Alexis Johnson arrested (merged/updated 4/21)

We also have too many wanting to kick someone off the team without an investigation. If he is guilty of physically trying to strangle this lady then he needs to be in jail and off the team immediately. If they were just playing around and she went psycho and he stood in her way of trying to leave to try and talk it out....then it is a very grey area. Something like that could happen to anyone on this board.

It isn't a gray area, if she tried to leave and he can't show that she was too intoxicated to drive, it's considered kidnapping. I hope he is released and the charges dropped, etc., but we don't need someone that could play fight to the point that it "gets out of hand". See CSS quote above.
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Agreed 100%

"You play fight with a girl and accidentally hurt her"

Is very different

In fact I was "play fighting" with my son a few days ago and accident cut his leg on the side of a bed. My wife hasn't Spoken to me since but do I belong in the general population at the state pen as a child abuser?

And if you had knowingly strangled him, what would your wife had done? Putting your hands around a smaller, weaker person's throat and squeezing hard enough and long enough to make a woman-- or a child-- almost pass out is not the same as an accidental cut on the leg while "play fighting"-- is it?

Again, my issue is hoping that UT has a consistent policy for handling assault cases-- and so far, that seems to be so.
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And if you had knowingly strangled him, what would your wife had done? Putting your hands around a smaller, weaker person's throat and squeezing hard enough and long enough to make a woman-- or a child-- almost pass out is not the same as an accidental cut on the leg while "play fighting"-- is it?

Again, my issue is hoping that UT has a consistent policy for handling assault cases-- and so far, that seems to be so.

In all seriousness yes play fighting does include something like that with myself and my young one. It's all in fun and I obviously know when to stop but yes he yells stop. It's all playful wrestling that I Perceive most good dads do with their kids.

I agree that a set policy is needed and IMO the most severe that policy can possible be is to suspend every athlete until the process gives enough evidence to do more or less
In all seriousness yes play fighting does include something like that with myself and my young one. It's all in fun and I obviously know when to stop but yes he yells stop. It's all playful wrestling that I Perceive most good dads do with their kids.

I agree that a set policy is needed and IMO the most severe that policy can possible be is to suspend every athlete until the process gives enough evidence to do more or less

Good dad's don't choke their kids until they yell stop, ever.
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Good dad's don't choke their kids until they yell stop, ever.


Oh come on. I put the old wrestling move where I squeeze him with my legs. It's all good fun and harmless.

Now back to the topic

Play fighting could very easily lead to reasonable doubt to how and when injuries occurred

Oh come on. I put the old wrestling move where I squeeze him with my legs. It's all good fun and harmless.

Now back to the topic

Play fighting could very easily lead to reasonable doubt to how and when injuries occurred
Good grief.

Just call it like you really see it....he plays football for your team, and as such this should just go away.

Please spare the details of wrestling with your son, your angry wife, and the definition and threshold of "play fighting"....whatever that is.
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Agreed 100%

"You play fight with a girl and accidentally hurt her"

Is very different

In fact I was "play fighting" with my son a few days ago and accidently cut his leg on the side of a bed. My wife hasn't Spoken to me since but do I belong in the general population at the state pen as a child abuser?

You seem desperate to make your point that it's too early to convict the guy.

The broader point, which can't be argued, is that whatever he did or didn't do, his choices brought much more negative publicity upon his team and university. For now, that's plenty.
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You seem desperate to make your point that it's too early to convict the guy.

The broader point, which can't be argued, is that whatever he did or didn't do, his choices brought much more negative publicity upon his team and university. For now, that's plenty.

Agreed it is awful PR.

Yet a kid shouldn't be penalized more than is needed because of a lynch mobs mentality

Let the facts speak on their own
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In all seriousness yes play fighting does include something like that with myself and my young one. It's all in fun and I obviously know when to stop but yes he yells stop. It's all playful wrestling that I Perceive most good dads do with their kids.

I agree that a set policy is needed and IMO the most severe that policy can possible be is to suspend every athlete until the process gives enough evidence to do more or less
You think that play fighting in a sexual context, including causing a near lack of consciousness, and then attempting to have sex with that someone who is saying no, is the same thing?

I sure don't.

If someone gets "carried away" (trying to be a bit formal in my language), and the other person isn't carried away as well and says no, then get up, tell him/her good night, and take a cold shower.

And maybe choose a different partner and different umm... game? next time.
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Sexual assault with someone of age is light years removed from pedophilia. Crowder could have been a model citizen while here and then decided that he was on his own and could act accordingly. I don't see either as major reflections on the team.

Tennessee has been and will continue to be damaged in the court of public opinion every time a media outlet states or writes "former Tennessee offensive lineman Mack Crowder....". That's my only point. And, I said nothing about pedophilia in the post you responded to. Finally, I've said nothing about his actions being a major reflection on the team....I've said, and correctly so IMHO, that it has and will continue to hurt the university's and program's image/reputation, especially in light of the current wide-sweeping title IX investigation. I don't believe for a second that Hart or Butch or any other member of the team or athletic department is responsible for Mack's actions.....only Mack is. But they're certainly all going to be tainted to some degree by it.
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You think that play fighting in a sexual context, including causing a near lack of consciousness, and then attempting to have sex with that someone who is saying no, is the same thing?

I sure don't.

If someone gets "carried away" (trying to be a bit formal in my language), and the other person isn't carried away as well and says no, then get up, tell him/her good night, and take a cold shower.

And maybe choose a different partner and different umm... game? next time.

100% agreed

Not sure which version happened though is my point
Did anyone see among other headlines yesterday, where the University of Montana paid a $245,000 settlement to their former quarterback for the way they handled the rape charges against him by 'the woman scorned'.

There is a legal process. Let's do that.
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I don't believe for a second that Hart or Butch or any other member of the team or athletic department is responsible for Mack's actions.....only Mack is.

IMO, a logical, intelligent conclusion...

But they're certainly all going to be tainted to some degree by it.

IMO, an illogical, ignorant conclusion..
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My apologies as I didn't see the IF in your post

Blocking a door for a short period of time in an argument doesn't make the person a criminal IMO. If so I should be in jail.

As a female, being blocked in is terrifying. An argument should always be fair. A man using his size to control an argument in any way is abuse. So, maybe you should be in jail. . .
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Counsel for the defense can argue consensual sex games, and assuming Johnson is a first-offender, he could receive a misdemeanor pretrial diversion. Which would leave UT with the same question: what's the university's policy for handling players charged-- not accused, but arrested and charged-- with a felony assault against a female?

Factor in today's political climate, prevailing public opinion about athletes and domestic assault, UT's current legal situation and CBJ's past actions and comments -- we will mitigate risk.
Counsel for the defense can argue consensual sex games, and assuming Johnson is a first-offender, he could receive a misdemeanor pretrial diversion. Which would leave UT with the same question: what's the university's policy for handling players charged-- not accused, but arrested and charged-- with a felony assault against a female?

Factor in today's political climate, prevailing public opinion about athletes and domestic assault, UT's current legal situation and CBJ's past actions and comments -- we will mitigate risk.

IMO the kid needs an outright dismissed case to stay

If he plea bargains the charge down he must go
As a female, being blocked in is terrifying. An argument should always be fair. A man using his size to control an argument in any way is abuse. So, maybe you should be in jail. . .

I have to agree with you, Kristy. People (male or female)should be able to come or go as they please. I don't think trapping someone in a room is something to be taken lightly. Especially when the person doing the trapping is much larger. I'm not saying that is what happened here, just as an overall rule. I wouldn't do that to my wife, no way.
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I have to agree with you, Kristy. People (male or female)should be able to come or go as they please. I don't think trapping someone in a room is something to be taken lightly. Especially when the person doing the trapping is much larger. I'm not saying that is what happened here, just as an overall rule. I wouldn't do that to my wife, no way.

Is there a difference between standing firmly in the door way for 10seconds and physically restraining one inside a room for a much longer timeframe?

IMO there is a clear difference and my post were describing the first one

By law I don't think there is a difference
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IMO, a logical, intelligent conclusion...

IMO, an illogical, ignorant conclusion..

Please elaborate why that was an illogical, ignorant conclusion. Do you think the program suffers no pr damage, no loss of reputation when Tennessee's program is constantly referenced when Mack Crowder, when Alexis Johnson, when the title IX lawsuit are discussed in the media ad nauseum?
Sexual assault used to mean something a person should be have their balls cut off for doing

Now it seems so different

The report could easily be a kid on a dance floor touching a girl and and she bumped into him as she got away from him. I just don't see such a situation as a sexual assault. More like a misunderstanding where a male thought a girl wanted something she didn't

Now if this is describing a situation where the female was restrained and wasn't allowed to leave that's a other story. That's why I asked what that part meant

No offense, but you sound like a total creep
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