Amateur Hour Continues

You posted immigrants from the south are coming here just for free stuff and everything that implies, and how they shouldn’t be compared to immigrants coming to America for the last 200 hundred years.

Those aren’t facts, it’s bullshlt.
I'm not sure he said "just" , but a whole lot of them are. .....and you know it.... if you don't?.... you should as it's common sense
You posted immigrants from the south are coming here just for free stuff and everything that implies, and how they shouldn’t be compared to immigrants coming to America for the last 200 hundred years.

Those aren’t facts, it’s bullshlt.
Illegals. You’re conflating legal and registered immigrants with illegal trash. You keep trying to say they’re the same thing. They’re not. The illegal trash that come across the border illegally can’t be compared to those that came through Ellis Island and the other various means. The illegal trash and many others, not all, but many others from south of the border want to come here for free ****. That’s it. Care to compare the welfare people from 200 years ago received vs now? They come from trash cultures and trash countries. That’s why they come here. But instead of denouncing the trash they’re leaving and trying to become Americans they cry that America isn’t doing enough to give them everything. We’re full of morons who enable the trash, like you. I know you’re stupid, but I do ask that you try sometimes.
True or False: Republicans made a serious effort to rewrite immigration law in the last eight years?
Show me anybody on either side who has taken on comprehensive immigration reform. I’m not going to play that silly game. But Repubs indeed did put forth two bills earlier this year and Dims took their ball and went home on both without even engaging and trying to work with them.
Show me anybody on either side who has taken on comprehensive immigration reform. I’m not going to play that silly game. But Repubs indeed did put forth two bills earlier this year and Dims took their ball and went home on both without even engaging and trying to work with them.

Your memory must be off because Trump torpedoed the bill that had bipartisan support all because he wanted more wall funding.
Your memory must be off because Trump torpedoed the bill that had bipartisan support all because he wanted more wall funding.
Wrong again as usual. The compromise had $25B in it.

  • The second bill was negotiated by moderates, leadership and conservatives over the last few weeks. It provides $25 billion for the border wall and creates a pathway to citizenship for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program through visa cuts to other elements of legal immigration, including eliminating the diversity visa lottery and limiting family visas.

Leadership (and the administration) has been whipping the latter very hard over the last few days. They view it as the only bill that has a chance to pass. Yet hardline anti-immigration groups continue to oppose the GOP compromise measure -- and conservatives still aren't convinced the President is behind the bill.

The second bill failed due to a cut in legal immigration levels that immigration hardliners wanted.

There is no consensus within either party much less across party lines on immigration other than Dims frothing “we won’t give Trump his wall!”
Wrong again as usual. The compromise had $25B in it.

The second bill failed due to a cut in legal immigration levels that immigration hardliners wanted.

There is no consensus within either party much less across party lines on immigration other than Dims frothing “we won’t give Trump his wall!”
And where was I wrong? Trump wanted more funding for the wall because the immigration hardliners wanted more wall funding and didn't want the pathway to citizenship. In case you haven't noticed, Trump is steering the R's hard right which only amplifies the dysfunction of the party.
Your memory must be off because Trump torpedoed the bill that had bipartisan support all because he wanted more wall funding.
And where was I wrong? Trump wanted more funding for the wall because the immigration hardliners wanted more wall funding and didn't want the pathway to citizenship. In case you haven't noticed, Trump is steering the R's hard right which only amplifies the dysfunction of the party.
Your initial statement was wrong. He had the funding in it he wanted when it was being debated. The administrations reservations on the compromise bill weren’t on wall funding.
Your initial statement was wrong. He had the funding in it he wanted when it was being debated. The administrations reservations on the compromise bill weren’t on wall funding.
It was that pesky compromise for DACA wasn't it? Which bring us back to the fact the R's are the one's not wanting to do anything about Daca. The keyword is compromise, Trump was unwilling to compromise. I know its hard for you to see the truth.
Illegals. You’re conflating legal and registered immigrants with illegal trash. You keep trying to say they’re the same thing. They’re not. The illegal trash that come across the border illegally can’t be compared to those that came through Ellis Island and the other various means. The illegal trash and many others, not all, but many others from south of the border want to come here for free ****. That’s it. Care to compare the welfare people from 200 years ago received vs now? They come from trash cultures and trash countries. That’s why they come here. But instead of denouncing the trash they’re leaving and trying to become Americans they cry that America isn’t doing enough to give them everything. We’re full of morons who enable the trash, like you. I know you’re stupid, but I do ask that you try sometimes.
The intent of people coming in the migrant caravan (for example) and on ships from poor European countries are the same for the massive percentage, which is seeking a better life for their children and themselves. I think maybe you should look up the people and their backgrounds that came to Ellis Island, and you see a pretty clear parallel to people trying to come through our southern border. Yes, there are people coming in with criminal intentions, just as there were people coming through Ellis Island with bad intentions. Brown people trying to immigrate into the country are not just trying to live off your dime, no matter what your stupid brain tells you.
You posted immigrants from the south are coming here just for free stuff and everything that implies, and how they shouldn’t be compared to immigrants coming to America for the last 200 hundred years.

Those aren’t facts, it’s bullshlt.

They shouldn’t be compared. Unless your ancestors were looking for welfare, free education, medical, etc....
It was that pesky compromise for DACA wasn't it? Which bring us back to the fact the R's are the one's not wanting to do anything about Daca. The keyword is compromise, Trump was unwilling to compromise. I know its hard for you to see the truth.
I would guess it was lack of Dim support due to decreased legal immigration limits and lack of harder elements like removal of birthright citizenship that got the Freedom Caucus offboard. I don’t believe DACA was the driver no.

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