Amateur Hour Continues

The intent of people coming in the migrant caravan (for example) and on ships from poor European countries are the same for the massive percentage, which is seeking a better life for their children and themselves. I think maybe you should look up the people and their backgrounds that came to Ellis Island, and you see a pretty clear parallel to people trying to come through our southern border. Yes, there are people coming in with criminal intentions, just as there were people coming through Ellis Island with bad intentions. Brown people trying to immigrate into the country are not just trying to live off your dime, no matter what your stupid brain tells you.
Ahh, yes. “Brown” people. One our resident racists can’t say anything without bringing up someone’s race. Typical.

You have an overly simplistic view of everything. The motivations and problems those from Europe years ago faced aren’t anything like what the illegals face. The illegals now are fleeing their culture while trying to bring that culture here.

They’re not remotely the same no matter how simple your stupid little brain is.
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Judging from his expanding waistline, he also seems pretty adept at using forks and spoons.

Body shaming the elderly ? How very nonliberal of you . You’ve got PG running around in other threads talking about how “Righties” don’t have compassion for people , Luther expressing how a lack of empathy is a knuckle dragging mental illness and you are over here fat shaming elderly men . I guess the holidays has really messed with the daily liberal talking points this year . 😉
Coming Thursday.

More of this please.

Lol. Mitt is screwed. If he comes in as Senator bucking Trump every step of the way he’ll be ostracized by the party. If he bows to the party line after this tripe he’ll be recognized again as a limp noodle empty suit... and be ostracized by the party.

Go away Mitt. We didn’t like you as a POTUS nominee and we like you less now.

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