Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

Could be wrong but I thought when police are called in a 'domestic' situation one or the other goes to jail..

This is not simple assault; it is aggravated assault.

In Tennessee: If a person in a domestic dispute intends to injure another and does so, he is guilty of assault. If an assailant intends to cause serious injury to a family or household member and does so, he is guilty of aggravated assault.

However this ends up, it's serious, and UT has dismissed players for less.
This is not simple assault; it is aggravated assault.

In Tennessee: If a person in a domestic dispute intends to injure another and does so, he is guilty of assault. If an assailant intends to cause serious injury to a family or household member and does so, he is guilty of aggravated assault.

However this ends up, it's serious, and UT has dismissed players for less.

Not arguing the seriousness or his guilt/innocence just that one or the other will spend the night in jail, regardless..
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Butch hinted on signing day recruiting may not be over. If he's dismissed could there possibly be another DT out there available?
These particular individuals, through no action or encouragement of the coaching staff, have shown us that THEY indeed have problems.

A CULTURE would imply that there is encouragement, or at least a blind eye being turned, to these sad events.

I hate the word CULTURE being thrown around so loosely. You are implying that violence towards women and sexual assault are a part of life at The University of Tennessee. Those things are not accepted as a welcomed part of life at UT or anywhere.

They are due to the actions of irresponsible, sick, violent, or just downright stupid individuals who should be held responsible for THEIR own actions, and not be used to say "Look! Look! Rape culture! I knew it! The entire school is full of rapists!"

Is it a problem? Yes. It is also troubling to the extreme especially with this all happening so close together, but quit implying that there exists this mythical "culture" that encourages or celebrates this and actively allows this type of behavior to exist as a part of itself. If that were true, these players would not have been suspended.

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The dueling transgressions this week beg a deep philosophical question:

Which is worse, groping a person without their consent or intending to grope an underage person without their legal consent?

It's a moral quandary. Or is it?
The dueling transgressions this week beg a deep philosophical question:

Which is worse, groping a person without their consent or intending to grope an underage person without their legal consent?

It's a moral quandary. Or is it?

Pretty sure they are both pretty sick things to do. Especially when you consider how far Mack was willing to go to do something. When the intent is that obvious...kinda hard to give any benefit of the doubt.
The bottom line is that there will always be incidents. You have 90 18-22 year olds that you are dealing with. Stuff will happen, and it's unfortunate. I just wish we could go back to the days of bar fights instead of assaulting women. I had two buddy's that heard Saban speak. He said when things happen at Bama the police call him, and that's probably true. When things happen here at least Butch drops the hammer. I'm sure he is frustrated as he**, I know I am.
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I'll be surprised if he isn't dismissed today. Don't see any way UT keeps a new signee arrested for felony assault.
I'll be surprised if he isn't dismissed today. Don't see any way UT keeps a new signee arrested for felony assault.

Indefinite suspension and if the charges stick then dismissed permanently

Seems simple that all such of these should be handled that way
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What the ever living ****?!?! Just when I think UTs public image can't get any worse.... This stuff has got to stop.
Indefinite suspension and if the charges stick then dismissed permanently

Seems simple that all such of these should be handled that way

Permanent dismissal in this case. When there's evidence of physical injury, it will be handled like Paulk. That's my guess.
Permanent dismissal in this case. When there's evidence of physical injury, it will be handled like Paulk. That's my guess.

Evidence is interesting in this case. There does seem to be physical evidence but the problem is the victim admits to "play fighting"

So evidence could be very sketchy IMO
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I'm not trying to have it both ways. The poster I responded to said that Crowder is no longer apart of the program and therefore it shouldn't reflect on Tennessee. I disagreed with my post.

If Alexis Johnson is guilty, he's a bad seed, needs to be gone, and 6 weeks with the program certainly had no effect on his actions, so I feel like I'm being consistent there.....but I don't see how anyone can say Tennessee isn't gonna be damaged by Crowder's actions after him having spent the last 5 years here and doing what he just did....its just reality.

Sexual assault with someone of age is light years removed from pedophilia. Crowder could have been a model citizen while here and then decided that he was on his own and could act accordingly. I don't see either as major reflections on the team.
I'm either really out of the loop or showing my age, but since when is play strangling and having group sessions become the norm with these guys? I'm not saying it doesn't happen everywhere I'm sure it does, but these guys need to lock it up (no pun intended ) for the next few months.
Question is, are there any other suitable replacements available and if so, can we sign now or do we have to wait till next year?
Looking back at my college days, I probably should be doing life without parole for playing Twister.

Only if you made her play twister then physically prohibited her from leaving when she lost.

There is no gray area here. Yes, the groping may have been consensual, but if she wanted to leave, and was physically restrained by a college level defensive end....we have a problem.
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Gotcha. Yes, the 12-hour hold.

I have a buddy who spent the night in jail after his ex-wife came to his apartment after an argument over the phone, tried to run him over in the parking lot, then called the cops. She had taken out an order of protection and they said he violated it even though she came to his place looking for him. She got arrested too and neither got charged, but the whole thing was just bizarre.

Before someone else says it...CSB.

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