American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump


Big talk over the internet means you got nothing, no surprise there. Take an aspirin and lay down. It will be alright.
It's not big talk. You're thinking of your cowardly hero, Donald Trump, who does nothing but talk big. Striking back, I do love your spunk
You seem rattled...sit down and wait for the Dems next manufactured will probably be soon enough
I'm not rattled by anything... but in the same thread in which you have criticized left-wing media for false reporting and extremism, you have also posted tweets from Jack Posobiec. He promoted "PizzaGate" very aggressively and he also once planted a sign that said "Rape Melania" at an anti-Trump rally in order to portray the Trump protesters in a negative light. If there is a wing-nut conspiracy theory out there... Posobiec has pushed it. He has claimed that the parents of murdered Sandy Hook Elementary school students were paid actors. He pushed the Seth Rich murder theory. He has denied that anyone died at the Mandalay Bay shooting in October 2017. He pushed a bizarre theory about the movie Rogue One being edited to make Trump look bad... Yeah, crazy crap like that.
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35 years on Capitol Hill and you can’t think of anything that would warrant an attack on his character?

I’m specifically not talking about his time in Vietnam as a POW.

What did he do while in DC for you to hold him in such high regard?

I respect his service and sacrifice, but when do people consider what he actually did in while in office?

I am simply separating the character the man has which was displayed through his military service. His political career is different that military, in that merit is in the eyes of the beholder. Still the same man with great character despite my opinion of his political stances.

To call him a "loser" does not speak to his political career but strait to his character which is unfair and un American. This shows a lack of ability to appreciate someone that you may not agree with. You could call him a RIHNO or drumpf hater, all political insults are fair game but not his character. Politicians have disagreed since the beginning but still respected their adversary. Drumpf did not start smear campaigns but he is the king of poo.
I am simply separating the character the man has which was displayed through his military service. His political career is different that military, in that merit is in the eyes of the beholder. Still the same man with great character despite my opinion of his political stances.

To call him a "loser" does not speak to his political career but strait to his character which is unfair and un American. This shows a lack of ability to appreciate someone that you may not agree with. You could call him a RIHNO or drumpf hater, all political insults are fair game but not his character. Politicians have disagreed since the beginning but still respected their adversary. Drumpf did not start smear campaigns but he is the king of poo.

McCain was not a man of "great character". He is on par with Trump in that category.
Thumbs up for the egzactemoondo!
So where is the proof that Trump said anything he was alleged to say? There is plenty of proof that the flight was canceled due to weather. Everytime democrats allege something they can never show proof, it's always a he said she said. So until you limp wristed tards can prove something provide some proof.

That's just the issue I spoke about earlier. I don't know if he said it - but it damn sure sounds like something he'd say, and that's his problem. His fat mouth has written these checks for four years and now we're expected not to believe it?

Like I said, all twelve of those sources would have gone to their grave denying that Trump bragged about grabbing pssys or hitting on married women. The lot of them would have clutched their pearls and fainted at the mere suggestion that Donald Trump would have said that....and yet we have the audio.

It's not proof he called the fallen losers or suckers but it lends credence to the accusation.
It's not big talk. You're thinking of your cowardly hero, Donald Trump, who does nothing but talk big. Striking back, I do love your spunk

You're right, nothing from you should be construed as "big talk." Empty talk, dumb talk, pointless talk, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda talk, but definitely not "big talk."

OBTW, Trump is not my hero. He's just a choice other than those put up by the Democrats, which are absolutely awful.
At least Trump never blew up an aircraft carrier killing 134 people and then ducked out because of his Daddy's political connections.
What you have been eager to believe on here vs what you have been skeptical of really does indicate a political bias of your own. Correct me if I'm wrong... but you have expressed confidence in the "PizzaGate" theory? You do believe that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC hack, and he was the one who disseminated the e-mails on WikiLeaks... and he was murdered by the DNC in revenge? You also believe that the parents of murdered Sandy Hook Elementary students are paid actors, correct? And now you believe this old story about McCain?

...but you require more proof that Donald Trump was insulting to veterans, though?
I really believe that story about McCain is BS.
Good for you! The reality is that most of our conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters on here have been very willing to believe stories that are damaging to Democrats with precious little verification and named sources. It is only when the stories involve Republicans that you require more evidence. It's hypocritical.
Good for you! The reality is that most of our conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters on here have been very willing to believe stories that are damaging to Democrats with precious little verification and named sources. It is only when the stories involve Republicans that you require more evidence. It's hypocritical.

Pot meat Kettle
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Good for you! The reality is that most of our conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters on here have been very willing to believe stories that are damaging to Democrats with precious little verification and named sources. It is only when the stories involve Republicans that you require more evidence. It's hypocritical.
The McCain story isn’t based on “little evidence” it’s contrary to the US Navy’s findings, which have been released.

I’m not sure if the story was put out in 2008 by Democrats or by Trumpkins, but it’s got no actual factual support for the details that would make the incident McCain’s fault.
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Good for you! The reality is that most of our conservatives/Republicans/Trump supporters on here have been very willing to believe stories that are damaging to Democrats with precious little verification and named sources. It is only when the stories involve Republicans that you require more evidence. It's hypocritical.

Don't go k-Town...NEVER go full k-Town
You're right, nothing from you should be construed as "big talk." Empty talk, dumb talk, pointless talk, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda talk, but definitely not "big talk."

OBTW, Trump is not my hero. He's just a choice other than those put up by the Democrats, which are absolutely awful.
You keep defending him as if he is your hero. Both sides are awful. Make America Great? We've went backwards under this clown
The McCain story isn’t based on “little evidence” it’s contrary to the US Navy’s findings, which have been released.

I’m not sure if the story was put out in 2008 by Democrats or by Trumpkins, but it’s got no actual factual support for the details that would make the incident McCain’s fault.
The point is... Trump supporters/conservatives/Republicans do not require much corroboration of allegations made against Democrats, or in this case, an adversary of Trump. The exact opposite is true when the allegation is made against Trump. That PizzaGate thread went on forever... and I do specifically remember that @SamRebel35 pushed it hard.... but now, "named sources" are suddenly important? Ridiculous.
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The one thing I took from this story is.damn we pay alot of ppl to travel with the President..they need to start Zooming some of this s**t
And they often stay at one of his hotels, which he didn't divest from so he's made a fortune off of the American taxpayer.

Played his supporters like a radio
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What makes all of the horrendous?
Their platform. Their candidates. Never liked Joe, absolutely despise Harris. There's more that goes along with that but that's more than enough.

Don't ask for specifics because I'm not going to play the "debate each and every part of it" game with you.
Yeah.. Zach is in the clear. I would imagine that if he misspoke, he will also be cleared out of his office in a day or two.

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