Amateur Hour Continues

A freaking parade triggers lefties.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Reminds me of the meltdowns over rainbow flags, but this is more about Trump using the military as a prop for a political event. Maybe he'll be able to resist making it a campaign rally, but he already has, by only providing VIP passes to the RNC to pass along to top donors.
You guys are idiots, you don't understand how insurance works. Insurance is a shared risk among all people. If you're young and healthy and you think you shouldn't pay for health insurance then don't. But when you get old you better pony the eff up big time because when you get old you get sick.

Playing catch up, so I'll probably miss a bunch of responses to this one. BUT that is exactly the point that so many people continue to ignore. Insurance has always been a pool concept where the risk is spread over a large population. I generally have absolutely no problem with "preexisting condition" limitations. You pay your dues when you are young and healthy, or you pay them later. Example: you don't get to call up an insurance company and get coverage for your house when it's on fire. The other part is that insurors have every right to limit optional care ... like I was a girl and now I want to be a guy ... just like homeowner's insurance doesn't cover painting your house because your previous decision to paint it purple was stupid.
I totally respect Rapinoe's opinions, though I disagree with the ways she chooses to express them, especially on such an international stage. She's there to represent the country. I also think she does herself a disservice by refusing a WH invitation. As passionate as she feels, what better way to gain an audience with the President of the United States to express those feelings to him personally? There are plenty of ways to make "statements", but not all of them are smart ways to make a statement.

I also think Trump Twitter bashing a soccer star is ridiculous. I've said time and time again, I wish someone would take that damn phone from him. So dumb.

While I completely agree with you about Trump and his phone, anyone who disagrees with what this country is shouldn't take the opportunity to play for and represent this country. There are other forums and other means for pushing change ... making a public ass of yourself at or over a sporting event isn't one of them.
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I swear, you have the worst case of TDS on the forum. Trump has not done one thing that has negatively affected you or anybody else in 2-1/2 years, and he is in your head 24/7/365. You need a break.

This is not factual. There are many american businesses with reason to dislike Trump for the effects tariffs had on their bottom line.

On a personal level, he ****ed up my planned trip to Cuba, the sumbitch.
Bwahahahah. Wonder if she knows what the 1A is?

If she means by Twitter banning that's already happening.

That voice. Uhhhhg 🙉

I'm hard pressed to say whether her statement is ironic, moronic, or both ... I'm leaning heavily toward both since her thoughts generally equate to the ravings of a lunatic.
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This is not factual. There are many american businesses with reason to dislike Trump for the effects tariffs had on their bottom line.

On a personal level, he ****ed up my planned trip to Cuba, the sumbitch.

Farmers aren't too happy either but he bought them off with subsidies.
Sometimes people choose to be outraged just to be outraged. Obviously I don't speak for everyone, but I've always had a fascination with seeing things like tanks or jets or other military machines up close. Maybe it stems from being a Navy brat who got to run around ships with my dad. Who knows? But I'm sure there will be plenty of people who get a kick out of seeing these tanks. There will also be people who take it as another excuse to be outraged over something.

Agree completely. Otherwise, we might as well line up a bunch of electric Priuses and ugly/cutesy square little jukebox cars with military slogans on them and drive them down the road. Bring real stuff or forget it.
This is not factual. There are many american businesses with reason to dislike Trump for the effects tariffs had on their bottom line.

On a personal level, he ****ed up my planned trip to Cuba, the sumbitch.

I'm truly sorry you missed the opportunity to see a socialist paradise. I think we should be paying for lefties to go to Cuba and see first hand what socialism gets you. My comment regarding what I saw: "Gee, I really love what you've done with the place."

The funny thing is the tanks you see atop South African homes and apartments are solar water heaters; the ones in Cuba are water storage because they can only manage to get the water running two to three days a week ... that comparison alone should speak volumes for anyone with an open mind.
I'm truly sorry you missed the opportunity to see a socialist paradise. I think we should be paying for lefties to go to Cuba and see first hand what socialism gets you. My comment regarding what I saw: "Gee, I really love what you've done with the place."

The funny thing is the tanks you see atop South African homes and apartments are solar water heaters; the ones in Cuba are water storage because they can only manage to get the water running two to three days a week ... that comparison alone should speak volumes for anyone with an open mind.

Don't be melodramatic. I've been to nearly every other destination in the caribbean and Cuba was one of the last ones left. Regardless of how you feel about their politics, there are many beautiful places there to visit and experience. I'm sure a few conservatives here who bemoan the socialism in Europe still enjoyed vacation there. Give me a break.

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