UT but to say we don't have issues with this is dumb

These particular individuals, through no action or encouragement of the coaching staff, have shown us that THEY indeed have problems.

A CULTURE would imply that there is encouragement, or at least a blind eye being turned, to these sad events.

I hate the word CULTURE being thrown around so loosely. You are implying that violence towards women and sexual assault are a part of life at The University of Tennessee. Those things are not accepted as a welcomed part of life at UT or anywhere.

They are due to the actions of irresponsible, sick, violent, or just downright stupid individuals who should be held responsible for THEIR own actions, and not be used to say "Look! Look! Rape culture! I knew it! The entire school is full of rapists!"

Is it a problem? Yes. It is also troubling to the extreme especially with this all happening so close together, but quit implying that there exists this mythical "culture" that encourages or celebrates this and actively allows this type of behavior to exist as a part of itself. If that were true, these players would not have been suspended.
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He would not have been arrested on felony assault without evidence. So the girl likely has visible physical injuries consistent with strangulation, and these would have been documented. This is not good for UT, and CBJ likely will handle it the way he did the Paulk situation.
He would not have been arrested on felony assault without evidence. So the girl likely has visible physical injuries consistent with strangulation, and these would have been documented. This is not good for UT, and CBJ likely will handle it the way he did the Paulk situation.

Could be wrong but I thought when police are called in a 'domestic' situation one or the other goes to jail..
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