All things STOCKS

I think I may start a decent sized long term position in PLTR.

Alex Karl was interviewed on CNBC today. Strange, interesting feller.

I’ve held shares for 30 months. Up 210%. I’m not planning to sell. Maybe sell some covered calls on about a quarter of my holdings - but maybe when closer to Election Day. I don’t know if Kamala will be good for any defense stocks.

PLTR is a tough call. They’re building up a solid customer base and might not have a direct competitor.
BX: owned for about 20 years. Excellent long term hold.
REGN: Was in the hospital near death. Gave me some new drugs. I asked who made them, Regeneron. They know what they are doing. Bought at $300. Have continued to buy up to $1k.
COST: Went to one wtih a friend around 2011. Thought Wow! Bought the stock. Continues to grow.
BRK-B Berkshire Hathaway. They know what they are doing. Only owned for 1-2 years, but excellent results.
Have about 70% of my funds in these 4 stocks. Often wish that was 90%
When I bought I thought I was late to the game on all of them..

I've had my share of losers too. CVS, F, MRNA

Way back when - before mutual funds and ETFs - holding about 15 stocks was well diversified. The way things change so rapidly I don’t think being concentrated in just a few companies is something that I’d do well with.

If I had it to do all over again I’d avoid the hot names if they are small. Sticking with great, well established and well capitalized companies like COST and BRK for decades are almost guaranteed wins. Being the #1 or #2 company in boring industries has also worked well. Waste Management is one. MasterCard is another. CSX. Nucor after China was reeled in.

A couple of years ago I bought a basket of private equity and hedge fund names. KKR, Blackstone, and Apollo have been great. Carlyle Group (CG) has been dead money.
Way back when - before mutual funds and ETFs - holding about 15 stocks was well diversified. The way things change so rapidly I don’t think being concentrated in just a few companies is something that I’d do well with.

If I had it to do all over again I’d avoid the hot names if they are small. Sticking with great, well established and well capitalized companies like COST and BRK for decades are almost guaranteed wins. Being the #1 or #2 company in boring industries has also worked well. Waste Management is one. MasterCard is another. CSX. Nucor after China was reeled in.

A couple of years ago I bought a basket of private equity and hedge fund names. KKR, Blackstone, and Apollo have been great. Carlyle Group (CG) has been dead money.
I've owned WM for at least 10+ years. Not a lot though. Ha, why do you have a name like Waste Management if you're not connected to the mafia?
Yeah, I keep adding to Vanguard etfs: VUG, VOO,etc and some international etfs. I looked up a drug(Farxiga) I take, and found that it causes confusion so I'm going to almost all etfs. I enjoy the mkt so I'll keep about 5-10% to play with.
Wednesday 9/18 at 2pm will be the FIMC interest rate announcement (with Powell’s press conference at 2:30).

Pre-markets are kind of quiet ATM. UBER, Broadcom, Schwab, and WFC are all positive.
AAPL might be a short term trading opportunity or should be soon. Off 3% today and 10% in the last month or two. iPhone 11s are starting to age out.

If not a quick trade, it’s looking like a pretty decent entry point for the longer term.

Warren Buffett only rebalanced away from a huge position. It was 1/4 of BRK and 50% of the public holdings before he sold SOME shares of AAPL.

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