American war dead are "Losers and Suckers," per Trump

That’s an interesting spin on whom the idiots were. So Trump acknowledges a health risk while downplaying it in the public eye to ease panic concerns while actively isolating the hot regions from flight access to the US. And the Democrat leadership calls him a xenophobe for it. But they are the adults in the room 😂
Region.....he isolated ONE (1) Region. People were still flying in from Europe. Europe was a hot spot as well. But you get an A for overlooking the obvious.
That hurt your feelings didn’t it.

He was proactive and cut off travel which was correct. And your party idiot leadership screeched about it only because Orange Man Bad. Completely stupid.
So you are disregarding travel from Europe. The virus was already here....what did he do next. Explain it to me like I am in Kindergarten.
What information did we have at the time? We had China. And he acted and it was correct.

You get an F- for host deflecting.
so you are saying he did nothing other than limit travel from China. I mean any rational thinking adult would say, hey people travel everywhere. Why not stop people from traveling from Europe as well. I mean it is an airborne virus.
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Clearly I need to. What information did we have on the origin of the virus? What information did we have on Europe that he ignored?
I guess we didn't have any information. I mean they have government agencies that specialize in global pandemics. I guess no one could have guessed a virus would be immune to bad names and not infect non asian travelers.
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so you are saying he did nothing other than limit travel from China. I mean any rational thinking adult would say, hey people travel everywhere. Why not stop people from traveling from Europe as well. I mean it is an airborne virus.
Because at the time the actionable information said China.

So do you want to call Trump a xenophobe while you’re screeching a xenophobic agenda too? Hilarious.
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I guess we didn't have any information. I mean they have government agencies that specialize in global pandemics. I guess no one could have guessed a virus would be immune to bad names and not infect non asian travelers.
So you are screeching xenophobia while condemning Trump for being a xenophobe. LMFAO! 😂
I guess we didn't have any information. I mean they have government agencies that specialize in global pandemics. I guess no one could have guessed a virus would be immune to bad names and not infect non asian travelers.
See....your problem is thinking the govt agencies know all and have plans for all. Once you realize that is complete BS, you will sleep better and stop being led around by the nose.
That’s an interesting spin on whom the idiots were. So Trump acknowledges a health risk while downplaying it in the public eye to ease panic concerns while actively isolating the hot regions from flight access to the US. And the Democrat leadership calls him a xenophobe for it. But they are the adults in the room 😂
Astonishing isn't it
so you're telling me that you're not able to think a few steps ahead. Please don't procreate. For the sake of the world.
Imagine demanding more flight bans after crying xenophobia with one because hindsight is on your side. When the Europe ban occurred the media sought every "I'm stuck in wgaf country cuz orange man got me stuck"
So Pelosi will get removed too? And DeBlasio? And all the other democrats that downplayed it? Deal
Damn right if they knew as trump did how serious this virus was going to be and deliberately misguided the American people.
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